Monday, July 5, 2021

Keep your eyes on Christ

"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!" 1 Corinthians 10:12 NIV

In true ultra runner fashion, I spent the better part of my day yesterday doing one of the things I love the most... running with friends. And while many of the runners in our group were doing distances from 6 to 22 miles, my friends Rachel, Gretchen and I had our hearts set on completing a 50k at the Shawnee Mac Trail in Salem, MO. To say this trail was beautiful would be an understatement. It was so beautiful in fact that we struggled to keep ourselves from looking around rather than at the ground; something that was crucial if we were to avoid the many roots, ruts and rocks that littered the course and served as tripping hazards. And you can be sure that it only took a split second of not focusing, as Gretchen came to realize, to fall. With about seven miles to go into our 31 mile run Gretchen took a hard spill that left her hurting. But do you know what she did? She immediately got up, brushed it off, and kept going to finish the race, walking the last few miles when the pain became too intense to bear. 

And you know, the trail is not the only place where you and I should take care not to fall. We must do it each and every day in our Christian walk as well. In fact, we should never take our eyes off the promises of Christ to longingly look around at the pleasures of the world; not even for a brief moment. Paul clearly understood this and warned us against thinking that we can do both when he said, "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!'" He was clearly reminding us that no matter how much we believe we can withstand the temptation to sin, we will ultimately fall into it if we take our eyes off Him.

So keep your heart and eyes focused on Jesus at all times and with the utmost vigilance. It's the only way to ensure that you won't get tripped up by the temptations of the world. And if you have fallen from grace, take a cue from Gretchen my friend... get up, brush yourself off and vow to finish the race with all that you have knowing that Jesus welcomes every repentant sinner home. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons You teach us through the everyday things that happen in our lives. Lord, cause us to remember that sin will always trip us up, always cause us pain and will tempt us at the very moment we take our eyes off You and let our guard down. Lord, help us to stand firm that we might avoid the fleeting temptations of the world so that we might gain the eternal rewards in heaven. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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