Monday, September 23, 2019

God can change anyone

"Brothers and sisters, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved." Romans 10:1 NIV

Image result for person surrendering to jesus pic
"So this just happened," my friend, Rob, messaged me earlier this week. "I was praying with my bro Scott via phone via Bluetooth out in front of Walmart. Passionate travailing. Soon I was surrounded by three Walmart security employees." After laughing, I asked him what happened next to which he said, "Apparently some customers didn't recognize what I was doing. With my headphones on and my phone in my pocket, and my passionate loudness and robust beard, I looked like a possible threat." And after explaining to security that he was not crazy or a threat but merely a man who was passionate about the Lord and praying, he said they let him go. Hearing this story though, would you believe that Rob only recently began a life of prayer and says that from 2008-2018 he was running away from God, ever spiraling down a road of addiction? But as Rob’s story shows, when he surrendered to the Lord, his life completely changed and Rob has never been the same.

And you know, Rob would totally agree with me in saying that if God can change him, He can change anyone—something the Bible gives examples of time and again. Consider Paul (formerly Saul). He was a man who was also running away from Jesus, persecuting followers of the Way to their death, arresting and throwing both men and women into prison. But from the moment Paul surrendered his life to the Lord, he was never the same. In fact, Paul was so changed that his new "heart's desire" became seeing the Israelites saved —spending the rest of his life not only in passionate prayer for the people he once sought to kill to but praying for the Gentiles to receive Jesus’ gift of eternal life as well. 

So if you're still thinking that God couldn't possibly use you or redeem your life, think again my friend. God can and will use anyone that stops running and surrenders their life to Him, regardless of their past. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God of forgiveness and a God who can take even the worst of sinners and clean them up to be used in ways that demonstrate your grace, mercy and divine plan. Lord, if there's anyone reading this that has not surrendered their life to You, I pray today would be the day they say, "Lord, I give you my life... all of it. Take it and use it for Your glory." It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!! 

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