Monday, August 14, 2017

Protect your mind

"More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it." Proverbs 4:23 CEB

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"Protect yourself from harmful UV rays, as well as sweat, rain, and whatever else tries to break your stride." Those recent words of advice from Runner's World were followed by some great reasons all runners should wear a hat while enjoying their favorite sport. Not only can the proper headgear help keep the rain, sun and wind out of our eyes but also help to keep sweat from dripping down and impairing our vision. If you've ever had your eyes stung by perspiration, you know it's one thing that can stop you in your tracks. 

And when it comes to protecting ourselves from things that hurt us, the Bible says, " More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it." You see, the battle to avoid sin always starts in the mind. It begins with a thought and then, if our minds aren't protected, becomes an action. And our actions, good or bad, always affect our lives and those around us. So how do we protect our mind then? By having a 'running' conversation with the Lord, talking with Him at all times through constant prayer, meditation and times of devotion. It's this close relationship that will cause us to know when something's just not right and to pray on it before acting on it. 

So today, would you say that your mind is protected? Are you walking so closely with the Holy Spirit that you can recognize those thoughts, that if acted upon, have the power to stop you in your tracks? If the answer is no or maybe, I would highly recommend that you spend time in the Word and in prayer until you know, without a doubt, that your mind is protected. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that clearly tells us that we are susceptible to sin the very second we take our eyes off you. May we pray constantly, talking with You at all times and be ready to discard any thought that would threaten to cause us to sin. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

I need thee every hour - Jars of Clay

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