Tuesday, November 23, 2021

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - The benefits of being Thankful

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series
Now let's get started by talking about something that will not only make you smile but will make you a better runner.... thanksgiving. And no, I'm not talking about the dinner that you'll be eating tomorrow, although I'm sure that will have you smiling as well. I'm talking about the act of expressing gratitude or thankfulness. 

So just how can gratitude make us better? To understand that, let's look at something interesting as reported by Positive Psychology. In a survey on gratitude in adult professionals, British psychologist and wellness expert Robert Holden found that 65 out of 100 people selected happiness over health, although they indicated that both were equally important for a good life. Holden, in his study, suggested that the roots of many psychopathological conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress are unhappiness.

Interesting right? The majority of people crave happiness over health. But guess what? They are strangely yoked together. The happier you are, the more willing you are to work on your health. And the healthier you are, the happier you are. See where I’m going with this?? So let's look at a few ways that cultivating a grateful heart and keeping a gratitude journal can give you both... something that will have you smiling as you log those miles. 

So what exactly is a gratitude journal? It’s simply a notebook of any kind where you write down the things you are grateful for. For instance, yesterday I wrote down... I am so thankful for a new day. I am so thankful for the priceless peace I have although I won’t run for a while to allow my body to fully heal. I’m thankful for a recumbent bike that will still allow me to move, to keep my endurance, and to clear my head. Movement is such a gift and I choose to be thankful for it today and every day the Lord will allow it. 

Did you just see what thanksgiving did? It kept my mind from focusing on what I couldn’t do to what I could do. It allowed me to be grateful for a recumbent bike that I have a love/hate relationship with. And while I continued to write down many more reasons that I have to be thankful, I urge you to start with at least five reasons. Why? Because just as in running, it may take a while to grow in this discipline. But I can assure you that it’s worth your time. Here are five reasons why...

1. Gratitude helps us function. For real.. consider this science. A growing body of research is showing that gratitude may be one of the most powerful ways of boosting happiness. A 2009 study from National Institutes of Health (NIH) has even found that our hypothalamus (the part of our brain that regulates several bodily functions) is activated when we feel gratitude or are kind to others. This means, essentially, gratitude helps us function.

2. Thankfulness makes us feel good. For real. When we feel grateful, we’re also rewarded with a hit of dopamine – a feel-good chemical. This encourages us to do it again and again, so once you start, it’s easy to keep the habit up.

3. Thankfulness takes our minds off our problems and places it on our blessings making us more resilient. And while I’m not saying that thankfulness will take away your problems, it will help you find the strength and wisdom to deal with them. Focusing on the positives in your life will keep you from sinking into despair and allow you to rise up when life kicks you in the shins. Does the saying, “Thank you sir, may I have another” come to mind?

4. Thanksgiving keeps envy at bay. And believe me, envy can sap your joy quicker than anything! To see what that looks like, let's take a look at Bob the runner. Bob gets injured and is told by his doctor that he must completely abstain from running for six weeks but is free to do strength training while healing.  Now consider these two scenarios....
- Bob looks around at his friends who are running and decides to do nothing but be jealous and sulk for the next month and a half. He starts to hate life and ends up losing a few friends and a job promotion because of his bad attitude--not to mention all of his endurance. 
- Bob decides to be grateful that he can still move and works on strengthening his weak quads, glutes and core. This makes Bob so happy that he volunteers at aid stations all over the state, starts a blog and a podcast, high-fives all the runners he sees, and comes back after six weeks with a ton of new friends and an ability to run better due to the increased strength he gained. See where I’m going with this?

5. Last but not least, gratitude allows you to break down walls. Okay so we’ve all “hit the wall” at least one time in our lives right? If you said no, I invite you to run a few marathons and you will. It’s the moment where you’re zapped of all strength, plagued by pain, and cursed by negative thoughts.... thoughts that will take you out if they aren’t changed very quickly. And this is how you change them... immediately begin focusing on the things you are grateful for and speak them out loud. ‘I am grateful for this beautiful view, I am grateful for the sidewalk, I am grateful for the sun, I am grateful for my legs, and even though they hurt, I know I can do this, etc.’ Do this for at least 15 minutes. By the time you’re done, the wall will be gone and you can press on. This is true in life and in running.

And this is where the gratitude journal comes into play. Every time you write down the things you have to be thankful for, the more thankful you are. And when thanksgiving becomes a part of who you are, you’re healthier, happier and all around better. And hey, if this practice of expressed and intentional gratitude doesn’t make run farther or faster, it will make you enjoy it more... which will make you a better runner in so many ways.

So there you have it friends. There are so many reasons to practice thanksgiving today. Take a moment to think about your blessings
. Meditate on them. Then smile and write them down before you head outside for some fresh air, intentional movement, and some sunshine. Doing so will give you many more things to add to that gratitude journal.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Running!!


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