Monday, September 2, 2019

Attempt the impossible

"The LORD said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength." Judges 7:2 NLT

Image result for runner on top of mountain pic
As I was wandering through the grocery store three weeks ago, I received a message from a friend that read, "There's only one slot left for the 50 mile at the Katy 50/50." "Hmmm....why would I sign up for that?" I said to myself as I continued pushing my cart. "I'm just coming off an injury and not ready for that distance right now." And then I felt it... a nudge from the Holy Spirit prompting me to register for the race right then and there. "Oh Lord," I said silently. "I'm not ready for that yet (as if He didn't already know)." "You can be," I felt the Spirit say. "Will you trust me?" "Yes Lord I will," I said as I took out my phone and signed up while standing smack dab in the middle of the produce department. "Wow," I then thought shaking my head as I picked out some avocados. "I can't wait to see how God gets me through this one." 

And if you think that sounds crazy, consider this. Many times, as I've experienced in my own life, God will stack the odds against us only to enable us to do the impossible so others will see it and give Him the glory - something Gideon came to find out. You see, Gideon was called to defeat the Midianites, a feat that was totally possible with the 30,000 soldiers Gideon had under his command. So the Lord said, "You have too many warriors..." and then, through a series of events, decreased the fighting force to just 300. But guess what? Gideon and his small army defeated the mighty and numerous Midianites and everyone knew it was by God's strength and His strength alone. 

So if you're facing impossible odds today my friend, hold on, have faith and keep pressing on. It could just be that God is calling you to be that warrior who isn't afraid to attempt the impossible so that others will know it was by His strength that it was done.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that nothing is impossible with You and that you can use broken people to accomplish great things. Help us all to be willing to step up to the start line of impossible things that Your glory might be made known through us. Oh Lord, remind us that with Your strength, we can do anything you call us to. To You be all the glory, praise and honor. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.  

Happy Running!!!

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