Sunday, August 25, 2019

Give your all out effort

"'Bring together all the Jews in Susa and tell them to go without eating for my sake! Don't eat or drink for three days and nights. My servant girls and I will do the same. Then I will go in to see the king, even if it means I must die." Esther 4:16 CEV

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In a recent article published by Runner's World Magazine, renowned running coach Hal Higdon said, "If you never run all-out, you’re missing something." He then went on to explain why. "Working at top speed," he said, "can help any runner shave a few seconds to a few minutes off race times. Plus, all-out running taxes your body in different ways than other types of running... that means you’ll be able to go faster throughout an entire race or workout, not just at the end." Wow! Sounds like going all-out in our running is worth the effort doesn't it? 

And do you know what else is worth our effort? Going all-out for the Lord. That means serving Him with our full allegiance, determination and enthusiasm - holding nothing back as we live each and every day with an undeterred, resolute, and single-minded focus to follow His calling. Esther was a woman who truly knew the meaning of what it meant to do this very thing. You see, Esther was willing to do whatever it took to follow God’s calling to save her fellow Jews from destruction at the hands of Haman, and she was ready, eager and prepared to fulfill that calling, even if it meant she might die. 

And this is the same attitude you and I must have if we are to live all-out as well my friend. And you and I will know it was worth the effort when we one day hear the words every faithful follower longs to hear... “Well done good and faithful servant.”  

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that serving You with all we have means being ready to give up all we have. Lord, instill in us a passion so great to do the specific things You have called each one of us to do that we would burn inside with an uncontrollable need to see those things come to pass. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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