Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Communicate properly

"But now you must put aside all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth." Colossians 3:18 BSB

Image result for runner texting pic

After winning the Great Stirling Marathon in Scotland on April 29, Jennifer Wetton was excited about collecting the £1000 the race's website promised the winner. But upon learning that the prize money had been cut down to £200 after the event, Jennifer said, "It would have been nice if they had communicated things properly from the start, so we had all the information before we made the decision to take part." In response to Jennifer's complaint, A Great Run Company spokeswoman said, "We apologise that this information was not publicly available sooner and it was an oversight on our part that it was not posted on the website before the event." Sounds like bad communication was to blame.

And you know when it comes to communication, or the imparting of information, the Bible is clear that we are to put aside, "anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language." That means you and I should never speak rash, mean, untrue, or ungodly words that are intended to hurt someone else or ruin their reputation. And while most Christians try to watch what they say out loud, many, emboldened by the safety of a computer screen or smartphone, feel free to vent and rant via social media - something that is not only detrimental to their witness but to the church as a whole.

So in our communication with others, whether it be spoken or written, may our words be kind and uplifting. After all, our words have the power to lead people closer to Jesus or drive them away.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that our words have great power and that as believers we have to be extremely careful in the way we deal with others. Help us to gain an unquenchable desire to read the Word every day that we would grow so close to You that our words would be a reflection of our love for You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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