Wednesday, January 23, 2019

He provides the strength

"The LORD gives his people strength. The LORD blesses them with peace." Psalm 29:11 NLT

Image result for running in wind and rain pic
Just as predicted, the wind gusts picked up quickly and the temperature dropped even more quickly nearing the middle of my run Saturday morning. Knowing that I needed to complete it as part of training for an upcoming ultra though, I put on my game face and pressed on. And when the wind was at my back, I thanked the Lord for the extra "push" it gave me, even as I struggled to stay upright. And when I made the turnaround and the wind was at my front, the blowing wind and sleet pelting my eyes and making me fight to propel forward, I thanked the Lord again that, although He hadn't chosen to taken away the storm, He was providing the strength to get through it. 

And you know, you and I were never guaranteed a life free from sorrows, tests, or trials. In a world tainted by sin, there's just no escaping the storms of life. But while God, for reasons we won't know this side of heaven, might not heal our afflictions or deliver us from our painful circumstances, He will always give us the strength to endure them. David clearly understood this when he wrote the words that have brought comfort to generations of believers, "The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace." 

And I hope that promise brings you comfort too my friend. Because no matter what you might be going through today or how it may appear, God loves you and He loves me. And He has promised to give "his people," those that have accepted Him as Lord and Savior, the strength to endure hardships and the peace to know it's going to be okay. Now doesn't that bring a smile to your face?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that if we have placed our faith and trust in You, we are never alone when we face the storms of life. Father, if there is anyone reading this today that is hurting and feeling alone, I pray that today is the day they choose to accept you as Lord of their life that they might have the strength and peace that only You can provide. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

He is with us - Love and the Outcome

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