Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Avoid Comparisons

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10 NIV

Image result for runners looking at watches pic
In the world of running, it's hard not to compare ourselves to others isn't it? I mean, the moment you and I cross the finish line of any race, our names are forever linked to the place and time in which we finished. Knowing that, I love how Jane McGuire responded to the question, "What is a ‘good’ half marathon time?" by writing, "Of course, there's no such thing as a 'good' time - every race is a personal achievement and every runner should have different goals on the start line..." In other words, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others - a 'good' race is one in which you and I achieve the goal we personally set for ourselves. 

And you know, runners aren't the only people who compare themselves to others. Christians can also be caught up in measuring their worth by comparing the gifts God has given them to serve with someone else's. For instance, one person might consider their ability to serve in the nursery small compared to another person's ability to teach a large Bible study group. But you know what? You and I were uniquely and individually created "in advance" to do "good works" as unique as the way we were created. That means, we are each designed to do different things for the Kingdom... and every job matters. 

So knowing we are "God's handiwork," perfectly and uniquely crafted by our Creator to fulfill a specific purpose, may you and I serve joyfully wherever God has placed us without comparing our 'good' works or gifts with those of others. After all, God looks at how well we have used the things He has given us rather than how big our accomplishments are in the eyes of the world. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that each one of us has been "prepared in advance" to serve you in our own unique way. Help us to set our goals based on that knowledge Lord and to serve you to the absolute best of our ability exactly as You have called us to serve. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!

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