Sunday, August 11, 2019

Look for opportunities

I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77:12 ESV

With a goal of getting in a minimum of 20,000 steps every day, I am always looking for opportunities to move. And even though I was able to run seven miles by waking up super early before my family and I headed out for the 1100 mile non-stop journey home from visiting my in-laws Sunday, I still fell short of the goal. But you know what? By finding ways to get in a few steps here and there along the way, like taking a walk while my husband and daughter waited for their fast food and walking circles around the parking lot while my husband pumped gas, I got in my steps. It just goes to show that small steps can really add up. 

And you know, while fitting in a set amount of exercise is always a great goal, there’s a bigger goal you and I should have... growing closer to the Lord. And the best way we can do that is by reading the Word. And not just reading it but pondering and meditating - or carefully considering, contemplating, and ruminating - on it.. That means always looking for opportunities to study it. Short on time? Consider taking little steps like reading a single scripture or chapter and giving thought to its’ meaning here and there throughout your day, speaking it out loud when you can as you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal its’ meaning and how it applies to your life. I think you’ll find by doing this that small steps really do add up. 

So when life disrupts your routine or seemingly leaves you short on time, don’t give up in your pursuit to grow closer to the Lord my friend. Meditate on His precepts as often you can and you’ll soon gain that intimate relationship with Christ your soul has been craving.  

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that Scripture is not something to be merely read but carefully considered each and every day. Help us to look for opportunities throughout to not only peruse the pages of the Bible but to tenaciously search for the meaning of the words within them. It’s in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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