Sunday, January 28, 2018

Devote yourselves

"All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer." Acts 2:42 NLT

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If you're a year-round outdoor runner and your friends are not, you might share with me the pangs of loneliness that winter can bring. Thankfully though, Saturday's unseasonably warm temps that prompted tens of runners to trade their treadmills for the outdoors at the Cabin Fever Reliever Run, was a welcome relief from that solitude (if only for a day). And as I was feeling blessed to be running alongside one of my closest friends for the entire 20k race, I was reminded of why the Bible stresses the importance of making time for fellowship. You see, as he and I ran, we "devoted" our conversation and time together to discuss the most meaningful things in life... the Word and the teachings within it's pages. 

And while the Greek words translated “fellowship” in the New Testament mean essentially a partnership to the mutual benefit of those involved, Christian fellowship is the mutually beneficial relationship between Christians, who can’t have the identical relationship with those outside the faith. And it's these relationships that the "believers devoted themselves" to. In other words, they made meeting together a priority and a habit so they could grow in faith and knowledge by studying and discussing "the apostles' teaching.” But they didn't just meet "to fellowship" when it was convenient, they devoted themselves to it by purposely and consistently reserving, setting apart and dedicating time for it - and also to “sharing in meals... and to prayer.”

And if you think it's not important to regularly associate with people who share your beliefs my friend, consider the words of John R. Rice, "People go wrong in their fellowships before they go wrong in their doctrine." Knowing that, may you and I be devoted to meeting with our Christian brothers and sisters no matter what the weather. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that so clearly reminds us that fellowship between believers is not something to be neglected but nurtured. Help us to devote ourselves to not only meeting together but to prayer as well, prayer for one another and prayer for those that are lost. It's in your precious name pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Jesus is the name we honour  - Weareworship

After the race

Before the race

Fellowship can happen anywhere

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