Thursday, December 26, 2019

The power of Teamwork

"Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." Proverbs 15:22 CSB

Image result for running group pics

When Allison Goldstein, 33, started running in 2008, she never dreamed she'd be able to whittle her marathon time down to 2:50. But after doing so twice, Allison made it her aspiration to run a sub 2:45 marathon to qualify for the Olympic Trials. In her ten years of running though, Alison said, "I’d learned a lot of lessons, but one of the most important was that I run better with others. Not necessarily faster—although yes, sometimes faster—but “better” in that I try harder and give up less often." So after assembling a group of three other women to help her train, Goldstein embarked on her mission and was able to finish the Philadelphia Marathon recently in 2:44:11 - a time that even five years ago, she said, she never would have dreamed possible. "But that’s the power of teamwork for you."

And you know, teamwork, or the combined action of a group of people, was as crucial to Goldstein's success as it is to ours'. You see, when you and I enlist the assistance of like-minded individuals to help us achieve our goals, "they succeed." But when "there is no counsel,” our plans fail. Why? Because wise "counsel" serves to not only encourage us to press in and press on but serves to give us new ideas on how things can be done and to help us to then do those things. And by choosing good and godly "advisers" you can be sure that we will not stray from God's path along the way.

So if you want to become a "better" runner, join a running group. Chances are you'll have fun and get a little faster too. But if you want to become a "better" christian, growing in knowledge and faith, find a friend who will spur you on or a small group to be a part of. You'll find there's definitely power in teamwork my friend. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we were created to be part of a team and to work together to advance the Kingdom. If we are not part of a small group of believers, help us to seek and find one that will help us to make "better" choices and inspire us to be all that You have designed us to be. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

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