Monday, April 24, 2023

Remain Unshaken

“I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8 NIV

In an article posted yesterday reporting Sifan Hassan’s victory in the women’s division at the London Marathon Sunday, Hassan told reporters after the race, “There were so many dramas, so many dramas -- but it's beautiful." She went on to describe how her training and nutrition hadn’t been up to par and how she forgot to tape up her injured leg, causing her to lose precious time in the first part of the race. Incredibly though, Hassan appeared to shake off the pain it caused and even picked up her pace as she gained on the lead group. She had made up the lost ground by the closing stages, narrowly avoiding further disaster when she swerved towards a motorbike to collect her bottle from a drinks station. Apparently unshaken by the near miss, Hassan recovered and had enough energy to outsprint Ethiopia's Alemu Megertu and Kenya's Peres Jepchirchir, the Olympic marathon champion, in the shadow of Buckingham Palace, breaking the finish tape in two hours, 18 minutes, and 34 seconds.

And you know, when it comes to reaching the ultimate finish line despite the “dramas” that are sure to plague us along the way, we would do well to, like David, always keep our eyes on the Lord so that we will remain unshaken in every situation and have the confidence and courage to battle and overcome the obstacles in our way—obstacles that can cause us to drop out of if we forget that it’s not by our strength that these battles are won. David clearly understood this declaring with all boldness and conviction, “With him at my right hand I will not be shaken.” 

Thankfully the same God that was at David’s side is also at our side my friend. This means that nothing in this world should ever shake us up! Our God is bigger than any “dramas” this world can throw at us. So keep running the race until the end. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that there’s no battle too big for us to win when You are our Strength and our Defender. Lord cause us to be bolder than ever to declare Truth and fight evil, remaining unshaken no matter what comes against us. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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