Sunday, July 11, 2021

Test everything

“Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20 NLT

On July 2, Victory News Network tweeted, "4th place runner Rebecca Washington is set to replace Sha'Carri Richardson on the U.S. Olympic team. The Mormon athlete says she hopes to help inspire the nation's children to say "no" to drugs." The tweet also included this caption under the picture of Sha'Carri and Rebecca, "Sha'Carri Richardson's replacement says, 'this is all part of God's plan for me.'" The problem with the tweet that has now been shared thousands of times? It's totally false. The Tweet was posted by an account that notes in its bio that it's a parody account. Soon after the Richardson tweet blew up, the account tweeted "This is a parody account. We write funny fake news. If you see someone taking one of our made-up stories way too seriously, please let them know it's a joke." Verify researchers took it a step further and checked the Team USA Track and Field team roster, and no one named Rebecca Washington is on the team. We also did an image search for the photo of the runner on the right, and found that it's a doctored photo of 2016 Team USA Olympic runner Jenna Prandini. So we can verify that there is no Mormon, anti-drug 4th place runner replacing Richardson on Team USA. It was a parody post taken out of context.

And you know, in a day and age when false information is coming at us from all directions (thanks to social media- especially when it comes to what the Bible says is true and false), you and I would do well to verify and "test everything that is said" by people or self-proclaimed prophets that claim to know, properly preach and interpret the Word of God. And we do this by first recognizing that the Lord still speaks to and through His people today (therefore we should not "scoff at prophecies") and by then testing everything they say or believe by measuring it against God's Word, asking ourselves, "Do their beliefs and speech line up with Scripture?" You see, you and I are charged with detecting and calling out anyone or any teaching that is contrary to what the Bible holds to be true; and then we are commanded to reject every form of evil and "hold onto what is good."

So don't believe everything you see, hear, or read my friend. Do your due diligence. Fact-check anyone who claims to be preaching Truth to be sure it aligns with what the Bible says. And remember this... times may indeed change but what the Bible declares to be right and wrong never has and never will change. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the Holy Bible so that we would be able to discern what's right, good, and true. Lord, give us a discerning spirit and a heart focused on knowing the Truth so that we might seek and know You and not be led astray by the lies that seek to divide us. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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