Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cause for celebration

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Deciding it would be best to pick up my daughter's Valentine's Day party snacks before my run, I entered the grocery story wearing my usual running attire. Upon placing the sugar-laden items upon the checkout counter, the cashier and I chatted about how so many holidays were frivolous and void of any real meaning. She admitted that she didn't even understand what the upcoming President's Day holiday was really all about and why we even celebrated it. As I agreed and walked away with my purchases, she said, "Now that's something to celebrate." When I turned around with a questioning look, she finished her thought, "What it says right there on the back of your coat. Now that's a reason for a holiday." Yes ma'am. Indeed it is.

You see, on the back of my coat (and all my running shirts) are the words, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Knowing that we have the strength to do those things we believe to be impossible is definitely a cause for celebration isn't it? Whether it's scaling the heights of Mount Everest, overcoming an addiction, surviving a divorce, battling cancer, running a marathon or raising children alone...through Christ, you and I have the power to be victorious.

D.L. Moody, a great American Evangelist, had it right when he said, “When a man has no strength, if he leans on God, he becomes powerful.” So today and every day let us celebrate the power that we have, as we lean on God, to be victorious and to "do all things through Christ" who indeed strengthens us. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your presence in our lives and for the strength you have promised to give us through Christ. May we remember just how powerful that is as we face those things we believed to be impossible. Let us celebrate the knowledge that we can indeed do all things through Christ who gives us strength. All glory to you Lord. It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Through Christ - William McDowell

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