Sunday, February 26, 2017

Equipped for comfort

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 2 Corinthians 1:4

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It's long been said that running is a sport anyone can do because the only equipment really needed is a pair of shoes. Tell that to Liam Purdy though, an American University junior who, in the middle of the Patriot League 800-meter championship run last Saturday, lost a shoe but continued running. Despite this snafu, Purdy pressed on to not only win the race but set a Personal Record with a time of 1:53:25. It was reported that, only after the race was finished, Liam noticed that he had burned off a two-inch patch of skin on the bottom of his foot. Ouch.

You know, when speaking of equipment, God knows exactly what you and I will need to fulfill our purpose or run the race, often times using the pain from events and life-circumstances to prepare us. And while it may not sound pleasant, fair or just, it's only because of these times of trouble that He has the opportunity to show us his comfort... the "same comfort" that we in turn can, and are called, to show to others.

So believe it or not, you and I should actually embrace those little snafus, messes or times of suffering that we go through. After all, not only do we get to experience the supernatural consolation of God himself, we can be assured that these difficulties will equip us to encourage, support and reassure someone else one day. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to look at discomfort and pain in a different way. Help us to accept those unpleasant things we experience as learning experiences and opportunities to feel your amazing presence that we might one day share that comfort with someone else who is hurting. After all, we can't tell someone that we know how they feel and empathize with them unless we truly do. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

The words I would say - Sidewalk Prophets

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