Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series
Now let’s get started by talking about some of the perils of summer training when it comes to motivation. This is the time of year we not only experience insanely hot and humid conditions but the time when many families are fitting in their last minute vacations before the kids head back to school, and many teachers (like running legend Rachel Baker pictured above) as well. Her thumbs down gesture defined my long run last week when temps soared into the high 90’s and the clouds were nowhere to be seen. I got it done by remembering that I would reap the benefits of it on race day but it wasn’t pretty and I didn’t like it. Did I tell you that my family and I were also in the process of moving to anther town and I’m on a time deadline for a couple of work projects? And don’t get me started on all the other things I’m juggling (aren’t we all?) that make it super important to carve out the time to train and then stick to that schedule no matter what. 

Which is the very reason I smiled when I read my friend Rachel’s post on Sunday, “20 mentally tough miles this afternoon. After a couple of fun trips with the family this week I came into the run feeling tired and just not into it. Legs felt great and the heat did not bug me, I am pretty acclimated. I just did not want to do the run. But I did it anyways.” But I did it anyways… I loved that so much that I messaged her and said, “I think a lot of people are having really hard runs right now with the heat and such. Can you give me some tips that might help others that are struggling the same way? And what did you do to kind of make it through?” And this was her answer:

Weeks 6-11 of a 16 week training plan are the toughest. The newness of setting a goal and going after it is gone. You are still a little under three months from the goal race so you start to think well maybe I can skip a few runs, I am still far enough out to properly build up right?

But this is the phase of training that is going to make you stronger and help you nail that goal in a few months. These runs are the meat and potatoes of a proper build up. Unless I am at risk of causing injury or it is too hot, I make myself get out there. 

So on these days, I have a few things that help me get out the door. I set all my stuff up for running the night before. Even if I am not starting until later. Today I went to 9am mass so I had all my stuff set up last night. That way I could focus on eating a good breakfast and spending time with the Lord in worship. As soon as I got home I changed and grabbed my pack and did not give myself time to think about the run and headed out. 

Often during super busy weeks, I will lay out all my workout clothes for the week with my packs ready so I can just fill my bottles and head out when I get home. 

When my alarm goes off at 4:30am I just get up and get ready. I never hit snooze and I never give myself time to snooze. I get up just early enough get dressed and grab a snack and head out. 

I try to never think about the mileage while I am running. I just try to stay in the present. 

I always have a range of milage like 18-20 I would like to get in. Most days I get the upper milage, but some days I call it at the lower milage. 

I know if I don’t go for my run, I will regret it later so I tell myself to just suck it up. I have several friends coming to help crew/pace me at Katy. I owe it to them to put in the work and be ready. They are giving their time to help me, I need to do my part. 

And finally a great playlist always help. I do most of my running without listening to music, so if I need some mental help I put on a great playlist to help me zone out. 

And mid run I have found a nice cold Coca Cola or Snickers ice cream bar also hit the spot and help me find what I need to finish the run. 

And just when I thought Rachel had said it all, I got another message… “And we were having tacos for dinner so I knew I needed to get my miles in because I cannot hold myself back when it comes to taco night here. I love them and want to eat all the food.” I don’t know about you but that made me laugh. Runners sure love their food! 

So there you have it friends. There will always be reasons why you don’t feel like completing those training runs. But whatever your reason is… get out there and do it anyways. You’ll thank yourself later. 
Happy Running!

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