Tuesday, January 7, 2020

We are stewards of these temples

"You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honor God." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 CEV

Image result for runner eating good food pic

As I was going through my normal weekend routine Sunday evening - which includes food preparation for the week along with packing clothes to change into after running early and then showering at work before heading to my desk (I love my job!) -  I said to my daughter, Hope, "It seems like all I ever do is prep! It would be so much easier to just skip my workouts and eat processed food." "Yes," she replied laughing at me, "but you and I both know you shouldn't and wouldn't do that Mom." Now smiling, I answered, "Thanks honey. You're right. I needed that reminder." 

And do you know why you and I should never forgo taking care of ourselves by regularly exercising and taking the time to prepare and eat healthy, whole and nutritious foods? Because our bodies are no longer our own but belong to God. This means that you and I are merely stewards of these temples "where the Holy Spirit lives." And if a good steward is someone who is entrusted to look after and manage another person's property to the best of their ability, you and I should take very seriously the position of steward the Lord has placed upon us for managing His property that was purchased at "a great price." 

So if you think the extra effort to get fit and stay fit isn't worth it my friend, think again. Not only will you and I "honor God" by treating our bodies as they were intended to be treated but will feel better, decrease our chances of disease and illness, and be better equipped and able to serve others both now and in the future to the greatest degree by doing so. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for paying the greatest price that could ever be paid to free us from our sins and give us new life. Cause us to remember that we belong to You and our bodies are not our own Lord that we would treat them with the respect due of a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. May our doing so not only bring you the honor you are due but allow us to serve You better all the days of our lives. It's in your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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