Monday, April 20, 2020

We must submit

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." Romans 13:1 NLT

Boston Without the Marathon: Photos of an Eerie, Empty, Peaceful ...
ABC News reported yesterday that despite the pleas of local Massachusetts government officials, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and the Boston Athletic Association for runners to stay off the Boston Marathon course yesterday (on what was to be the 2020 running of the iconic race that was postponed due to COVID-19), at least one person ignored those pleas and started running the course in Hopkinton early Monday morning. When confronted after crossing the finish line in Boston 26.2 miles later, the lone runner attempted to justify his actions by saying, "There was no one in the race at all. It was a beautiful day for it. I still wanted to run it, and I was prepared, if I ran into any crowds or people, I was prepared to stop." Hmmm... would he have really stopped? And what would have happened if thousands of other runners had given in to the same thought? Thankfully they did not. 

And you know, not only was this man's decision to blatantly ignore the orders set forth by "governing authorities" foolish, it was sinful. You see, the Bible is clear that you and I are to "submit" to "those in positions of authority" because "they have been placed there by God." That means, inasmuch as that authority is not contradicting God's explicit Word, we are to obey the laws, decrees and rules set forth by those in command. Doing otherwise will not only threaten our witness and bring harm to others but will leave us to face the consequences of our actions.

So while I completely understand the frustration that many people, including you and me, are feeling right now, disobeying those in authority is not an option my friends. After all, while you and I may not be citizens of this world, we are ambassadors for Christ and must act accordingly if we are to lead others to Him while we are passing through. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for your Word that instructs us on how we are to live. Give us a hunger to not only read it Lord but to live it out so that we might win others to the foot of the Cross by doing so. Help us to live for You each and every day. It's in your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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