Sunday, March 22, 2020

God intends it for good

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20 NIV

Image result for people praying coronavirus pic

Upon hearing the news that her beloved dog had cancer over the weekend my 14-year-old daughter, Hope, was visibly upset. Not only had her life (and the lives of everyone else) been turned upside down by the coronavirus, her faithful companion, Pookie, who had been with her since we had rescued him more than a decade ago and was making it easier for her to be homebound, was dying. "Why Mom? Why now???" She pleaded with me trying as hard as she could to fight back tears. "I don't know honey," I replied struggling to hold back tears myself. "But I do know this. There couldn't have been a better time for him to get sick. As bad as this coronavirus is, it will allow you to stay home and comfort him for however many days he has left and to be with him when he passes."

And while I know that may bring little consolation to Hope now, I pray that one day she will look back and smile at the way God brought good out of a bad situation. Just as I pray that every believer, especially those who come to know Jesus because of this virus, will. But that's what God does! He takes those things the enemy intends to harm us with and uses them "for good." I mean just look around at all the good that is happening already! Families are growing closer. People are slowing down to appreciate life. God's body of believers is becoming more united and the lost are being saved. 

So if this time of confusion and chaos has you feeling anxious, take heart my friend. Although you may not see it now, He is working this situation out for our good and for His glory... something "God intended" to do long before you and I were ever born. He knows what He is doing. Trust Him. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that Your ways are not our ways and that You are the master at bringing beauty from ashes. Help us to trust You during this time Lord knowing that the battle belongs to You and You WILL be victorious over the enemy. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus.  Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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