Saturday, June 28, 2014

To God alone be the glory

To God alone be the glory

"Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1

In the sports arena where success is linked to what a person can do (not how they live their life)  and their talents, it's easy for successful athletes to lose sight of Christ, the reason behind their triumphs, and accept the praises of man.   Psalm 139:6 though reminds us that, "Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."  Who we are and the abilities we are given are from God alone.   If we are not using them to glorify Him, they mean nothing. How inspiring it was to read this story yesterday of a Christian athlete sharing his testimony:

United States men’s soccer captain Clint Dempsey is making headlines as he leads the U.S. team in the World Cup. While his talents on the pitch are capturing the hearts of Americans and the attention of the world, so is his Christian faith.

Dempsey, a native of Nacogdoches, Texas, openly discusses his faith and credits the sport he loves with helping him sustain his Christian views.

“Little did I know that the sport I loved and the skills I learned would later play a role in my relationship with God,” he told Sports Spectrum last month.

Growing up in a Catholic family, Dempsey went to church every Sunday with his grandmother. But at 12 years old, he endured a tragic event that caused his worldview to change.

“My sister [Jennifer] died [from a brain aneurysm], and I was faced with questions about why things happen and what role God played in it all,” he said. “For a number of years, I struggled and put distance between God and me. But He was faithful and patient and provided gradual healing and strength.”

If you managed to catch the beginning of the game between U.S. and Ghana, you would have seen him raise his fingers to the sky after scoring an impossibly fast goal just 29 seconds into the game.  “That’s why I look up to the sky now when I score — to remember her,” he said.

After distancing himself from God, in college, Dempsey came to embrace his faith and pursue it more deeply.

“In college, I joined a team Bible study. God’s Word brought me peace and a desire for a relationship with Him,” Dempsey said. “I found that questioning Him and searching for answers through Scripture helped me grow and gave me direction. Now, my faith in Christ is what gives me confidence of the future. I know that through both good times and bad, He is faithful and will watch over me.”

Dempsey credits reading the Bible for giving him insight and direction.

“God provides strength, even when circumstances seem impossible,” he said. “Today, I pray for strength to walk the road before me. I play to the best of my abilities and am thankful for the many opportunities and amazing success He has given me. Through it all, I want to do right, not make mistakes, and live a life that is pleasing to Him.”


Heavenly Father, thank you for people who are willing to stand up and give You the glory for their abilities.   While it would be so easy to hide their faith, bless these athletes that are the role models to our youth.  We pray for each and every one of them.  And Father, I pray that more would come forward acknowledging You as the Provider of their strength and talents.  May their voices be heard and Your name praised!  In your precious name Jesus, Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Let everything I say and do, Let it be all for You.  The glory is Yours alone-Aaron Schust

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