Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Truly blessed

"'But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him." Jeremiah 17:7 NIV

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Of the thousands of finishes at Monday's Boston Marathon, Joan Benoit Samuelson's was by far one of the most impressive. This marathon legend who won the iconic race back in 1979 with a time of 2:35:15 at the age of 21 crossed the finish line at the age of 61 clocking an even 3:04. Of completing the 26.2 mile race in such an awesome way, Benoit Samuelson said, "To be here, 40 years later and being able to run, let alone being able to run a marathon, I feel blessed."

And you know, when it comes to being “blessed,” doesn't it seem as if everyone, believers and nonbelievers alike, is using the word to describe things from getting a new car or setting a PR to getting a promotion or having kids who behave? But would you believe that, more often than not, being blessed as the Bible defines it is not having material prosperity or the perfect set of circumstances? On the contrary, being blessed is typically connected with either poverty and trial or the spiritual benefits of putting our "confidence," or firm trust, in God. In other words, the person who is truly blessed is the person who is completely satisfied with having nothing more than Jesus Christ.

And while you and I should most definitely sing God's praises for the good things this life holds my friend, let us call ourselves blessed at all times. Because, for the "one who trusts in the Lord," there is the complete assurance that every situation, good and bad, will draw us closer to Him in one way or another. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that being truly blessed is being completely satisfied with your Presence. Nothing more and nothing less. Help us to call ourselves blessed when we have little and when we have much, when we are well and when we are ill, and when we are crying and when we are filled with joy, knowing You are all we need. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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