Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Come home today

"For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate." Luke 15:24 NIV

In an article published by Runner's World yesterday, researchers who performed a study in the journal Frontiers of Medicine found that moderate and vigorous exercise decreased by 41 percent during the pandemic. The researchers went on to say that, because of the profoundly negative effects of sedentary behavior, they are calling the inactivity during that period a “pandemic within a pandemic.” That’s especially true since it brings pronounced decreases in mental wellbeing, the study’s lead author, Jan Wilke, Ph.D., researcher in the Department of Sports Medicine at Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany, reported. The focus now, they say, for those runners who might have backslidden and fallen out of their fitness routine is to simply get back at it. Carol Mack, D.P.T., C.S.C.S. made this suggestion, "Just focus on moving, and establishing a rhythm again. If you’ve been more sedentary, you’ll want to focus on creating the routine and making it a habit, and then you can start thinking about goals and progress.” In other words, if you've backslidden and fallen off the fitness wagon, there's still hope. Get up, quit making excuses, brush yourself off and get back to work. 

And you know, just as there's hope for the runner who has fallen back into old habits to be restored upon getting back to a healthy routine, there’s hope for the Christian who might have fallen back into old habits and the ways of the world. You see, just as the parable of the prodigal son illustrates, God's doesn't condemn the son or daughter who has strayed but patiently calls them back through the work of the Holy Spirit. And our Savior not only finds great joy in the return of a backslidden believer but counts it as a reason for everyone to celebrate! Is that awesome or what? 

So if you've fallen back into your old ways today my friend, don't waste another moment reveling in the sins of the world, the pleasures of which will only deceive you and make you feel worthless. Brush yourself off and come home to the Father. He will not only accept you back no matter what you've done, but will welcome you with open arms and even celebrate your return. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that You long to welcome back every repentant sinner. Lord, remind us how easy it is to backslide so that we would guard our hearts and minds from doing it by staying in the Word and surrounding ourselves with godly friends who will lift us up and hold us accountable. Father, for that backslidden believer who is feeling lost today, I pray that You would stir their hearts and give them an unquenchable longing to come home. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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