Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It takes hard work

"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." Proverbs 14:23

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Just recently, my friend Darrell updated his Facebook status by saying, "This time last year, I was thinking how I should get in better health and fitness." Having only met him in October and knowing that his current fitness level allowed him to easily run 7-8 miles at a time, I was curious what had motivated his new-found fitness. To my question, he said, "I was 50 pounds overweight and started having health issues. In mid-July I started walking. In mid August, I could run one mile. On September first, I started a running log and in October ran a 5k" where he, by a divine appointment, met a runner who got him involved in a running group that encouraged him and held him accountable. He recently turned 66, is training for a half marathon in October, and has a lifetime dream of running a half marathon in Jerusalem.

And you know, throughout my years of running and coaching, I have learned that people who simply talk about how they would like to be fit but aren't willing to put forth the effort to do so never get fit. Solomon certainly understood this saying, "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." You see, he knew that to see benefits or reap rewards in anything, whether it be for spiritual, physical or monetary gains, required effort. And that a person who settled for merely talking about it would never experience success or see "a profit."

Perhaps you're where Darrell was a year ago and contemplating making a change for the better in your life? Maybe it's beginning a fitness plan? Or maybe it's advancing in your career or serving more in your church? Whatever it is, don't just talk about it my friend. Make today the day you do something about it.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that words don't produce results and that life, no matter how many years we live, is really short. Help us to act upon the things we know we should do today and "work hard" to do them, giving all the glory to You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Live life loud - Hawk Nelson

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