Tuesday, April 3, 2018

There is hope

"We have this hope as an anchor for our lives. It is safe and sure, and goes through the curtain of the heavenly temple into the inner sanctuary. " Hebrews 6:19 GNT

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Conrad Roy Jr., who is currently training for his first Boston Marathon, began running after his son killed himself in 2014 as a way to work through the pain. Not only is Conrad running to raise money and awareness for suicide prevention though, he's doing it to spread a message of hope, saying, "You can always push through it; no matter how bad you’re feeling, there’s people that care, there’s people who want to talk to you, there’s people that want you alive and it’s never the answer to end a life. You have to get through it and I recommend running. Just get out there, get some exercise meet some people."

Unfortunately, this father is not alone in his grief. Thousands of people lose children and other loved ones to suicide every year. But why? Could it be that our world has lost all hope? And I don't mean hope as the world defines it - as the desire for a certain thing to happen, yet not having any certainty that it will. No. Christian hope is this... the confident and certain trust that what God promised would happen will happen. You see, it’s "this hope" that is an "anchor for our lives." And it’s “this hope” that tells us that we are "safe and secure", even in the midst of the darkest storm, because God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Did you get that? The Creator of the Universe has vowed that, no matter what troubles or trials we are facing right now, He will be with us. 

So may you and I vow to look away from the circumstances that confront us and instead look towards, and put our trust and hope in, the One who promises to keep us firm and fixed through all the uncertainties of this life. This is the hope that the world needs! Won't you share that Good News with someone today?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the hope that you give to every believer. Because You are the same - yesterday, today and forever - we can know that your promises are true. We can know that You love us, that you're with us, that you're working all things for our good, that the storms will pass, and that one day we will spend eternity with You. May that give us the hope we need to get through the tough times in this life. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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