Thursday, December 19, 2019

Celebrate the Light

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46 NIV

Having been banished to the elliptical for several days due to the snow storm that had left a thick covering of ice over our region, I was excited to get out early yesterday morning for a run. “Oh my,” I soon found myself saying regretfully as I ventured off the highway shoulder to run on the gravel road nearest my home. “It’s hard enough navigating my way in the darkness. But these ice patches and wind chill are really going to be bad.” And then, fully trusting that the sun would soon rise, I pressed in and pressed on for what I knew would be a much slower and more difficult run than usual - praising the Lord for the light I was confident would soon overcome the darkness and illuminate my path.

And you know, while I absolutely love running in the predawn hours, I’ll admit that the darkness of winter mornings can cause me to feel a bit of distress and depression, especially as the season wears on. Which is why I can so completely understand the joy people must have felt when the Savior said, “I have come into the world as a light.” And not just a light but the Light. The Light that would finally lift the blanket of darkness caused by sin and death the people were under once and for all. You see, Jesus came to this world as flesh to die a death on a sinners cross, “so that no one who believes” in Him “should stay in darkness.”

So this Christmas, may we all smile as we take in the lights of the season and express our gratefulness for a Savior that came to be the Light of the world so that you and I could have eternal life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for releasing us from the chains of darkness through your birth as a man and death as a sinner, although you created no sin. Help us to fathom how immense Jesus’ sacrifice was Lord that we would celebrate the true meaning of Christmas this year and every year with hearts full of joy and thankfulness.

Happy Running!!!

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