Friday, December 6, 2024

It Takes Determination

“Afterward Moses and Aaron went and said to Pharaoh, “Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, ‘Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.’” Exodus 5:1 ESV

In a story shared by KY3 News yesterday, it was reported that a Texas runner is celebrating an accomplishment that may sound impossible: at age 71, he completed seven marathons on seven continents over the course of a single week. Mike Rogers, a 71-year-old man with the USA FIT Lubbock run club, now has a medal to celebrate completing the Great World Race in November. The seven-day race consists of seven marathons on all seven continents. It began in Wolf’s Fang, Antartica, on a glacier in below freezing temperatures, KCBD reports. “They all think I’m crazy. My friends, my family, my church, everyone thinks I’m insane,” Rogers said. “Maybe I am.” The adventure of a lifetime took Rogers to Cape Town, South Africa; Perth, Australia and Istanbul, Turkey, where he ran 26 miles through the middle of the night in freezing rain. “So, I got some blisters after that and some black toenails, but that’s OK. I had a good time,” he said. In some pain and with little to no sleep, the 71-year-old ran a half marathon in the Asian part of Istanbul, followed by another half marathon in 100-degree weather in Cartagena, Columbia. He then flew home to the United States for his final marathon in Miami... Rogers says he ran about 15 to 20 miles a day, four to five times a week to prepare for the race. While it’s definitely a challenge, he says in time, anyone could do it. "Everyone can do this. It just takes a little bit of determination," he said.

And, you know, when it comes to the determination needed for each one of us to fulfill our individual calling, we would all do well to follow the example of Moses who was so determined to lead the Israelite slaves out of Egypt and into the promised land that he wasn’t afraid to confront Pharaoh (at the age of 80 I might add) who was a very evil and stubborn ruler, to deliver the message, “Let my people go...” In fact, Moses was so determined that he repeatedly called upon God to help him when Pharaoh refused and each time (ten in total!) God helped Moses by sending a plague. Even after Pharaoh finally let God’s people go, he changed his mind and sent his chariots and charioteers after them. What did Moses do? He called upon God again, and God allowed Moses to part the Red Sea. Moses met many more challenges along the way, but continued to press on until the Israelites reached the promised land, although it was Joshua who finally led them in. 

So, knowing that it takes firmness of purpose to remain steadfast on the mission the Lord has given you (especially one that seems impossible), don’t take your eyes off God for even one moment my friend because He is where your help comes from  The road won’t always be easy and you might fall a time or two, but remain determined to reach the promised land and grab hold of the prize awaiting you. You might be called crazy for doing so but that’s okay!

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that everyone who wants to make it to the final finish line can by putting their faith in You. Give us the determination to keep going despite the setbacks we might incur and to keep pressing on until we hear the words “Well done, good and faithful servant.” It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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