Monday, November 16, 2020

Learn to delegate

"What you are doing is not good. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone.'" Exodus 18:17-18, ESV

After completing my third 100 mile race early Sunday morning, I was so exhausted that I headed straight to the air mattress the acting Race Director had set up in the corner of the gym where the aid station was located. And as I closed my eyes and pulled up the blanket, I couldn’t help but smile knowing that I could rest peacefully for a while. You see, although I was "technically" in charge of the Bad Dawg 2020 30-hour Ultra event, I had finally learned to delegate a majority of the responsibilities I used to try and cover myself; something that not only allowed me to run in the race but to do so with no worries. Knowing that the right person was there to "run the show" freed me to do other things. 

And you know, delegating responsibilities is something many people find hard to do; especially Christians who tend to take pride in being able to handle everything on their own. But as Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, told Moses, "You are not able to do it alone.” And if Moses couldn't do it on his own, we certainly can’t. Which is the very reason Jethro suggested that Moses delegate most of his work and do those jobs himself that only he could do. This not only made Moses a more effective leader but allowed those who helped him to grow; thereby making everyone more successful in their mission. 

So if you're feeling overwhelmed today, whether about completing a task at work or something God has called you to do, look for people to help you my friend. Delegate out those duties other people can handle and take some of the load off yourself. And remember... we're all in this together. You aren't able to "run the show" alone. None of us are.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we need one another and that we are stronger and more effective when we work together. Help us to look for ways to share the workload that we might do more as one body than we could ever do alone. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

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