Tuesday, October 20, 2020

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Embrace the craziness

Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about something all runners know... we are crazy! 

But strangely enough, we get even crazier the moment we even start thinking about completing a marathon. Have you ever noticed that? Which is why running a marathon or half (especially the Bass Pro Marathon) with friends should be on your bucket list for 2020. After all, 2020 is the year for craziness right?

But before you decide you want to be identified as a crazy person, a.k.a. a marathon runner, check out this definition of a crazy person... someone or something that is insane or not mentally sound (yep, that describes marathoners). An example of crazy is an idea (like running a marathon or half) that makes absolutely no sense. An example of crazy is a person who is in a mental hospital (or at the start line of Bass Pro) and who is yelling, hallucinating and otherwise acting like they are insane (something every runner does at mile 20).

Now check out Nicole Kramp's story of how and why she recently crossed the bridge to craziness and never looked back.

On October 17, Nicole Kramp posted something that had me doing a double take, "A very special thank you to Erika Knuckles and Roseanne Newsom, I ran my first marathon. Marine Corps Marathon." Boom. Just like that. What??? Having run with her on the Monday prior and being told that Bass Pro was going to be her first marathon, I was shocked. So what made Nicole spontaneously decide to do something less than one percent of the population will ever do? Two weeks before the Bass Pro Marathon? Without aid stations, cheering sections, or a finish line? This is what she said, “I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon (virtual) the night before! I love running with Erika and Rosanne. Never once did I think I’d run anything father than a Half. Always said I’m only half crazy! Looks like I’m full crazy now." Yep you could say that. 

From left to right - Nicole, Rosanne and Erika

Hmmmm... so it seems Nicole went crazy and signed up because her crazy friend Roseanne had signed up. And Rosanne signed up because her other crazy friends were signed up. This is what Roseanne said, "I signed up for the virtual race maybe two weeks ago. I have run three MCM’s prior to this one and it is by far my favorite marathon, mostly because we are a Marine Corps family. I signed up to do the virtual because friends were already signed up so it was going to be a group effort and also because it’s the first time in the races' history it was canceled so why not get in on a piece of history? I knew it could be done because Erika, Nicole and I have been training for Bass Pro." 

Yes. Why not run 26.2 miles just to get in on a piece of history? That's not crazy right? And neither is running the Bass Pro Marathon two weeks later right? 

And what did Erika have to say about why she also joined in on the craziness? "She (Roseanne) posted about doing the virtual MCM and I sorta just invited myself to tag along to endure the suck with them. I’ve pretty much decided we all need a shirt that says ‘That’s a horrible idea...what time are we meeting up?’ I saw all these other people signed up and I didn't want to be left out. I signed up a little over a week ago. This is how our conversations go- Do you want to run (a virtual half, a yeti, a marathon) with me? Ugggg! No. What day/time? "

So when I asked the girls why having crazy friends and attempting crazy things in 2020 was a good idea, Roseanne said this (to which Erika emphatically agreed), "Since 2020 has been so unpredictable and has left everyone with the inability to plan, it has been fun to just “go for it” and do things we wouldn’t normally do (like sign up and run a marathon in two weeks). 2020 has been full of the unexpected. Everyone should set a goal they feel like they could or would never do. It’s fun to push outside of your comfort zone when we have friends pushing, competing, training with you and cheering you on. Not only are you meeting a goal but building strong relationships in the process."

Melissa Bland up front and Jackson second from left, back row

And speaking of crazy friends who will be running Bass Pro, check out what my crazy runner friend Jackson wrote yesterday... "The hills are alive with the sound of rock runners trail group doing hill repeats! I huffed and I puffed and I did 3 miles of hill repeats! A big thanks to Melissa Bland for pushing us and better yet believing in us... I’ve done crap this year I would never have imagined! It’s a covid miracle!"

I’ve done crap this year I would never have imagined? It’s a covid miracle? Yes! I like that. Go Jackson!

So there you have it folks; since you can't change the craziness of 2020, why don't you join in on it by doing things you never could have imagined yourself doing? You'll not only make the year suck a little less, you'll have joined an elite group known around the world as The One Percenters Running Club (yes I made up that name but it's 2020 so we're all good). And you can do that by getting signed up for the Bass Pro Marathon or half today. And if not Bass Pro, find another race before the year ends. You will then truly be able to say that 2020 was without a doubt the craziest year of your life!

Happy Running!!!

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