Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Its all temporary

"For my days vanish like smoke; my bones burn like glowing embers." Psalm 102:3

James Chandler, 35, was registered and ready to run the Chicago Marathon that took place last weekend. The only problem was, as a Soldier in the United States Army, James had been given orders to deploy to Afghanistan in May and arrived there a little over a month ago. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to run for his favorite charity Camp One Step which he had done since 2014, Chandler arranged to run the 26.2 mile race at his camp, finishing in a time of 4:10:07. And while James received none of the standard fanfare, he was glad to do it saying, "Thinking about where I am and my situation, it’s temporary. But thinking about the different kids I’ve worked with at camp who have these life-altering courses they don’t always get to go home after, it’s just a reminder that life is good. An opportunity to help support them is important to me because I know what it means to those kids."

And you know, James is right. Wherever you and I happen to be right now and whatever situation we might find ourselves in, whether it be good or bad, it is all temporary. In fact, the psalmist clearly understood how temporary, short and fleeting life was that he wrote, "my days vanish like smoke." And since our days will quickly vanish and pass away, we would all do well to make the most of each one of them by using every opportunity we have to help others and to make God known among the nations. 

So if God is calling you to do something today, don't put it off and don't make excuses for why it can't be done my friend. You and I only have one chance to make this life count and to make a difference in the lives of others. So let's do it. Let's live it well. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the much needed reminder that life is very short and we should strive to live it the best we can, giving all we have in service to You. Give us a passion to serve others where we are Lord and to reach out to the lost. Most of all Lord, help us to be obedient to do those things You have called us to without hesitation. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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