Tuesday, September 2, 2014

God is in control

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps."  Proverbs 16:9

Before the beginning of yesterday's Heart of America Marathon, we were preparing to get into our starting positions.  To my extreme pleasure, I turned around in response to hearing my name, to see an older woman (dressed in a TEAM 413 shirt this time!) I had met at a marathon last November. She had joined a group of us in the lobby of the host hotel to pray before we rode to the starting line together.  It happened to be an unusually cold day for that time of year with wind chills in the single digits.  Melanie (as I later found out her name) was so kind as to offer me a pair of glove warmers. I, in turn, offered her a bit of advice when she told me she was worried about how well she would run the race in the cold and that she might come in last. I asked her if she believed that God loved her and had gotten her to where she was at this point in life? When she answered yes, I simply told her that she could make the best of plans but God would put her at the point in the race (and in life) where He wanted her to be - the place where she could be used to be a blessing or to bring glory to His name. 

Unfortunately, I didn't see her again that day or since.  That was... until yesterday. As we embraced, I thanked her once again for the kindness she had shown to me and she thanked me for the words I had spoken to her.  Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." You see, when two iron blades are rubbed together, the edges become sharper and the knives are better able to cut and slice, the purpose they were designed for. And so it is with a friend.  As you fellowship with your Christian brothers and sisters, sharing Christ and helping one another grow in love and maturity with Him, you are sharpened, making you better suited for the purpose you were designed for... good works. "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10.

We can do everything in our power to plan our future but God is ultimately in control.  He directs our path and each and every person He puts in it. Some are there for a time and some are there for a lifetime. Each friend is special and serves to "sharpen" the purpose for which we were designed. Trust in His plan and His purpose for your life. Then enjoy the friends He gives you along the way. 

Heavenly Father,thank You for giving us friends to strengthen and help us as we commit our lives to serving You. May we appreciate the friendships You have given us for a time or a season realizing that You know full well what is best for us. As we plan our course, help us to remember that You direct our steps.  In your precious name we pray Jesus, Amen.

Happy Running!!!

This is the time - Superchick

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