Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how we NEED challenges to make us better.
Okay... so we've all heard the saying, "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you" right? Well, I don't know about you but I could definitely use some change in my life. I've definitely gotten a little lax in my training and goals with no races on the calendar. And if that's you as well, it's time for a change which means it’s time for a challenge!!!

Let's start by talking about how the Principle of Progressive Resistance (PRT) works and how it can strengthen us physically and mentally. PRT is a style of strength training exercise that involves the utilization of resistance and something called the overload principle... Stevie Strong explains that by combining the overload principle and the load, or resistance, muscular strength and size are increased. In other words, challenging the muscles increases their strength! That's why we all NEED challenges to keep getting better and better; something that keeps us motivated as we see these changes occur and continue to set the bar higher and higher. And we not only need to challenge ourselves physically but intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally as well. We NEED challenges that stretch us, test us, and teach us how to get out of our comfort zones and thrive.

And while there are many ways we can challenge ourselves to take our running to a new level... like signing up for a distance we might think is impossible, shooting for a PR that's always been out of our reach or preparing ourselves to show up at the start line of a race that frightens us. Whatever it might be, overcoming those challenges will make us better people all around. Because as we all know, running is a metaphor for life. What we put in is what we get out. And what we get out spills over into every other area of our lives, without exception.

So I want to challenge you today to challenge yourself! To be the best that you can be both on the racecourse and off. And to inspire you to do that... here are ten rewards Gary Blair says you can expect to receive from meeting those challenge.
A Challenge Develops Mental Toughness
It’s actually pretty simple. You either rise to meet the mental demands and physical rigors of a challenge, or you succumb to them. And because victory begins in the mind, all challenges are initially won or lost between your ears.
The very nature of a challenge sets an appropriate stage for practicing mental toughness, which by definition means a psychological edge that enables one to remain focused and confident during high-pressure situations to perform at one’s full potential.
A Challenge Stands Down Fear
A challenge is unique in that it immediately engages the fight-or-flight mechanism, and you never know how you are going to react until you are faced with it.
Fear is never a reason for quitting. It’s only an excuse for those unwilling to face their doubts, insecurities, and mental boogie man. Therefore, your first duty in rising to meet a challenge is to conquer fear and the mental resistance it brings along with it. Get rid of it quickly, or get steamrolled by it.
A Challenge Inspires Courageous Acts
The conceptual opposite of courage is cowardice. We are therefore confronted with the reality that we either habitually practice courage, or we habitually practice cowardice. Courage is remarkable in that it takes on the form of every virtue at the testing point.
When courage is tested, it manifests itself in the form of character, initiative, self-control, and responsible behavior. When cowardice is tested, it presents itself in opposite forms that include bad character, procrastination, excuses, and blame.
A challenge is unique in that it immediately engages the fight-or-flight mechanism, and you never know how you are going to react until you are faced with it.
Fear is never a reason for quitting. It’s only an excuse for those unwilling to face their doubts, insecurities, and mental boogie man. Therefore, your first duty in rising to meet a challenge is to conquer fear and the mental resistance it brings along with it. Get rid of it quickly, or get steamrolled by it.
A Challenge Inspires Courageous Acts
The conceptual opposite of courage is cowardice. We are therefore confronted with the reality that we either habitually practice courage, or we habitually practice cowardice. Courage is remarkable in that it takes on the form of every virtue at the testing point.
When courage is tested, it manifests itself in the form of character, initiative, self-control, and responsible behavior. When cowardice is tested, it presents itself in opposite forms that include bad character, procrastination, excuses, and blame.
A Challenge Tests Your Limits
When you rise to meet a challenge, you will never be the same again. You either cope or crumble. You become better or bitter. You emerge stronger or weaker.
It has to be this way, as a challenge exists to tests your limits, to push you beyond the breaking point, and to separate you from the herd.
You’ll never know the full measure of your potential until you are tested.
When you rise to meet a challenge, you will never be the same again. You either cope or crumble. You become better or bitter. You emerge stronger or weaker.
It has to be this way, as a challenge exists to tests your limits, to push you beyond the breaking point, and to separate you from the herd.
You’ll never know the full measure of your potential until you are tested.
A Challenge Focuses Attention
A great challenge is like a great romance. It calls for your passion and your devotion, and it demands to be the center of your attention. Rising to meet a challenge is a form of seduction. It means concentrating your energy and resources on what’s most important: keeping the fire burning!
You do that by making everything count. Everything you think, say and do must be focused on goal acquisition and on leveraging all available resources.
A great challenge is like a great romance. It calls for your passion and your devotion, and it demands to be the center of your attention. Rising to meet a challenge is a form of seduction. It means concentrating your energy and resources on what’s most important: keeping the fire burning!
You do that by making everything count. Everything you think, say and do must be focused on goal acquisition and on leveraging all available resources.
A Challenge Builds Self-Confidence
Think of a challenge – any kind of challenging goal. Ask yourself, what role does self-confidence play in rising to meet that challenge? The fact is that no mountains can be climbed, no hearts won, no opportunities seized, no books written, no elections won, and no victories enjoyed without self-confidence.
Think of a challenge – any kind of challenging goal. Ask yourself, what role does self-confidence play in rising to meet that challenge? The fact is that no mountains can be climbed, no hearts won, no opportunities seized, no books written, no elections won, and no victories enjoyed without self-confidence.
A Challenge Matures Perspective
Few things in life are capable of radically altering your perspective, but developing the capacity to rise to a challenge not only impacts the size of your results, it transforms your mind and expands your worldview. It changes everything.
A challenge involves psychological trauma that induces fear, self-doubt, and insecurity, while simultaneously dislodging you from your comfort zone, ultimately bringing about a superior performance.
By rising to meet a challenge, you provide yourself with undeniable proof that you have what it takes.
This proof cements in your mind that you are the type of person capable of performing great acts, and that you really can do anything you set your mind to.
Few things in life are capable of radically altering your perspective, but developing the capacity to rise to a challenge not only impacts the size of your results, it transforms your mind and expands your worldview. It changes everything.
A challenge involves psychological trauma that induces fear, self-doubt, and insecurity, while simultaneously dislodging you from your comfort zone, ultimately bringing about a superior performance.
By rising to meet a challenge, you provide yourself with undeniable proof that you have what it takes.
This proof cements in your mind that you are the type of person capable of performing great acts, and that you really can do anything you set your mind to.
A Challenge Demands Superior Execution
A challenge has limited value if not overcome, and expecting to get better results from the same old behavior will only succeed in perpetuating your current situation. It will NOT get you to another level of performance.
Great companies, lives, and families are built around extraordinary execution skills. The better you execute, the better you perform and the bigger the challenges you can take on. It’s that simple.
A challenge has limited value if not overcome, and expecting to get better results from the same old behavior will only succeed in perpetuating your current situation. It will NOT get you to another level of performance.
Great companies, lives, and families are built around extraordinary execution skills. The better you execute, the better you perform and the bigger the challenges you can take on. It’s that simple.
A Challenge Calls for an Indomitable Spirit
It is irresponsible to take on a big challenge without the will, heart, and mindset to win it, as nothing can withstand the power of indomitable spirit.
In your efforts to rise to meet a challenge, you will be buffeted and pummeled. You will be criticized and opposed. You will be attacked and assaulted. You will struggle and fall. Your commitment will be relentlessly tested, and that is precisely why a challenge calls for an indomitable, unconquerable spirit.
It is irresponsible to take on a big challenge without the will, heart, and mindset to win it, as nothing can withstand the power of indomitable spirit.
In your efforts to rise to meet a challenge, you will be buffeted and pummeled. You will be criticized and opposed. You will be attacked and assaulted. You will struggle and fall. Your commitment will be relentlessly tested, and that is precisely why a challenge calls for an indomitable, unconquerable spirit.
A Challenge Empowers Freedom
Freedom isn’t free. It requires blood, sweat, and tears. But freedom is the ultimate prize for rising to meet the rigorous demands of a challenge.
In virtually every case, the decision to rise to meet a challenge boils down to the desire for greater freedom in one’s life. This includes Freedoms From and Freedoms To.
Freedoms From:
– The monkey on your back
– The shackles of debt
– The self-limiting beliefs
– The masses
– The comfort zone
– Fear
– The opinions of others
– Settling for less…
Freedoms To:
– Focus on projects you find important
– Think and dream without limits
– Set and control the agenda
– Say no without guilt
– Showcase your talents
– Be authentic
– Succeed or fail on your own terms…

And so on a final note... keep reminding yourself that big changes don't happen overnight but are the result of meeting challenge after challenge. The secret to success is never giving up. Babe Ruth said it this way, "You just can' beat the person who never gives up." May that person who never gives up be YOU!!! Be that overcomer who refuses to drop out in the pursuit of the finish line. 😊
Happy Running!!!
Philippians 1:6
Overcomer - Mandisa

Freedom isn’t free. It requires blood, sweat, and tears. But freedom is the ultimate prize for rising to meet the rigorous demands of a challenge.
In virtually every case, the decision to rise to meet a challenge boils down to the desire for greater freedom in one’s life. This includes Freedoms From and Freedoms To.
Freedoms From:
– The monkey on your back
– The shackles of debt
– The self-limiting beliefs
– The masses
– The comfort zone
– Fear
– The opinions of others
– Settling for less…
Freedoms To:
– Focus on projects you find important
– Think and dream without limits
– Set and control the agenda
– Say no without guilt
– Showcase your talents
– Be authentic
– Succeed or fail on your own terms…
To enjoy these freedoms requires that you rise to the challenges life presents and pay the required price in full, in advance, and without complaint.
So if you've let COVID-19 or anything else rob you of your joy or steal your motivation recently, say this with me... "Today is a new day that comes with new challenges. I will no longer cower from facing these challenges but will face them head on with renewed vision and determination. I will continue to challenge myself every day from this day forward, never stopping in my pursuit of greatness, so I can be the best that I can be."
Allright... now go and tackle that challenge!!!
Happy Running!!!
Philippians 1:6
Overcomer - Mandisa
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