Monday, January 18, 2021

Do whatever it takes

"You will be hated by everyone because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22 CSB

In an article published by Runner's World last week, the question, "Is Walking Up a Steep Hill More Efficient Than Running Up It?" was asked. While the answer relies on your aerobic fitness level and the steepness of the hill you encounter, they said, switching back and forth between walking and running, based on the rate of perceived exertion, is the most efficient way to do it. You see, running gives us that bouncing movement and aerial lift which gets us up the inclines faster and with less stress on our calves but walking requires less overall aerobic energy and so is best when facing those big hills. "We think switching back and forth between gaits gives the benefits of both,” study coauthor Clarissa Whiting, said. “Basically, choose the gait that feels the best, and don’t be scared to alternate back and forth.” In other words, when facing an uphill battle, hang in there and do whatever it takes to get to the top. 

And you know, as we look around at our world today, it's becoming increasingly clear that believers everywhere are going to face an uphill battle unlike anything they’ve ever seen before in the days to come. In fact, Jesus said that we should expect to "be hated by everyone" because of His name—which means, if we truly love Christ and are determined to follow Him no matter the cost, we can and should bank on, look forward to and anticipate being criticized, ostracized, marginalized, cancelled and rejected. And rightly so because you and I are now the counter culture! "So be ready!" I can just hear Jesus say because "the one who endures to the end will be saved." 

So no matter what may come your way today or in the coming days, weeks and months, hang in there my friend. Keep running, walking or even crawling to make it to the finish line—because it’s only there that you will receive the crown of life Jesus promised to every believer who does whatever it takes to stand firm and endure to the end. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that hard times will come so that we can be prepared to face them. Help us to be bold and uncompromising in our faith and our beliefs Lord that we might stand firm until the end and influence others to do the same. Cause us to remember that eternal life awaits us for our efforts. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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