Monday, May 3, 2021

Remember the truth

"You have searched me, LORD, and you know me." Psalm 139:1 NIV

"Don't let people's comments get in your head," my dear friend Laurel posted in one of our workout groups yesterday morning. "I did this past week and it has thrown me off. We all have those people who can find what they think are our flaws... it's taken me all weekend to shake it off because I know it isn't who I am but the thought they think I am got to me. I reacted instead of just walking away." And then she asked this question, "Anyone ever come across people like that? How do you react?" And my response? "I've come across them a lot and I always remind myself of this... Melissa you are fearfully and wonderfully made. No one else's opinion of you matters. God knows you intimately and loves you even still. This allows me to feel compassion for the person who says hateful things knowing it comes from a heart desperately in need of Jesus." 

And you know, as much as words can sting and hurt us when they are said, we take away their power to settle into our minds and steal our joy when we remember the truth. And the truth is this... nothing anyone could ever say to us or about us could ever diminish how much God loves us and how highly He values us. Do you truly get that? The Lord has searched us and knows everything about us. He knows our thoughts, He knows our sins, He knows our shortcoming, He knows our struggles, He knows our flaws, He knows our past and yet He loves us anyway. And who you are is who God says you are, not anyone else. 

So the next time you're tempted to allow someone's words to take hold and hurt you, remember this my friend... you are a child of God. You are not perfect--none of us are--but you are treasured beyond comprehension and are greatly loved by the Father in spite of your imperfections. Does that make you want to sing or what? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the timely reminder that we are loved despite how the world may see us. Lord, help us not only to see ourselves as You do but to see others as You do that we might pray for them when they mistreat us knowing they in desperate need of You. Help us to be salt and light in a dark world in desperate need of a Savior. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Child of love

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