Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Heed the warnings

“So the LORD God banished them from the Garden of Eden, and he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made.“ Genesis 3:23 NLT

“Not again,” I groaned to myself upon waking up early to run before work yesterday morning and looking out the window. The roads were blanketed with the snow that was still coming down forcing all the local schools to issue cancellation warnings... again. So as much as I wanted to hit the trail, I heeded the prompting of the Holy Spirit I was clearly hearing instead and settled in for some much-needed cross training and yoga stretches. And you know, later when the reports flooded in of just how slippery the roads and sidewalks were (with a layer of ice hidden underneath the snow), I was extremely grateful that I hadn’t disobeyed Him, fully realizing how dire the outcome might have been. 

And you know, there are consequences to every one of our actions. Consider Adam and Eve. They literally had everything they could ever ask for - an intimate walk with God where they could fellowship with Him personally, no sadness or sickness, and a garden that supplied all their needs - but they chose to go against the Lord's command to refrain from eating from the tree of life and were subsequently left to suffer the consequences for their disobedience when “God banished them from the Garden of Eden.” And just as every sin you and I commit affects those around us, sometimes for years and generations to come, theirs' affected each and everyone of us for all eternity.

So let us strive to follow the Lord’s every command my friend, knowing there will always be negative consequences for doing otherwise - consequences that can be long lasting for which we will only have ourselves to blame. Knowing that, aren’t you glad we serve a God who not only forgives us when we repent but loves us in spite of our shortcomings? I sure am. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that Your laws and the Spirit’s promptings are given to keep us safe and walking in Your will. Help us to be obedient to them that we might not experience the pain and separation from You that always comes as a result of doing otherwise. Thank You for forgiving us when we are disobedient Lord and loving us when we don't deserve it. In Your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

You love me anyway - Sidewalk Prophets

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