Tuesday, August 13, 2019

There will always be those who plot evil

"Deceit fills hearts that are plotting evil; joy fills hearts that are planning peace!" Proverbs 12:20 NLT

Image result for computer hacker pic
Did you know that, according to McAfee (one of the largest Antivirus Software providers), 22% of internet users reported having their online accounts hacked at least once, while 14% reported being hacked more than once. In fact, earlier this year Facebook itself got hacked, exposing the identity information of more than 50 million users. So when several of my Facebook (and real life) running friends reported their frustration after getting hacked over the weekend, I was angered but not shocked and couldn't help but comment, "These people really need to take up running so they wouldn't have the time and energy to do stuff like this." 

And you know, each one of us has the same amount of time every day--time we can spend doing good or doing bad, "plotting evil" or "planning peace." And even though the reward for "planning peace" is a heart filled with joy, many people will still choose to spend their days looking for ways to harm others. It's just a fact. But you know what's also a fact? As hard as it may be, especially when we are the ones who have been victimized or abused by deceit, you and I are called to pray for those people who have made it their mission to hurt us.

So if you've been hacked, harmed or mistreated in any way recently, won't you choose to pray for the person or persons responsible? Because, even though we might never know this side of Heaven whether our prayers changed their hearts, we can smile knowing we followed the example of Jesus who blessed those who cursed Him and prayed for those who mistreated Him. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that there will always be evil in this world and people who plot to harm us. Help us to see these people as You see them Lord so that our hearts would want to see them saved. May we be people who fervently pray for the salvation of the lost no matter how they might have wronged us. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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