"David prayed, "I am your servant. But what I did was stupid and terribly wrong. Please forgive me.'" 1 Chronicles 21:8 CEV

Anticipating the beautiful sunrise that I was just sure was going to come up once the dense fog subsided on my early morning run yesterday, I turned to go in the direction of the spot where I knew it would be seen best; a direction that required me to run by the highway for a brief time to get to the trail. "Don't go that way," I felt the Spirit say. "It's just too dangerous this morning. Head to the track." And you know what? I was certainly glad that I obeyed. The thick and heavy fog that made it hard for motorists to see didn't dissipate until much later; leaving me with this thought, "If I had disobeyed what I knew was a clear command, I would have had no one to blame but myself if I had gotten hit by a car."
And you know, the same is true for every person who disobeys what they know to be a clear command from God as well; they have no one to blame but themselves for the consequences that follow. Am I right? But how often do people blame the Lord instead? Saying things like, "If only You had done this or that, I wouldn't be in this mess." Or, "Why did You let this happen to me?" But truly, as David clearly came to understand, the appropriate response to our disobedience should always be to pray and say, "What I did was stupid and terribly wrong. Please forgive me."
So if you find yourself dealing with the fallout of disobedience today, don't be angry at God my friend. It's not His fault. Instead accept the blame, repent of your wrongdoing, ask for forgiveness and go on—thankful that our God is the God of second chances.
Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the majority of the trouble we find ourselves in is a result of our disobedience. Help us to acknowledge our mistakes rather than blame you Lord that we might be humble enough to repent and move on. Thank You for forgiving us when we pray and ask. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.
Happy Running!!!
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