Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The signs are everywhere

"You fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don't know how to interpret the present times." Luke 12:56

Image result for funny marathon signsIn a Runner's World article recently published, Jacob Mescheke wrote, "Witty signs can be motivational and inspirational, target one runner or many, and draw their creation from every topic imaginable. But by far, the best ones are those that make you smile, which science has shown can improve your running when you need it the most." And some of the best sign slogans they found? Be the runner your dog thinks you are. You smell really fast. Worst Parade Ever and one with the thought every runner has from time to time, Why?.

And when it comes to signs, did you know that for most of recorded history the world's principal occupation was farming? And unlike in today's age, where science and technology can semi-accurately predict the weather, the farmer had to be skilled at interpreting nature's signs to predict the weather that was to come. The people of Jesus' time then understood why Jesus called them fools for not knowing, "how to interpret the present times,” or things to come. You see, Christ was preaching the message of repentance because the Kingdom of Heaven was near. The signs were all around and yet the people intentionally ignored them.

Our generation is not much different though is it? The signs that Jesus is returning soon are all around us and yet people still intentionally choose to ignore them. And by doing so, choose to forfeit the eternal salvation Christ offers all who believe. Are you one of them today my friend? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that the signs of your return are everywhere. And while it may not be in our lifetime, we have an obligation to sound the alarm and to tell others that hell is a real place, a place where a person will spend eternity if they ignore the signs and don't choose to follow You. Help us to be bold, yet loving, and patient and kind as we reach out to the lost and compel them to come to the table. It's in you're precious name we pray Jesus. 

Happy Running!!!

Come to the table - Sidewalk Prophets

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