Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Widow's Mite

The Widow's Mite


"While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people putting their gifts into the collection box.  Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two pennies.  "I assure you, " he said, this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them.  For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.""  Luke 21:1-4

You may have heard the poor widow's story referred to as the "widow's mite." The coins the widow dropped into the offering box were actually two "mites".  Back in those days, a mite was the least valuable coin used.  There's debate on what the offering would be worth today but it doesn't really matter, all we need to know is that it was all she had.   We can be sure that  it wasn't worth much especially compared to the gifts the "rich people" were offering.  She gave a gift worthless in the eyes of most but to Jesus it was priceless.  You see He wasn't looking at the monetary value of her sacrifice, He was looking at her heart.... her selfless giving.  She must have known that her contribution could not make a difference.  That didn't matter to her though.  She loved Jesus so much she was compelled to give everything she had to Him.

It must have taken an extraordinary amount of faith to pick up those coins and begin the journey to the temple.  Did she wonder how she would eat tomorrow?  Did she worry about how her needs would be met?  I'd like to believe that her heart was so full of love and faith that it didn't matter. Perhaps she kept repeating God's promises as she made her way to the temple.  Or maybe she even sang them,  "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22,  or Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

God sees everything we do, no matter how small it may seem.  It may be nothing more than a smile, a silent prayer for someone in need,  a tear shed for a hurting friend or an unnoticed act of love and kindness.  God sees it all!  Giving all we have isn't limited to money, it's a gift of our time and talents too, a sacrifice of self (Romans 12:1).  To give all we have means giving to a point beyond convenience or comfort for a reward we will never see this side of Heaven.  So give all you have with all your heart.  That's a priceless offering.

It's not what we have to offer that counts but the love with which we give it!!!!


Magnificent Holy Father
I stand in awe of all I see
Of all the things You have created
But still You choose to think of me
Who am I that You should suffer
Your very life to set me free
The only thing that I can give You
Is the life You gave to me

This is my offering, dear Lord
This is my offering to You, God
And I will give You my life
For it's all I have to give
Because You gave Your life for me
I stand before You at this alter
So many have given You more
I may not have much I can offer
Yet what I have is truly Yours

This is my offering...
-Third Day

Heavenly Father, I pray that our love for You would be so great that we would selflessly give all that we have if you asked it of us.  And faith, Lord I pray that we would all have the faith to know that you will meet our needs.  Please strengthen us Lord and uphold us with your righteous right hand.  In your precious name we pray Jesus, Amen.

Happy Running!!

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