Saturday, June 21, 2014

Need a running partner?

Need a running partner?

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever." John 14:16

If you always run alone and enjoy it, that's great.  But runners who never sweat with company tend to experience more low-motivation days and miss more runs each year than those who regularly meet up with others.  Running with a friend, a group, your dog, or even a podcast can engage your mind and your body in ways that running solo can't. -Jeff Galloway (Runners World, June 2014, pg.28)

Most runners would agree that running with a partner makes the run more enjoyable and the time pass more quickly.  But, what if you don't have a partner?  Have I got great news for you!  I have the best running friend you could ever ask for and He is available 24/7/365 at no charge.   Interested?  You simply need to call out His name-Jesus.

TOP 10 list of the reasons Jesus makes the best running partner:

1.  He can accompany you on any race without paying an additional entry fee.  In fact, He's already paid yours into Heaven.  Romans 3:24

2.  He warns you if a route is dangerous and will keep you from stumbling.  Psalm 121:3

3.  He loves to hear you sing as you run (even if the dogs are howling).  He thinks your praises are fantastic.  Psalm 149:4

4.  He is available to run with you any time of the day or night and never tires.  Psalm 121:4

5.  He can run at any pace so will accompany you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9

6.   You can speak to Him with your heart making it easier to concentrate on breathing. 1 John 2:27

7.  He's the absolute best coach ever.  He has the solution to any problem.  Psalm 139:7-16

8.  He doesn't care how you look or smell while running or how bad you mess up.  Romans 5:8

9.  He pushes you to be the best you can be.  Psalm 26:2

10.  He LOVES running with you.  1 John 4:19

If running alone is your roadblock to beginning, remember that you don't have to do it alone.  In fact, there's nothing in this life you have to face alone.  God loves you and is waiting for you to invite Him along.  All it takes is simply saying, "Lord, have Your way with me today. Be with me today and every day."  Simple as that.  Have a blessed Saturday my friends.

Heavenly Father, you are an amazing friend.  Thank you for loving us at our worst and helping us daily to be the best we can be.  Be with us today as we strive to stay in the race and not grow weary.  In your precious name we pray Jesus, Amen.

Happy Running
I want you to possess by body, possess my soul.-Beckah Shae

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