Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about something that a big percentage of runners around the world are talking about right now... New Year's Resolutions, aka the promises people make to themselves to start doing something good or to stop doing something bad on the first day of the year. 

But before we go any further, check out these top 
Running Resolutions listed by Runner's World Magazine for 2021.

1. Start Running Regularly
2. Diversify Your Diet
3. Set a 5K PR
4. Stay Motivated
5. Qualify for Boston
6. Do Some Yoga (For Real This Time)
7. Run a Trail Race
8. Give Back

How many of those have you already done? If you've done at least one, you're in the perfect position to help someone else. How? By being a role model. Bet you never thought about that did you? Well consider this... people are always watching what you do. Scary thought huh? It can be unless you allow that knowledge to motivate you to not only stay on the right path but to be better every day; thereby inspiring others to improve as well. Striving to be someone others can look up to will keep you motivated and motivate others too!! That's a win-win isn't it??

This is Rebecca's Woohoo Crew Running Group- everyone here had run an at least one marathon and one ultra in 2020, inspiring Rebecca (3rd to left) to do the same 
So when it comes to the power of being a person others look to for inspiration--whether you even realized you were one--check out what Rebecca Ito said inspired her to complete her first ultra marathon on Saturday. It will surely have you considering how your actions affect others. What makes the story even more amazing though, is that Rebecca went from running a half marathon to an ultramarathon in a very short period. Why? Because Rebecca was surrounded by people she looked up to as role models; people that strived to be the best they could be with no idea that they were being watched.

When asked why I was doing a 50K Saturday, my reply was, “Because everyone else did it!” I have watched my amazing friends kill it this year in race after race. I have been with them. I have been behind them. I have watched them. I watched as they did their first marathon and the joy they felt accomplishing such a task. I watched as they completed their first 50K in the worst possible conditions and, again, the joy they felt. Even though I could not participate in those races, I loved seeing them thrive! I also became determined to be a part of their experiences on a deeper level. I wanted to feel what they felt. I wanted to feel more connected to them. This group of women (The WooHoo Crew) have inspired me repeatedly throughout one of the hardest years many have endured. They have pushed me. They have lectured me. They have loved me. I owed it to them to at least try. Also, to my mother who used to ask me, “If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it?," my answer this time is a 
resounding YES!

So there you have it friends... helping others to be better will help you to be better in return. Aspiring to be inspirational will cause others to be inspirational and being encouraging will in turn encourage you! See where I'm going with this? So in 2021, why don't you add "Be a world-changer!" to your list of resolutions? And then strive to change your part of the world in some small way by helping one person at a time. I think you'll be surprised at the benefits and rewards you and those around you will reap.

Happy Running!!!

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