Hello runner friends!Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness SeriesMIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog!
Now let's get started by talking about what a difference a year makes and why it should motivate you to lace up those running shoes...
As a runner and race director, let me take you back to the spring of 2020. Rumors were circulating that the "virus" that had forced China into a lockdown was now being detected in the United States. But still the 12-hour Racing for Daylight Ultra event I was directing on March 7th went on. And then.... nothing. Every single major event for the year was cancelled almost immediately after that. We went from being in-person on that first weekend in March to running the St. Louis Go Marathon virtually around a small track behind our local school, not daring to get too close to one another. Wow. And while running wasn't canceled, it was certainly changed for a year. But guess what???? Races are opening back up again!! The Bass Pro Fitness Series successfully had their fall events with some protocols put in place and St. Louis just celebrated a weekend of live running once again.
But do you know what the events of last year should have taught all of us? Nothing.. and I mean NOTHING is certain. So while you can do something, DO something! Races are open and it's time to knock some things off your bucket list. And that means it's time to get serious. If you're still saying, "Maybe I'll wait a while," let me give you two words that I hope will change your mind... if only. Do you know how many times I heard that last year? Especially as a Health Department worker during a pandemic? "If only" I had done this or "if only" I had done that before I couldn't. Fill in the blank of what this or that was for you but my point is this... "if only's" only leave a person with regret.
So in the spirit of seizing the moment, check out these five tips that I hope will motivate you to attempt something that is big enough to scare you at least a little bit. And whatever “that” is for you, make it epic.
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1. So here we go. I've said this before and I'll say it again but the first thing you MUST do is to sign up for a race and then make it public. No excuses! If you don’t do this, your chances of failure are exponentially increased because you have nothing to be accountable to or for. Face it... if you've got no skin in the game, you lose nothing if you drop out at halftime right? And who would even know you quit if you hadn’t made your goal known? But if you've paid for a race and told your family and friends, that makes it real! Nobody wants to let others down and nobody wants to shell out a large sum of cash for no reward. So do your research. Pick a goal that is attainable, yet challenging. Then don't keep it to yourself!
2. This one is so important. Don't just tell your family and friends, tell your runner friends! They are the ones who will not only hold you accountable but will join you in your training and encourage you every step of the way. And if you don't have a running group, find one!! No excuses! Check social media and ask around. And don't be shy! Chances are, if you're looking for a running group, someone else is too. So start your own if you have to. And worst case scenario? Join an online running group. Get plugged in and get some support. You'll be amazed at how much this will motivate you to keep pressing on!
So there you have it friends. Life is short. "If only's" suck. Time is ticking and you never know what tomorrow, much less next month or next year, will bring. So while you still have breath in your lungs, make the most of every moment you have. And I don't know about you, but I truly believe that there's no other sport in the world that can make a person feel more alive and value every breath more than running. So get out there and get to it! Sign up for a race and knock something off your bucket list while you can. You won't regret it.
Happy Running!!!
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