Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Take Movement Breaks for Strength

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22 NIV

In a story titled “The benefits of running just 10 minutes a day” published earlier this week, the writer explained how even a quick, casual jog can boost both your mood, your fitness, your lifespan and more. Research shows that running even five to 10 minutes per day at slow speeds reduces all-cause mortality, as well as death from cardiovascular disease,’ says exercise physiologist and runner Lindsay Ludlow. This is supported by the Copenhagen City Heart Study, which followed more than 5,000 people. Here, researchers found that those who run at an easy to moderate pace, for a total of one to three hours every week, live longer than those who are sedentary – as well as those who run faster and more frequently… “If you’re training for a race and already running far more than 10 minutes on some days, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take those 10-minute easy run breaks,’ says Louise Valentine, author of The Art of Breaking Through. ‘We often see the ‘active couch potato’ complex, which means that you work out regularly, but when you’re not working out, you have long periods of inactivity. You need those movement breaks for your health.’

And, you know, when it comes to needed “movement breaks,” you and I would do well to remember that our spiritual health will benefit greatly from taking time throughout each day to move or cast our burdens and cares “on the Lord.” You see, our enemy (the devil) never rests from his mission of causing us to doubt the goodness and faithfulness of God—something he does by attacking our hearts and minds when we are weighed down by the stresses of life. He will do his best to cause us to ask questions like, “Does God know what I’m going through? Does God even care about me?” And of course the answer is… God knows and God cares. And He shows just how much He loves his children by beckoning them to lay their worries and concerns at his feet so He can replace those troubles with his perfect peace which reminds them that God is always in control and God always works things for their good. 

So be sure to take “movement breaks” throughout the day my friend by casting your cares on the Lord “and he will sustain you.” This is one exercise you will never regret!

Heavenly Father, thank You for being our Burden Bearer and for reminding us that casting our cares on You is something that we must do daily or even hourly if we are to avoid the ploys of the enemy to bring us down. Help us to remember that the righteous will never be shaken or taken off course if they will keep their eyes on You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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