Wednesday, January 31, 2018


"Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank." Numbers 20:11

Image result for disqualified trail runner picChina's Liang Jing crossed the finish line of the Vibram HK100 on Saturday in nine hours and 28 minutes. And while this appeared to be an incredible win and course record by three minutes, Jing's celebration was cut short when he was officially disqualified. You see, somewhere along the way, Liang grabbed a hiker's water bottle without permission and then threw another bottle away. And while you might say, "It was only water. What's the big deal?" The big deal is this... the rules clearly state that no "outside support" is allowed outside of the specified checkpoints and littering is never allowed. And although Jing apologized, race director, Janet Ng said: “We were very clear this year about the rules on support outside check points. It would not make sense to take anything but a strong position on this.”

It would be quite disheartening to work so hard only to be stripped of a victory for a grievance so small, wouldn't it? But that's exactly what happened to Moses too. As he was leading the Israelites through the desert to the promised land, he beseeched the Lord to provide them with the water they so desperately needed. And after the Lord clearly told Moses to speak to the rock and it would pour out water, "Moses raised his arm and struck the rock the rock twice with his staff" instead. And while the Lord did provide the water, Moses had disobeyed God's direct command and dishonored Him in the presence of the people. And for this, Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. In other words, Moses was disqualified.

And while Moses' punishment may have seemed harsh in light of how small the offense appeared, consider that Moses was to be the leader and model for the entire nation. He was to set an example of what it meant to follow the Lord - completely and wholeheartedly - just as we are. And this small sin, if left unpunished, could have led to much larger ones that would have led the people astray. So may we be ever so careful to follow God’s commands in the exact way that God commands us that we may not be disqualified and forfeit the prize either.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that You want our complete and total obedience. Help us to remember that following only part of your commands is total disobedience deserving of punishment. Oh Lord, may we be a model and example to others of what it means to truly follow You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Trust and obey - Big Daddy Weave

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Train them

"Train a child in the way appropriate for him, and when he becomes older, he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 ISV

Just over a year ago, when four dads from South Tampa, Florida, realized that the cross country running options for their middle school aged children were scarce, they decided to start their own team and launched The Bayshore Project. This nonprofit club, staffed by volunteers, meets every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday to have the kids run from two to six miles and is open to all middle school aged students. Matt Markowski, one of the dads who develops the training and track programs said, "I think if you start the children at this age, it becomes a part of their life. As they get past the early stages of pain that’s part of it, and they start seeing their times really come down as they get faster and stronger, it just becomes part of their life."

And you know, when it comes to training children at a young age, the Bible is very clear that we are to teach our children about the Lord at the earliest possible time so that He becomes a part of their life. But just as a coach alters a training plan based on the child's age, ability and individual characteristics, we, as parents, are to do the same. You see, rather than bringing up all our children in the same way, we are to "train a child in the way appropriate for him," in the way he or she will best understand God's Word and His plan for their life, based on the special strengths and abilities God has blessed them with.

Charles Swindoll says it this way, "We receive each child from the hand of God, not as a malleable lump of clay to be molded in whatever way we see fit, but as a unique, distinctive person with a destiny. We are to honor God’s creation of this one-of-a-kind individual by adapting our training to his or her characteristic manner. To fight it is to fight God’s creation. Ask God to help you make the most of your child’s natural tendencies so that he or she can live in harmony with God’s design. And when maturity comes, his or her success will be a legacy you can enjoy together."

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that You created every child uniquely and that we should teach them according to that blessed uniqueness. Help us to be Godly examples for them to follow knowing that the better we "train", the more they will see the importance of it. Oh Lord, help us to raise children that love You as much we do! It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Steal their hearts - The Neverclaim

Monday, January 29, 2018

No looking backwards

"Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."" Luke 9:62 NIV

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Jorge Cruz, 34, finished the Miami Half-Marathon in under two hours Sunday placing 1,361 out of 14,000 runners. And if that's not impressive enough, he did it while running backwards to raise awareness to the plight of Puerto Rico, which is still struggling to recover after Hurricane Maria. It seems that running backwards is not only good for bringing attention to situations people deem important though, backwards running (also called reverse running, retro running or retro locomotion) is also touted for its physical benefits because it works different muscles than forward running. Oddly enough, it's becoming so popular that the United Kingdom has held several backward running championships. 

And while running backwards might be good for improving muscular balance, looking backwards is not always good as Jesus pointed out. You see, when He was teaching about what it meant to follow Him, He was met with many reasons why the men He encountered could not immediately do so. And to all these reasons Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God." In other words, upon meeting the Savior, there could be no valid excuse for anyone to look back to attending to worldly duties in exchange for following Him and attending to heavenly duties. It was a clear reminder that Jesus demands our immediate, eager and total commitment - and anyone with a divided heart cannot properly do the work ministry requires. 

Pastor Kevin Mckisic says it this way,"We should not let life’s lesser priorities become greater priorities than God’s work because we then become little use to Him, and we become unfit or unusable for His service. Remember that you can not plough a straight line if you are looking back at the row you ploughed or for that fact anything behind you."

Heavenly Father, thank you your Word that so clearly reminds us that getting caught up in the world takes our focus off of you. May we remember that anytime we do that, we are bound to fall. Help us to love you with our whole hearts Lord and to be consumed with serving you above all else. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Whole heart - Brandon Heath

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Devote yourselves

"All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer." Acts 2:42 NLT

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If you're a year-round outdoor runner and your friends are not, you might share with me the pangs of loneliness that winter can bring. Thankfully though, Saturday's unseasonably warm temps that prompted tens of runners to trade their treadmills for the outdoors at the Cabin Fever Reliever Run, was a welcome relief from that solitude (if only for a day). And as I was feeling blessed to be running alongside one of my closest friends for the entire 20k race, I was reminded of why the Bible stresses the importance of making time for fellowship. You see, as he and I ran, we "devoted" our conversation and time together to discuss the most meaningful things in life... the Word and the teachings within it's pages. 

And while the Greek words translated “fellowship” in the New Testament mean essentially a partnership to the mutual benefit of those involved, Christian fellowship is the mutually beneficial relationship between Christians, who can’t have the identical relationship with those outside the faith. And it's these relationships that the "believers devoted themselves" to. In other words, they made meeting together a priority and a habit so they could grow in faith and knowledge by studying and discussing "the apostles' teaching.” But they didn't just meet "to fellowship" when it was convenient, they devoted themselves to it by purposely and consistently reserving, setting apart and dedicating time for it - and also to “sharing in meals... and to prayer.”

And if you think it's not important to regularly associate with people who share your beliefs my friend, consider the words of John R. Rice, "People go wrong in their fellowships before they go wrong in their doctrine." Knowing that, may you and I be devoted to meeting with our Christian brothers and sisters no matter what the weather. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that so clearly reminds us that fellowship between believers is not something to be neglected but nurtured. Help us to devote ourselves to not only meeting together but to prayer as well, prayer for one another and prayer for those that are lost. It's in your precious name pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Jesus is the name we honour  - Weareworship

After the race

Before the race

Fellowship can happen anywhere

The good fight


"For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; " 2 Timothy 4:6,7

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Until yesterday, I really didn't know much about Dave McGillivray except that he was the Race Director of the Iconic Boston Marathon. So it was a blessing to attend the HHR Race Director Conference along with some friends and hear his story. It seems he's had quite a busy life literally running across the country (twice), and organizing and competing in countless other endurance races in an effort to raise money for the Jimmy Fund and other causes. With no intention of stopping, I loved what he said, "At the end of my life, I'd like to think I gave everything I had and then some, until I simply 'run' out of time".

As the apostle Paul was nearing the end of his life, having worked tirelessly to win others to Christ and giving everything he had, he wrote, ".. the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course, I have kept the faith:" With absolute confidence, Paul could declare that he had not only answered his call but had done it leaving nothing to spare... he had indeed fought the good fight.

As Christians, shouldn't we all be able to say the same? Without a doubt, that answer is yes. So until we too 'run' out of time, may you and I be working tirelessly to win others to Christ through our words and actions. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for equipping us with everything we need to fulfill the calling you have placed on each of us to love and help others and to share the Gospel with the lost. Help us to recognize our individual talents and to use them to give everything we have to bring you glory, It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Fighting the good fight - Unspoken

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Number your days

"Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts." Psalm 90:12 HCSB

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By all accounts, this has been one of the worst flu seasons in recent history with TIME Health reporting, "A total of 30 children have died from influenza this flu season, including 10 new cases reported to the CDC as of Jan. 13. It is not yet clear how many adults in total have died from the flu, although individual cases of adults dying from influenza causes have been reported." Katie Denise Oxley Thomas, a 40-year-old mother of three in San Jose, CA, was one of those adults. Katie, who was a marathon-runner and considered extremely healthy, died just two days after catching the flu. Her sister said, "The doctor was saying that he had never seen anything like this, and it was not supposed to happen."

You know, whether we like it or not, things that are “not supposed to happen" happen every single day. People, young and old, die unexpectedly leaving us to mourn their loss and reflect on how life can end in an instant, taking our dreams and aspirations with it. Moses certainly understood that and so asked, "Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts." You see, Moses realized that his time was limited and wanted God to instruct him on just how limited it was. And he wanted the God-given prudence to do only those things the Lord had called him to before his time was over - working not for personal gain but for eternal gain. 

And you know, you and I would be smart to ask the same. To pray that God would give us an awareness of how fleeting our time really is and the discernment to spend it wisely - tirelessly, persistently and intentionally working to make a difference in the lives’ of others and in the world around us. Because that, my friend, is the wisest way to use our days. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that our lives are short at best, and some shorter than others. Help us to live each day as if it were our last that we wouldn’t waste precious time on anything that won't make an eternal difference in the life of someone else. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Blink - Revive

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The test

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." Psalm 139:23, 24

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By definition, a test is a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use. And since 1968, the 12-minute run test, or Cooper Test, has been used by thousands of coaches and trainers to determine an athletes' fitness level. Quite simply, the test requires a person to run non-stop and at full-effort for 12 minutes around a track - with the amount of laps a person is able to complete accurately determining their vo2 max, or maximal oxygen consumption. The higher a person's vo2 max, the greater their cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. This grueling test has been proven so effective that it's still being used today even though, as runner Mark Dent said, "No matter how fast you run, it won’t end sooner. You can’t escape. The 12-minute run always means 12 painful minutes."

And you know, while this test is obviously strenuous, difficult and sometimes painful, it’s the easiest way to measure an athletes’ current ability so they can improve. And isn't that the purpose of all tests? To determine where a person is so they can get better? David seemed to know that when he said, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me... Point out anything in me that offends you..." You see, as unpleasant as it might have been for David to undergo testing, he knew it was the only way to find and remove any barriers that kept him from being led “along the path of everlasting life.” 

And while I’m sure, like us, David would have preferred a life free from pain, his great love for the Lord compelled him to tenaciously seek and ask for any “procedure” that would draw him closer to Him - and for that, David will always be known as a man after God’s own heart. And shouldn’t that be the very thing that you and I strive to be known for as well? 

Heavenly Father, thank you testing us to reveal our strengths and weaknesses. Help us to welcome and actually ask to be searched that we might be convicted of  anything within us that you might find offensive - that we might let it go and allow you to lead us along the path of everlasting life. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Search me Lord - Donnie McClurkin

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Pure salt

"You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless." Matthew 5:13 NLT

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Sure. We all know that our bodies need salt and that salt is an essential electrolyte that plays a key role in normal nerve and muscle function. But, according to the experts at Runner's World Magazine, runners, especially those who are prone to lose excessive amounts (check for white spots on your clothing and salty sweat) or who are downing water throughout their run, need to make sure they're getting enough of it. "If you’re too low, you run the risk of hyponatremia, which can lead to headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle cramps, and it’s dangerous unless treated,” says Cheryl Scigousky, USA Triathlon certified coach and director of programming at Runners High Studio in Chicago. 

And you know, lack of salt is not only detrimental to the physical health of a person, it's detrimental to the spiritual health of our world. You see, when Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth," he meant that we, as representatives of the Kingdom, were to enhance and protect the world we live in. After all, pure and undiluted salt serves as a food seasoning, a cleanser, a thirst stimulator, and a preservative. Pure salt can, however, when mixed or blended with other ingredients, lose its flavor and effectiveness. And "what good is salt if it has lost its flavor?" Plain and simple, it's no good... to anyone. And neither are we when we are so mixed or blended into the world that we are no longer capable of flavoring anything? And even though we might still look a lot like salt when we do this, you can be sure that our testimony will be "thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless." 

So may you and I strive to stay pure in a world where Truth is purposely diluted. Because it's only when we do that, my friend, that our testimony will be effective, flavorful and capable of bringing about any change in the world. And isn't that the purpose of salt? 

Heavenly Father, help us to remain pure, unwilling to be like the world, that we would retain our saltiness and have an effect on others looking for the "seasoning" they so desperately need. Most of all, help us to remember that salt does no good just sitting around or left in a shaker. It must be sprinkled. Use us Lord. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Speaking louder than before - Jeremy Camp

Monday, January 22, 2018

Fire insurance

"So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless." James 2:17

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With a $295 entry fee, the New York City Marathon is one of the most expensive 26.2 mile races in the world. And even though this hefty fee is nonrefundable for any reason, more than 50,000 runners still sign up each year hoping nothing will prevent them from showing up on race day. But since the organizers realize that injuries, emergencies and other things happen (and have left past runners lamenting the loss of cash), they announced on January 16 that race insurance will now be available for purchase. They said that the insurance policies must be paid for at registration and will offer runners protection against the unexpected. The insurance would cover everything from a sick child to a travel delay, a car breakdown to a stress fracture. 

And while obtaining this additional protection might give participants a sense of security, there's another type of insurance that gives many professed believers the same sense of security... fire insurance. This insurance is salvation without transformation. It's a faith without actions belief in God that many people believe provides protection from going to hell. It's the idea that having your name on a church roster, being baptized or claiming to believe in God is enough - and no other life changes are necessary. But the Bible is clear that "faith by itself isn't enough."  You see, our actions will reveal what we truly believe... or don't believe.  And if we truly believe that Jesus is who He claims to be, we will make him Lord and ruler of our lives and our “good deeds” will be evident to others.

John MacArthur says it this way, "A Christian is not one who simply buys “fire insurance,” who signs up just to avoid an unpleasant after life. A Christian…repeatedly, is one whose faith expresses itself in submission and obedience. A Christian is one who follows Christ, one who is committed unquestionably to Christ as Lord and Savior, one who desires to please God." So the question is then, is there really such a thing as "fire insurance?" And just how much protection does it really offer?

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that so clearly tells us that our actions show what we believe. If we profess to know You but haven't made it evident by the way we are living, help us to examine ourselves and work toward growing closer to You until good deeds are something that people see us do all the time. And because of this, may You be glorified. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Sanctus Real - On Fire

Be dressed ready

"Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him." Luke 12:35,36

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While I most certainly enjoyed the spring-like temperatures we were blessed with this weekend, I reminded myself that winter is far from over, the cold air will soon be back. And with some spring races planned and the weather patterns obviously unpredictable, it was refreshing to read the new research from the University of Oregon that claimed a runner could be ready and acclimated for running in the heat while training in cooler temperatures with just one simple routine tweak. Overdressing for training runs is a viable way to acclimate to hot-weather running. The study, published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, found that running in excess clothing in cool conditions approximated the stress of running in minimal clothing in extremely hot conditions. In other words, if you and I are "dressed" right during practice, we can be "ready" to run at any time and in any temperature. 

And you know, when it comes to unpredictable things, the Bible is very clear that, while no one knows the exact time Jesus will come back, we are to be prepared at all times for the reunion by being "dressed ready for service.. like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet." In other words, in anticipation of Christ’s definite return, you and I should be whole-heartedly going about the tasks or jobs we have been assigned to. You see, the best servants are hard working, keep their “lamps burning” and are available at all hours of the day or night to greet their master upon returning from any engagement - always on the lookout for his return “so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.”

So if Jesus were to return at this very moment, would he find you prepared and "dressed ready?” I sure hope so my friend. Because, unlike being caught unready for race day, being unprepared for this glorious event will have you missing out on a prize far greater than any medal. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the promise that You are coming back one day! May we live in expectant anticipation of the moment when we will finally go home and may that thought give us a renewed passion to tell others about your imminent return that they might be ready too. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Even so come - Passion

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Just as

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." John 13:34

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Not only do I love that my job at a medical office leaves my mornings free to run and train, I love that it gives me opportunities nearly every day to minister to the lost and hurting. Yesterday was no exception as a long-time patient came in looking as if she'd been crying. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked. It’s then that she told me that her 36-year-old daughter was in the hospital after suffering a stroke just hours before, and she was on the way to see her as soon as she left. Knowing a mother's heart and sensing her pain and worry, I gently reached out over the counter, cupped her hands in mine and began praying, "Father, we love you and we thank you for your faithfulness. Father you know our needs before we even speak them...." And after our Amens were said, she opened her tear-filled eyes, and said, "Thank you. I really needed that." 

You know, I could easily have just wished her well and promised to pray for her. I mean, that's Christian-like behavior too right? Maybe. But I believe Jesus calls us to do much more. You see, when He told us to "love each other," He didn't mean to love each other in the way the world defines love - an intense feeling of deep affection. No. He commanded us to love others "just as" He loved us. And if Jesus loved us so much that He would give his life to save us from our sins, you can bet that His love was more than just an intense feeling of deep affection. You can bet that it was a limitless, incomprehensible and undefinable love - a love that compelled Him to unhesitatingly reach out to the lost and the hurting to offer the genuine concern and compassion that only a Father who dearly loves his children can show.

So would you say that you are loving others "just as" Jesus loved you? I hope so. Because this sacrificial love not only has the power to bring unbelievers to Christ, it has the power to change the world my friend... one person at a time. But it starts with you and me. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us more than we could ever deserve or ever imagine. Help us to love others in the same way that we might lead them to the Cross. Give us a sense of urgency Lord and a boldness that can't be contained to joyfully encourage, sacrificially love, and unashamedly witness to a world in desperate need of the hope only You can bring. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Proof of your love - King and Country

Dress appropiately

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:11

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According to the National Weather Service, frostbite can occur within 30-45 minutes when the windchill is -10 degrees. Knowing that, I dressed appropriately for yesterday morning's run by enveloping nearly every inch of my body in clothing. A balaclava covered my face, head and neck, leaving only the eyes exposed. Warm mittens with a windproof shell protected my hands, while the latest heat gear made for runners shielded my arms, core, legs and feet. And while that may seem like a lot of protective gear, or "armor" to put on, neglecting even a single piece of it would have left me exposed to the elements and would have most likely resulted in physical harm.

You know, as I was enjoying my time outdoors and praising God that I had the appropriate attire to do so, I was reminded that merely possessing the right clothing doesn’t do any good unless it’s put on. But isn't that exactly what many of us do every day? You see, God provides you and me with the right clothing we need to safeguard ourselves "against the devil's schemes” but, for one reason or another, we aren’t putting it on. And if you think wearing just a few of the pieces will protect you, think again. The Bible tells us that we must "put on the full armor of God" so that we can take our stand. You see, the devil will strike any exposed or uncovered area we have - which will most certainly, and without a doubt, result in some type of spiritual, physical and emotional harm. 

So to protect ourselves, we should be sure to dress appropriately every day by buckling the belt of Truth around our waist, setting the breastplate of righteousness in place, and fitting our feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. And after we’ve done all that, we need to take up the shield of faith, put on the helmet of salvation and take the sword of the Spirit. Because it’s only when we have on the “full armor of God” my friend, that we are ready to head out the door no matter what the temperature is.  

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that so clearly tells us that the devil is out to harm us in any way he can. Help us to realize that our only protection against those attacks is to wear the armor of God at all times. Knowing that, may we consciously and consistently put it on every day.  It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Bulletproof - Citizen Way

Monday, January 15, 2018

The meeting place

"Now Moses used to take the tent and pitch it outside the camp, a good distance from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting. And everyone who sought the LORD would go out to the tent of meeting which was outside the camp." Exodus 33:7 NASB

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It's no secret that I love running. In fact, most people that know me have come to realize that and understand my desire to do it every day. What they can't understand, however, is why I would intentionally run outside in the snow and sub-zero temperatures when I have a perfectly good treadmill and a subscription to Netflix at home. I mean why not rack up those miles where it's warm and there’s no need to dress in layers? The truth is this... the outdoors, where I'm alone, away from my house, and free from any distractions is where I go to meet with the Lord. It's the time I look forward to every morning and pursue regardless of the conditions outside. Because, no matter how hard the run is, I always come back refreshed, smiling, and ready for what the day might hold. Spending time with the Father just does that to a person. 

You know, Moses also knew how important it was to make time to meet with God every day, alone and away from all distractions. It was so important to Moses that the Bible says he, "used to take the tent and pitch it outside the camp, a good distance from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting." This "meeting" place, away from where they lived, was where he and "everyone who sought the Lord would go" to find Him. And you can be sure that the Lord would be waiting, just as He is for you and me. 

And while everyone's "meeting" place might be somewhere different, we all need one. Maybe yours is in a closet or in a quiet room of your home? Maybe it's in your car on the way to work? Or like me, maybe it's outside wherever the road may lead? Wherever it is, my friend, the important thing is to go there every day. You will find that the time is well spent and totally worth the effort. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the promise that You will be near to all those who seek You. Help us to have an unquenchable thirst for your Word and an insatiable desire to be in your Presence that we would seek a "meeting" place each and every day. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

The more I seek You - Kari Jobe

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Something stinks

"The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves." Proverbs 13:5

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After winning the Across the Years multi-day running event at Camelback Ranch in Phoenix three times in a row, once by more than 55 miles despite stopping after just 41 hours into the 48-hour-race, officials decided to investigate ultrarunner Kelly Agnew at the 2017 competition on December 28, only to find that something didn't quite "smell" right. In fact, you could say what Kelly did downright stunk. Mike Melton of MCM timing watched Agnew as he participated in the 24-hour race (they have several time options) and discovered that he wasn't clocking in at the halfway checkpoint of the 1.0498-mile loop. Turns out, he was sitting in a latrine for seven minutes and then jumping out to cross the mat at the start/finish at the exact time he needed to keep his “mile pace” consistent. And upon being found guilty of cheating, he was disqualified from the race and stripped of his titles (along with the titles from other ultra events where he was also found to have cheated). Kelly will most likely, however, always hold the title of the runner who has spent the most time in a port-a-potty. 

You know, the Bible clearly tells us that doing "what is false" or engaging in deceitful practices by claiming to do something we did not, only makes ourselves "a stench." And if stench is defined as a strong and very unpleasant smell, you could say that sinful behavior literally makes a person "stink." And, as Christians, we should never be known for living a stinky life-because doing so will not only "bring shame" on ourselves but on the faith we profess to live by. I mean, can you just imagine how people, especially those we are trying to reach, would avoid us if we reaked of dishonesty?

So today and everyday, let us vow to always do what is right that we might be known as men and women of integrity. Because to win by cheating, even if we are never caught, will only leave our character tarnished and our witness ineffective. And that, my friend, would be the biggest “shame”of all.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the examples of men and women in the Bible who lived lives of integrity and, by doing so, won others to Christ. May we always choose to be honest and upright in the way we live our lives at home, on the racecourse, and in the world knowing that winning doesn’t always mean coming in first place but by doing what’s right. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

The Kingdom of God - Paul Baloche

Thursday, January 11, 2018

True grit

"Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!" 1 Corinthians 9:24

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On December 3, Molly Friel, of Fresno California, became the second-oldest woman ever to qualify for the Olympic marathon trials. At the age of 50, and considered beyond her prime in the running world, Friel did something most runners even half her age will never do. She crossed the finish line of the California International Marathon in 2:43:57, averaging a 6:15 pace for 26.2 miles. Of her remarkable accomplishment and the grueling and time-consuming training behind it, her coach, Ian Torrence, said, "She's got grit, you know? She knows how to push through the pain." 

And if grit is defined as courage (strength in the face of pain or grief) and resolve (firm determination to do something), I would say that grit was most definitely the key to Friel's victory. And you know, grit is the very thing that we, as Christians, need to develop and grow if we are to do as Paul says and "run to win." Did you notice he didn't say "run so you can merely finish the race?" No. He said, "run to win!" And running to win means giving all we have in the pursuit of becoming more like Jesus. It’s persistently and whole-heartedly training in the Word every day, tirelessly and unselfishly devoting ourselves to acts of service and prayer, and fully and intentionally disciplining our bodies and minds to be obedient to Christ. And you can be sure that this won’t be easy. If an athlete trains hours every day to win a medal, you and I must train even harder to claim the eternal "prize" that is promised to all those who have the grit to pursue it. 

So in our pursuit of victory, we would be wise to remember that, as Angela Duckworth wrote,  "Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint." In other words, this is not a trouble-free race that is won overnight but a fight-to-the-finish race that is won over a lifetime. So we need to live that way. Are you?

Heavenly Father, thank you for being clear on what it takes to run the race and finish well. Help us to see the enormous and eternal benefits of spiritual training that we might gain what it takes to "win". It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Keep on running - Caleb Taylor

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Pain has a purpose

"I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes." Job 42:5

Image result for runner in pain picWhen researchers at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center built 3D simulations of runners in a lab to uncover the cause of runners’ frequent lower back pain, they found that the cause of the pain went much deeper than they thought. The models showed the different muscle groups at work during endurance running. The scientists learned that much of the back-supporting burden was carried by muscles in the body's deep core, rather than by the surface abdominal muscles that core-strengthening workouts typically target, according to the study. This could explain why some runners experience back pain even though they perform exercises thought to build core strength, the study authors said. And until it's determined how to effectively strengthen these deep muscles, you and I might just have to live with a little back pain if we want to keep running.

And you know, when it comes to experiencing and living with pain, especially deep, unexpected or chronic pain, many Christians ask the question, "If God loves me, why do I have to suffer?" And while I don’t (and will never) know the reason many believers have to suffer, I do know that pain is a direct result of living in a fallen world full of sin. But thankfully, I also know that pain always serves a purpose. The story of Job is testament to that when it tells us that he was a God-fearing man who had a great life until the day he was struck with tragedy upon tragedy-his children were killed, his wealth was destroyed, his health floundered and his friends turned against him. But in the end, because of the pain and suffering, Job came to know and love the Lord more intimately than ever before saying, "I had only heard you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes." Can’t you just hear the gratefulness in Job’s utterance?

So if you find yourself hurting today and wondering if God truly cares or even knows, consider the words of Christian author Jerry Bridges, “God never allows pain without a purpose in the lives of His children. He never allows Satan, nor circumstances, nor any ill-intending person to afflict us unless He uses that affliction for our good. God never wastes pain. He always causes it to work together for our ultimate good, the good of conforming us more to the likeness of his Son.”

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that so clearly reminds us that you have a purpose for our pain and that you never leave us alone in our suffering. And Lord, when we are prone to doubt your love for us in the midst of our trial and tragedy, help us to look up and to trust You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Bring the rain - MercyMe

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Share the news

"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

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If you're a multi-tasker who likes to catch up on the news while logging your miles on the treadmill at the gym, you might want to forego visiting Life Time Fitness. In an effort to fulfill their "commitment to provide family oriented environments free of consistently negative or politically charged content,” the gym chain has decided to eliminate national cable network news stations (including CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and CNBC) from the TV screens at its 129 fitness centers in the U.S. and Canada. This decision came, they say, after a study found that people who watched just three minutes of negative news in the morning had a 27 percent greater likelihood of reporting their day as unhappy six to eight hours later, compared to a group that watched positive news focused on uplifting stories of resilience.

And while I can understand how negative news could certainly cause a nonbeliever to become anxious and downcast, we, as Christians, have no reason to let the world's events cause us to be unhappy right? In fact, our joy and continued faith in spite of and in the midst of negative news should be "an example to all believers" and nonbelievers alike. Think about it. Can you imagine how our being "an example" in the way we live among a world in chaos could cause those experiencing apprehension and despair to ask the question, "How can you have such peace?” Oh what an opportunity that could be for us to tell others about Jesus! 

So may we always remember that God is on the throne no matter how contrary it might seem. And in the midst of all the bad news, we are here to tell the lost about the Good News of the Gospel. Because that my friend, is the news everyone needs to hear. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that tells us that you will never leave us nor forsake us. Help us to have such faith in that promise that others would take notice by the way we live our lives. Help us to be an example to others Lord that they would want to know you as we do. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

The Gospel - Ryan Stevenson

Monday, January 8, 2018

The bucket list

"And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." Hebrews 13:16 NLT

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On January 5, after enlisting the help of some expert runners and frequent travelers to round up ten of the most exotic and exciting 26.2 mile races in the world, Runner's World published the article "10 Bucket List Marathons You Should Run in 2018." And while it might not surprise you to see the Great Wall Marathon, Rome Marathon and Sydney Marathon listed, the Mad Marathon in Waitsfield, Vermont and the Missoula Marathon in Montana might have raised an eyebrow. But I guess a bucket list, or a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying, is as unique as each individual.

And while our personal lists of things we want to accomplish before leaving this world may be very different from one another, there is one thing that should be at the top of all our lists... "please God." You see, delighting the Father should be our number one priority throughout our lifetime. And the Bible clearly tells us that we do that when we "do good" and "share with those in need" for those "are the sacrifices" that bring Him pleasure. And while running a destination race is certainly rewarding, living a life of service to God and to others is the most fulfilling and worthwhile thing we could ever do. 

So today and everyday, may we follow the advice of John Wesley who said, "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." Because doing that my friend, is truly the only thing worthy of first place on any bucket list. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the greatest example there could ever be of how to do good to others. Help us to draw closer to you Lord that we might display that goodness more and more each day and lead others to the Cross by doing so. Most of all, help us to love others the way you first loved us. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

With every act of love - Jason Gray

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Become better

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen." 2 Peter 3:18

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If becoming a better runner is on your list of resolutions, TIME Health says that strengthening your deep core by doing planks is the one-step way to do it. "In a new study published in the Journal of Biomechanics, the researchers examined the way athletes’ bones and muscles interact when they run. They found that if the deep core muscles-those that run along the length of the spine and sit beneath the muscles that make for a visible six-pack-were slacking, superficial muscles, such as the abdominals, were forced to take on more of the work" leading to earlier fatigue and lessened performance. And the study also showed that strengthening those muscles reduced lower back pain. Who knew planking had such benefits? 

You know, whether we are runners or not, there's one thing we should all be striving to become better, or more effective, at this year... and that’s witnessing to others. I mean how will the lost come to know Jesus if we aren't telling them? But if you're like many Christians and feel you aren't qualified, you can use Peter's one-step solution to change that. Simply make it your resolution to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" by reading the Word and spending time alone with Him every day. And you can be sure this daily exercise will not only lead you to a deeper understanding of who God is, but will give you the confidence and knowledge to tell others about Him as well. 

So while becoming a better runner definitely has benefits for us in this life, we would be wise to remember that becoming a better witness has benefits in this life and the one to come. And not just for us my friend... but for every person that comes to know Jesus because of something we said or did. Now isn't that a great reason to pursue knowledge? 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that gives us everything we need to grow stronger in our faith that we might boldly tell others about the only way to salvation. Help us to remember that the Great Commission was not merely a suggestion but a command for us to go out and make disciples of all nations. Give us a renewed passion to know you Lord and to testify about your amazing grace. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Take this city - Everfound

Get ready

"Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Matthew 24:44

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Coming in early to meet the plumber so he could unfreeze the pipes at the office where I work was not the way I wanted to start the day off yesterday. With very little notice, my treasured morning run time had been replaced with a trek across the county (at the plumbers advice) to buy the last two fuel-powered heaters in the area. While driving and growing ever so anxious to pound the pavement, I was thinking about how life never seemed to go as planned when I rounded a corner to see a hand written sign nailed to a tree with three words that would change my whole day... JESUS IS COMING. Oh praise the Lord, I thought, this day isn't so bad after all! No day is when you remember that our time here is temporary.

You know, the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus, "the Son of Man", is coming back one day. And since it will be "at an hour" and a day that none of us will expect, we are advised to "be ready." Now that news will either have you dancing for joy, as it did me at the thought of going home to be with the Lord, or full of fear at the thought of not being "ready" for His return. 

But you know what? Even though nothing in this life is certain, you can be sure that you are prepared for Jesus’ return. You see, you can make yourself "ready" today-at this very moment-by simply accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. It's a decision that you shouldn’t put off my friend, because He is coming back. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that gives us hope by reminding us that this world, with all of it's trials and sorrows, is not all there is-and that there is an eternal and ever-joyful life waiting for all those who believe in You. And while we, ourselves, might "be ready" for that day, help us to not simply sit back but to warn and prepare others to "be ready" as well. May we have a flaming desire to tell others that Jesus is coming! It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

People get ready - Avalon

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Look for ways

"If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm and eat well,” but you do not give them what the body needs, what good is it?" James 2:15,16 NET

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Plain and simple, running a marathon is hard. But running one, and dressing appropriately for one, in single-digit temperatures is even harder. So as I prepared for last Saturday’s 26.2 mile race by donning extra layers, I also grabbed some air-activated heat packs and tossed them into my mittens. Oh everyone should have these, I thought, (as I felt the warmth envelop my fingers) so I put a few extra packs in my pocket just in case. And as I passed a gentleman later in the race in a light coat not designed for the weather conditions, I took a double take to see that his hands were unprotected as well. They were bright red as he was alternating between blowing on them and stuffing them into his pockets. I immediately praised God for prompting me to take those extra hand warmers and stopped to share mine with this cold runner. Although he spoke very little English, he took the heat packs in his hands as I motioned for him to do and then stuck his hands in his pockets smiling back at me in sheer thankfulness. 

You know, the Bible is very clear that if you and I see a person who "is poorly clothed" or "lacks daily food", we are not to pass them by and simply say, "keep warm and eat well." No. As people who claim to put our faith in Jesus Christ, you and I are to show that faith by our actions. Because "what good is it" if we claim to love Jesus but don't show that same love to others? And why would they ever seek to know the love of the Father if they don't first see his love in us?

So today and every day, may you and I be looking for opportunities to help someone. May we be listening for and open to the Spirit's prompting to "give them what the body needs" that they might want to know where this extraordinary and unwordly love that we show comes from. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the blessing of allowing us to do good to others. Help us to recognize every opportunity in front of us and to be obedient to the Spirit's prompting to act so that we might lead others to you by our actions. Most of all Lord, may we love others with the same passion that you love us. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Love with your life - Hollyn

They will notice

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him." Colossians 2:6

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When you're as consistent a runner as Japan's Yuki Kawauchi, 30, people take notice. And on Monday, thousands of people watched as Yuki completed his 76th marathon in under 2 hours, 20 minutes (2:18:59) winning the Marshfield Marathon in Massachusetts and breaking the record for the most sub-2:20 marathons ever completed. And for his extraordinary efforts in braving the single-digit temperatures to set this new world record, the young racer may also now hold the title of the fastest marathoner to finish 26.2 miles in weather that cold. 

And while you can be sure that clocking such consistent race times required a lot of time, training and effort to achieve, the benefits to Yuki were enormous. Just as the benefits are to us when we are consistent in our walk with Christ. You see, the Bible is clear that accepting Christ Jesus as our Lord is only the beginning of our journey and that we "must continue to follow him" for the rest of our days... consistently, purposefully and constantly. It's only then, when we live a life steadily striving and training in the Word to be more like Jesus, that others will take notice of us and want to know more about Him. 

So would you say that you are consistent in your walk with Jesus today? And if not, what will you do to change that? Considering that many unbelievers might be watching us (including our friends and family), can you see the enormous benefits of walking closely with Christ-not only for us but for others, that we might inspire them to do the same? 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the examples of people in the Bible like Paul that show the power one person who is walking closely with you can have to inspire others to do the same. Help us to give up everything that stands in our way of serving you with our whole hearts that we would follow you so closely that others would be drawn to the Cross because of our actions and the way we live our lives. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Giving it all to you - Carrollton

Monday, January 1, 2018

Make good goals

"So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it." 2 Corinthians 5:9

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Like many runners, seasoned and new, you might be making a list of running goals for 2018 today and wondering if they are realistic. An expert on how to set good running goals, Meb Keflezighi, past winner of both the Boston and New York City Marathons, said, "The best goals have certain elements that make your success more likely. Here’s what I think good goals have in common." He went on to say that good goals have personal meaning, are specific, are challenging but realistic, have a time element, and keep a person motivated. And to further increase our chances of success, Meb made this suggestion, "Tell a few close people your goals. Doing so makes it easier to keep making the right choices."

 But you know, there's one more thing that we need to consider when we decide whether a goal is good and deserving of our time and effort-does our goal and the pursuit of it bring God glory? You see, the Bible says that, first and foremost, we should "make it our goal to please him..." And our goals please Him when they glorify Him. Rick Warren says it this way, "Any goal that causes you to love God more brings glory to God. Any goal you set that causes you to trust God more, brings glory to God. Any goal you set that causes to you obey God, to love God, to serve God, any goal that causes you to want to brag on God and tell unbelievers, ‘Look what he did for me’ -- that's the goal that brings glory to God. "

So when you're making your resolutions for the year, won't you consider pursuing only those goals that are truly good? Ones that "please him" and inspire others to do the same? Because those are the only ones that truly matter my friend. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your presence in our lives. Help us to align our will with yours Lord that we might only make goals that bring you the glory and honor that you are due. And may we vow to make this the year that we allow you to brightly shine through us that we might lead others to you through our pursuits. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Through me - Holly Starr