Wednesday, February 6, 2019

He hears our every word

"But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.'" Matthew 12:36,37 BSB

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While speaking to the Couch to 5k class I have the blessing of teaching every week, I educated the runners about the type of clothing necessary to be able to run in the cold and specifically named a brand of traction cleats that could be slipped over their running shoes to navigate slippery winter surfaces. I then had a private conversation with one of the ladies about energy gels and the purpose they serve. But it seems someone else may have been listening as later that night she sent me a message saying that the very two things I had talked about by name appeared on her Facebook feed as advertisements. Coincidence?

And while you and I might be alarmed at the idea that someone could be listening to our conversations through our cell phones, shouldn’t we be more alarmed knowing that God is listening to everything we say? And He is not only listening by coincidence my friend, He hears everything and will hold us accountable "for every careless word" we speak. That means you and I will be judged for every syllable ever uttered or written, in private or in public, that was hostile towards Christ or was hurtful or harmful to someone else. 

So knowing that, may you and I vow to say and write only things that will glorify our Savior and edify our neighbor. May we then be slow to speak, quick to listen and ever conscious that our words have the power to acquit or condemn us. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that no word we ever express goes unheard by You. Help us to be people that speak only kind and uplifting words that we might bring glory to your Name and lead others to the foot of the Cross by our speech. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Speak life - Toby Mac

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