I am a runner striving, as the apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:17, to (joyfully) do everything, whether by words or actions, "in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Friday, February 28, 2014
gracerunner413: God is there
gracerunner413: God is there: God is there "Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, "You are my LORD; apart from you I have no go...
God is there
God is there
"Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, "You are my LORD; apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2
Several years ago, my mother was going through a very hard time in her life. She was suffering from a litany of medical issues rendering her unable to work. This led to some really tough times for her and my stepdad. I remember one day, in particular, listening to her sobbing and telling me how bad things were. The financial aspect of it paled in comparison to the deep depression settling in from her recent diagnosis and failed surgery.
When she said that she didn't know how things could get any worse, I felt compelled to share what I thought. "Mom, is this the worst thing you can imagine happening to you?" I asked. She answered yes to which I replied, "No Mom. Listen to me closely. The worst thing that could ever happen is to wake up and find out that Jesus wasn't there anymore." I remember her look of shock as that thought settled in. I think I began to cry first as I realized just how much we both needed Him. Our tears soon turned to joy as we agreed how great our God is.
It's when things are at their worst that God is at His best, comforting and sheltering us. When we fail to appreciate that fact, our problems appear much larger. Psalm 34:18 says that "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." It didn't say, if He feels like it or has time, It says He is there, close to the brokenhearted and the crushed in spirit.
I know many of you are going through some hard times right now, but rest assured God is there. "When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." Isaiah 43:2-3
Whatever you are facing today, know that He is with you. He doesn't promise to change our circumstances, but He does promise to go with us "through deep waters and great trouble." If God is with us, there's nothing in this world that can take away our hope for tomorrow. Nothing!
Heavenly Father, thank you for being such a loving God. Thank you for reminding us, through your word, that you will be with us through the hard times. Help us to remember that Your Presence in our lives is a blessing undeserved but greatly appreciated. In your precious name Jesus, Amen.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
gracerunner413: This is not our home
gracerunner413: This is not our home: This is not our home "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain , for the ...
gracerunner413: This is not our home
gracerunner413: This is not our home: This is not our home "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain , for the ...
This is not our home
This is not our home
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4
Websters Dictionary defines pain as: the physical feeling caused by something that hurts the body, mental or emotional suffering, or someone or something that causes trouble or makes you feel annoyed or angry. It defines trials as: tests of someone's abilities to do that something to see if he/she should join a team, perform in a play, etc.
I was thinking about pain, in particular, today as I finished up my morning run. I was fondly remembering a time when I could just jump out of bed, grab my shoes and hit the road . No duck walking (you guys over 40 know what I mean) out of bed and stretching until my muscles decided to work again. Aaaahhh... the good ole' days. And trials? Don't really remember any of those back in those good ole days. But, yesterday, as I was ending my run, preparing to stretch and ice the tendon, I looked back on the pain and trials in my life and smiled. I am truly thankful for them all. Yep, each and every one.
Pain and trials are amazing blessings. Pain reminds us that this is not our home (don't get too comfortable) and trials serve to remind us that God is with us and will always be with us. He will be there until the very end, walking us through this life, until the day when we actually go "home". Psalm 48:14 gives us this promise, " He is our God forever and ever, and he will be our guide until we die." What a comforting promise.
Pain and trials, to the believer, also serve as a constant reminder that we are alive, which means we have a pulse. And if we have a pulse, we have a purpose (pulse equals purpose). Isaiah 43:7 says, "everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, who I formed and made." The scripture is telling us that the ultimate purpose of man, is to simply glorify God!!!! You can do it wherever and however you want. But, while there is breath in your lungs, follow the motto of Nike and JUST DO IT!!!!!
I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to the bus ride heading "home." God willing though, I think I'll stay a while and take some passengers.
2nd Annual Prairie Spirit Trail Ultra Race Saturday, 29 March 2014 Ottawa, Kansas Melissa and her teammates will endeavor to complete the 100-mile Ultra Race along the Prairie Spirit Trail. Please support them. Sponsor Team 413 at gracerunner413.blogspot.com or call 573-433-6684 or 573-774-4992 Missouri Team 413 Ambassador Melissa Martinez Members of TEAM 413 – GRACERUNNER MINISTRIES, INC. are raising funds to provide free Ultrasounds to women experiencing un-planned or crisis pregnancies in Pulaski County. All money raised will go towards training volunteer technicians and ultrasound maintenance at the Free Women’s Center. The Free Women’s Center empowers as many individuals as possible to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of human life. The Center offers free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal education, and financial & material assistance. Learn more at www.supportmyfwc.com.
Here's this link also for donations. https://www.egsnetwork.com/gift/gift.php?giftid=173BB95D-9D6E-4547-B8B6-0E9CE19D56F8.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
gracerunner413: You are there!!
gracerunner413: You are there!!: You are there!! "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, y...
You are there!!
You are there!!
"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast, O God." Psalm 139:9-10
I remember clearly the first time I was left to get to the start of a marathon on my own. It was pretty soon after I joined TEAM413 and gave my life (and my running) completely over to Jesus. After surrendering myself to Christ, I felt an overwhelming need to run more races so I could be where I felt God was leading me. Needless to say, the newness and fun of marathons was over pretty quickly for my family and they decided they would rather do other things than hang around a race course all weekend. I completely understood and struck out on my own. Very scary.
It was in Tulsa OK many years ago when I got dropped by a friend about a half mile from the start line. Once she drove off, it hit me. I'm alone. I have no money. I have no phone. No one really knows where I am. That's when I begin to pray, "Lord, I am afraid. I am cold and I am alone. I want you to be with me on this race, would you please show me a sign that you're listening?". About that time, a man, who told me his name was John, made conversation with me as we were walking. He was running that day too.
We soon parted ways as the race began. After a few miles, I felt lonely again and asked God again for another sign. That's when I met Peter. We ran together for some time and actually met a guy named Paul. Lord, I thought, if I meet Moses or a man named Abraham, I'll just faint! Luckily, that didn't happen.
There have been so many races since that day and I know God has been with me through all of them. Why does this one stand out so much? Because this was the first time I had ever known God to be so personal. He was with me! He had followed me (yes me!)... and He cared. He cared that I was scared. He cared that I was lonely. And, He loved me enough to show it through the kindness and actions of others. How can we not live our lives giving that back? "Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, God is there. There is nowhere you can go that His hand will not "guide you". He is with you at your best times and at your worst. When you feel you can't go on and there's nothing left, I assure you He's there. And, in the lonely times when there's no one around, He is there! Simply call his name... the most lovely name ever spoken, Jesus. He is there!
Heavenly Father, thank you for the lonely times when we can feel your presence because you have taken away all distractions. Let us welcome those times when we can fully surrender to you and rest in your love. Thank you for loving us to follow us wherever we travel, even the "far side of the seas". In your most precious name Jesus, Amen.
2nd Annual Prairie Spirit Trail Ultra Race Saturday, 29 March 2014 Ottawa, Kansas Melissa and her teammates will endeavor to complete the 100-mile Ultra Race along the Prairie Spirit Trail. Please support them. Sponsor Team 413 at gracerunner413.blogspot.com or call 573-433-6684 or 573-774-4992 Missouri Team 413 Ambassador Melissa Martinez Members of TEAM 413 – GRACERUNNER MINISTRIES, INC. are raising funds to provide free Ultrasounds to women experiencing un-planned or crisis pregnancies in Pulaski County. All money raised will go towards training volunteer technicians and ultrasound maintenance at the Free Women’s Center. The Free Women’s Center empowers as many individuals as possible to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of human life. The Center offers free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal education, and financial & material assistance. Learn more at www.supportmyfwc.com.
Here's this link also for donations. https://www.egsnetwork.com/gift/gift.php?giftid=173BB95D-9D6E-4547-B8B6-0E9CE19D56F8.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
gracerunner413: Growing Spiritually
gracerunner413: Growing Spiritually: Growing Spiritually "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in...
Growing Spiritually
Growing Spiritually
"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." 2 Timothy 3:16-17
When a person is preparing to accomplish a goal, they would be wise to get as much information from "experts" as they possibly could. For example, if you're pursuing weight loss, you might read books written by people who have been successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Or, if you're training for a marathon, you might read runner's magazines looking for training plans. In one way or another, most of us are continually striving to better ourselves, whether it be physically (through sports) or mentally (through school or study).
That covers the mind and the body, but what about the spirit? That's the most important part! For that, God gave us the greatest manual ever, completely without flaw and guaranteed to lead you to victory. Unlike other goals like those described above, that have many possible ways to arrive at success, the bible has only one way to win-"Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
The bible is not a collection of stories, fables or myths God revealed His person and plan to certain believers, who wrote down His message for his people... better known as inspiration. Although the writers used their own minds, talents, language and style, they wrote what God wanted them to write. Every word was put there because He wanted it there. It is our only source of knowledge about how we can be saved. And, it's His gift to us!! No subscription required. And the best part it is, it never changes based on new research!! Hebrews 13:8, says "Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever."
The bible has the same power to change and transform lives as it did 2,000 years ago. Bet Weight Watchers or Runners World can't say that. What a book!!
What are you waiting for? If you don't have a bible, run out and get one. If you do, set aside time daily to "train" spiritually.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your Word to make us stronger. May we crave time with you daily and seek it above all else knowing we will reap the rewards of a relationship with you. In your name Jesus, Amen.
Monday, February 24, 2014
gracerunner413: A matter of luck
gracerunner413: A matter of luck: A matter of luck "I have seen something under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come...
A matter of luck
A matter of luck
"I have seen something under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them." Ecclesiastes 9:11-12
When we leave God out of the picture, like the writer of Ecclesiastes, we are left with a persepective of believing that the things that happen in life are a result of good luck or bad luck.
You may be the fastest runner in the race but, by bad luck, someone in front of you stumbles causing you to fall and you don't win. Or, by a stroke of good luck, the winds are at your back and your pace is quicker pushing you to claim first place.
The main question is, do things happen by chance? And, if they do, where does that leave God? Proverbs 16:33 tells us that, "The lot is cast into his lap, but every decision is from the Lord." and Proverbs 18:18 similiarly states, "The lot puts an end to quarrels and decides between powerful contenders." I can assure you no roll of the dice is by chance. Nothing is outside of God's control and is not a matter of chance.
I think we can look at it in two ways, God's active will is something He causes to happen, and His passive will is something He allows to happen. Either way, He is in control and has given us the promise that God works all things all things, good and bad, together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Isn't that awesome that we don't have to rely on luck?!! We have a Creator that loves us so much He leaves nothing to chance.
Heavenly Father, thank you for watching over us. When we are tempted to doubt you during the hard times, help us to remember that You are in control and You are working all things, good and bad, for our good. In your name, Amen.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
gracerunner413: El Paso Marathon 2/23/14
gracerunner413: El Paso Marathon 2/23/14: El Paso Marathon 2014 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."Philippians 4:13 Relaxing with the family and...
El Paso Marathon 2/23/14
El Paso Marathon 2014
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."Philippians 4:13
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Relaxing with the family and icing down the tendon. |
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My extended family. These guys are an amazing blessing to me. |
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Victory row with my new friend Efrain. |
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I catch a glimpse of my husband. Makes me smile. |
Saturday, February 22, 2014
gracerunner413: You're not all that
gracerunner413: You're not all that: You're not all that "For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think more highly than you ought, but rather t...
You're not all that
You're not all that
"For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you." Romans 12:3
We've all met "those" people. The ones who have accomplished much in their life and aren't shy about telling you about it. They aren't shy about giving themselves the credit for it either. Whether they are professional athletes or the guy who likes to rub it in that he beats you in every race, we've all seen it. And it's not pretty!
Healthy self esteem is important as some of us think too little of ourselves. On the other hand, some of us overestimate ourselves. The key to an honest evaluation is knowing the basis of our self worth. It's not our race times, medals or anything else this world can offer. It's who we are in Christ. And it's humbling ourselves with the knowledge that we are nothing apart from Him. We are valuable and capable of worthy service to Him only by His favor on us.
Evaluating yourself by the worldly standards of success and achievement can cause you to think too much about your worth in the eyes of others and then miss your true value in God's eyes. As we watch the Olympics, we see athletes that, by worldly standards, have achieved success. But, then the games end and the world moves on to another bunch of idols. What then? If your value is based on your abilities, what is your worth when that is gone?
Per sports-reference.com, as of 2014, 87 Olympians had committed suicide. You can find similar statistics in the world of sports, music and many other careers where the person is judged by what he/she can do. Thank God we have a Savior who loves us unconditionally. By placing your worth in Him, your value will never decrease regardless of your abilities or lack of them. John 6:63 tells us that "It is the spirit who gives us eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing." And Romans 5:5 tells us that , "We know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love."
Do you know how valuable you are to God? Regardless of how you see yourself, I can promise you that God sees you differently. It's time to forget what the world says you are and ask God to show you what you can be. Through Him, you are priceless.
Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us beyond what we deserve. Help us to be humble as we use the gifts you gave us. Let all we do and say bring glory to You Lord. In your name, Amen.
Friday, February 21, 2014
gracerunner413: Press on
gracerunner413: Press on: Press on "Not that I have already obtained all this,or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for whic...
Press on
Press on
"Not that I have already obtained all this,or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." Philippians 3:12
As I was packing yesterday to fly out for the El Paso Marathon, I was feeling a bit anxious. Worrying about an injury and a litany of other things (mostly my lack of faith in the matter) was troubling me. And, then it hit me! I signed up for this race way before any of these other things happened, which means... Yes! God had it planned out from the beginning. He knew what I'd be going through. He knows me and my circumstances, my abilities (after all He gave them to me) and He knows my needs. Why the worry then? Consume me Lord, I prayed. Consume my thoughts until there's no room for doubt.
Genesis 3:1 says that "Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made". Be assured my friends, he does not want you to reach your goal. Let God consume your thoughts so there's no room for doubt. Satan can't get a seat in a packed house people! Press on, press on and then press on some more! Let us all strive to be consumed by the goal of being like Christ.
In the words of Winston Churchill, "never, never, never, never give in , except to convictions of honor and good sense." Wise words when you add that when our own strength fails, God's doesn't. Keep pressing on!
Heavenly Father, Consume me until there's nothing left. Guide me to be the person you want me to be and help me to press on even when the walk seems long. In your name Jesus, Amen.
One step in front of the other
No looking back, no looking back
One step in front of the other
I’m gonna press on, I’m gonna press on-Mandisa
Thursday, February 20, 2014
gracerunner413: I'm just not feelin it today....
gracerunner413: I'm just not feelin it today....: I'm just not feelin it today... "And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and the life is his Son. So...
I'm just not feelin it today....
I'm just not feelin it today...
"And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and the life is his Son. So whoever has God's son has life; whoever does not have his Son does not have life. I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life." 1 John 5:11-13
I must tell you my runs during that period were not joyful or enjoyable(actually, nothing in my life during that period was). I love talking to God as I'm listening to my footsteps and the sounds around me. I sometimes wonder if I would still run if I wasn't a Christian. But, that's a story for another time.
Although I can't explain why, there are times when you too may not "feel" God's presence. You may even be tempted to doubt that He has come into your life. But 1 John 5:13 doesn't say "I write this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may feel you have eternal life." This is because feelings come and go. They fluctuate (especially if you're female, right ladies?). Nor does the bible say, "I write this to you so that you may hope- if God is in a really good mood-that you have eternal life." It says, "so that you may know..." Eternal life is yours!! Stand on God's promise to you during those times when you're not "feelin it". God promised it and I believe it.
So, whether you're feeling close to God today or far away, remember that the eternal life He gives is not based on feelings, but on facts. I read a church sign one time that said, "If you feel like God is far away, guess who moved?". There's a lot of truth in that. Use your next run to examine your heart. Have you moved? If so, turn around quickly!!
If you aren't sure you are a Christian, ask yourself: "Have I honestly committed my life to Him as Savior and Lord?" If so, know that this feeling will pass. If you haven't, then there's no better time to give your life to Jesus than today!!
Simply say the following prayer: Lord, forgive me of my sins. I'm tired of carrying them around with me and I'm tired of living without you. I ask that you come into my heart and life right now and run with me all the days of my life. Thank for for your gift of eternal life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Then I saw your face and I was changed forever. -Toby Mac
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Christian life is like the Olympics
Christian life is like the Olympics
If you're like me, you've probably been watching the Olympics, or at least the parts that interest you. Regardless of which sports you enjoy, I'm sure we can all agree that these athletes are, first of all gifted, and second of all, very determined and competitive.
The Olympics represent the pinnacle of athleticism (much like Boston is to runners), training, and competitiveness, going all the way back to ancient times. The apostle Paul used illustrations from the world of sports and athletics in several of his letters. In three Epistles, he used the image of all-out racing to urge vigorous and unrelenting pursuit of spiritual growth and service. Four times Paul spoke of his own growth and service in terms of his own such race.
We don’t know if Paul had been an athlete in his younger years. In these references to the Olympic races, he certainly showed deep interest in and understanding of competitive running. He used that understanding of the Olympic races to illustrate the basics of the Christian life.
To the gifted but immature believers in Corinth, Paul wrote, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize". 1 Corinthians 9:24. Here, Paul compares the disciplined effort necessary for spiritual growth to an Olympic athlete’s effort to win the prize that awaits only the winner of a race. Growing Christlike does not just happen on its own. God certainly “works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” Philippians 2:13, but the believer must work with God by giving serious effort to follow what the Holy Spirit teaches. “Anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules" 2 Timothy 2:5. For the disciplined believer, the prize is the “upward call of God in Christ Jesus”
The true believer demonstrates the reality of God’s work in his heart by enduring all sorts of tests in the journey to be Christlike. A believer is in training, much as an Olympic athlete must train for a race. No pain, no gain. The writer of Hebrews, no doubt, understood this when he wrote, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” Hebrews 12:1-3. Here, Jesus is portrayed as the finest runner, the One who sets the pace, our model and hero! Just as a runner in the Olympics must rid him/herself of anything that would hinder his running, we must rid ourselves of any sin that would do the same to us. As a runner in the games, you must keep your eyes on the finish line.
A runner must train for his race, know the rules, and commit to winning. A believer must endure hardship, exercise absolute and enduring faith in the Word of God, and keep his eyes on the goal. In the power of the cross, the believer grows more and more like the Savior. Despite obstacles, challenges, temptations, and even the threat of death, the Christian continues to run the race Christ has marked out for him. gotquestions.org
Heavenly Father, thank you for today. Thank you for showing me the way to be more like you. Be with me on this journey, running alongside me, until I cross the finish line and see Your face. In your name, Amen.
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize". 1 Corinthians 9:24.
If you're like me, you've probably been watching the Olympics, or at least the parts that interest you. Regardless of which sports you enjoy, I'm sure we can all agree that these athletes are, first of all gifted, and second of all, very determined and competitive.
The Olympics represent the pinnacle of athleticism (much like Boston is to runners), training, and competitiveness, going all the way back to ancient times. The apostle Paul used illustrations from the world of sports and athletics in several of his letters. In three Epistles, he used the image of all-out racing to urge vigorous and unrelenting pursuit of spiritual growth and service. Four times Paul spoke of his own growth and service in terms of his own such race.
We don’t know if Paul had been an athlete in his younger years. In these references to the Olympic races, he certainly showed deep interest in and understanding of competitive running. He used that understanding of the Olympic races to illustrate the basics of the Christian life.
To the gifted but immature believers in Corinth, Paul wrote, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize". 1 Corinthians 9:24. Here, Paul compares the disciplined effort necessary for spiritual growth to an Olympic athlete’s effort to win the prize that awaits only the winner of a race. Growing Christlike does not just happen on its own. God certainly “works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” Philippians 2:13, but the believer must work with God by giving serious effort to follow what the Holy Spirit teaches. “Anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules" 2 Timothy 2:5. For the disciplined believer, the prize is the “upward call of God in Christ Jesus”
The true believer demonstrates the reality of God’s work in his heart by enduring all sorts of tests in the journey to be Christlike. A believer is in training, much as an Olympic athlete must train for a race. No pain, no gain. The writer of Hebrews, no doubt, understood this when he wrote, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” Hebrews 12:1-3. Here, Jesus is portrayed as the finest runner, the One who sets the pace, our model and hero! Just as a runner in the Olympics must rid him/herself of anything that would hinder his running, we must rid ourselves of any sin that would do the same to us. As a runner in the games, you must keep your eyes on the finish line.
A runner must train for his race, know the rules, and commit to winning. A believer must endure hardship, exercise absolute and enduring faith in the Word of God, and keep his eyes on the goal. In the power of the cross, the believer grows more and more like the Savior. Despite obstacles, challenges, temptations, and even the threat of death, the Christian continues to run the race Christ has marked out for him. gotquestions.org
Heavenly Father, thank you for today. Thank you for showing me the way to be more like you. Be with me on this journey, running alongside me, until I cross the finish line and see Your face. In your name, Amen.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Back in the race
Back in the race
"My wayward children, come back to me and I will heal your wayward hearts." Jeremiah 3:22
If you're like most people, you made a new years resolution or two. Webster's Dictionary defines resolution as "an answer or solution to something.". Given that definition, the resolutions were probably as different was we are. Don't lose heart if you've since given up on keeping it. You're not alone. Let's take a look at some statistics regarding resolutions. Per answers.com: only 8% of people achieve their new years resolutions. 92% of those not kept fail by January 20. Wow, doesn't take most of us long to quit does it? Does that mean we should stop making resolutions to try and better ourselves? Absolutely not. We should always strive to be better.Consider this other statistic, per Runners World, only 0.5% of the population will ever complete a marathon. Should we never enter the race? Of course not. We should just be realistic about the distance we are willing to cover and the training we are willing to endure. God made us all with different abilities but He equips us all to "run the race" whatever distance that may be He calls you to. Because the Christian life is like a long-distance run though, you have to pace yourself. You have to persevere to finish the race. And, yes, along the way resolutions get made and they get broken.
Perhaps you were on the right course and life got you sidetracked? Maybe you were running strong with Jesus and you just gave up? If you desire to get back in the race, have I got news for you!!! The entry fee has been paid by Jesus. You're not alone, He is ready to run it with you. Maybe you never even entered the race, viewing it instead as a hesitant spectator, and you don't even know how to start. It's easy my friend.
Whether you desire a new life or have strayed and want to come back, God will forgive you right now if you will return to him. Simply pray the following prayer: God, I am sorry for my sin. I am sorry that I have strayed from you. I ask you to forgive me now as I repent of my sin. I don't want to be separated from you any longer. Renew and revive me as I once again follow you as my God in this race. Thank you for your forgiveness. In Jesus' name, Amen.
"Doesn't matter where I'm going if I'm going with you. I press on, I press on, I press on. " Building 429
Monday, February 17, 2014
The three pointer
The three pointer
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." John 10:27
I saw the most interesting news story yesterday morning as I was getting ready for church. I must tell you that I've been thinking about it ever since. The story carried by Ozarks Sports Zone is this: Michael Quin of Springfield, Mo., who is blind, hit a three-pointer at halftime of the College of the Ozarks vs. Bellevue men's game on Saturday. The shot won Quin McDonalds for a year.
Here's a link to the video as I was unable to post it-http://www.ozarkssportszone.com/Blind-man-hits-3-pointer-at-half-C-of-O-game--wins/18398450. I urge you to watch it first. The video shows Michael at the center line preparing to take the shot. Here's the interesting part-right under the goal is a man coaching him. The man was telling Michael which way to aim. When he was off a little, one way or the other, the man would correct him until his aim was perfect. He took the shot and it went in! The man ran to Michael and they embraced rejoicing in the victory together!! Of course the crowd gave a standing ovation and Michael won McDonalds for a year.
This story reminded me of how God guides us. But we have to listen for His voice. Not just any voice....HIS voice. But How do we know God's voice you may wonder? That's simple, just by spending time with Him. Those who hear God's voice are those that belong to Him. Those who have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus. These are the sheep (that's us you guys!) who hear and recognize His voice. The more time we spend intimately with God and His word, the easier it becomes to recognize His voice and His guiding our actions to ensure victory.
Don't miss this part though. Michael, who is blind, could have ignored this opportunity using his blindness as a reason not to even step foot on the court. I think a lot of us do that. We don't even try because we feel we aren't equipped. And, yes that's true!! None of us have what we need apart from Jesus. But remember that saying,"God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called."? Jesus also says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."John 8:12
It's by choosing to follow Jesus and listening to His voice that assures us the victory. Regardless of how equipped or unequipped we feel we are, God can make it happen. And through our victories, we can glorify the One who has called us. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:10, "For when I am weak, then I am strong."
What excuse is keeping you from victory today? Are you listening to His voice? If you're not, what's stopping you? Get to know Him. Invite Him to join you on your next run and just LISTEN. And here's an added bonus, Michael won McDonald's for a year, but we get Heaven for eternity!!
Heavenly Father,thank you for the gift of faith. Thank you for the Holy Spirit guiding us every step of the way. Be with us today and every day Father. Open up our ears and our hearts to hear your voice. In your precious name Jesus, Amen.
2nd Annual Prairie Spirit Trail Ultra Race Saturday, 29 March 2014 Ottawa, Kansas Melissa and her teammates will endeavor to complete the 100-mile Ultra Race along the Prairie Spirit Trail. Please support them. Sponsor Team 413 at gracerunner413.blogspot.com or call 573-433-6684 or 573-774-4992 Missouri Team 413 Ambassador Melissa Martinez Members of TEAM 413 – GRACERUNNER MINISTRIES, INC. are raising funds to provide free Ultrasounds to women experiencing un-planned or crisis pregnancies in Pulaski County. All money raised will go towards training volunteer technicians and ultrasound maintenance at the Free Women’s Center. The Free Women’s Center empowers as many individuals as possible to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of human life. The Center offers free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal education, and financial & material assistance. Learn more at www.supportmyfwc.com.
Here's this link also for donations. https://www.egsnetwork.com/gift/gift.php?giftid=173BB95D-9D6E-4547-B8B6-0E9CE19D56F8.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
"Run with the Wind" Sarcoxie 2014
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Our Fashionista! The one and only... wait for it........ Hope Martinez |
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Prerace with Laura Murrieta and Cheryl Shores. |
There was, sadly, no prerace prayer (I will volunteer us to do it next year). But a group of us, about 7, held hands and prayed at the starting line. We were all so happy to be there. I love that none us took it for granted that this day was from the Lord. The course was all back roads, nice, somewhat hilly and very scenic. An absolutely gorgeous day to run. Did I say I loved the course? No gatorade but you can't win them all:).
About mile 13, a gentleman passed me and said he appreciated the verse on my back. I handed him a bracelet and wished him a strong finish. After the race, he approached me and apologized for interrupting me while I was on the phone. What?!!!! And then I busted out laughing. I was talking all right...to Jesus!! I was laughing and even doing hand gestures as I was praising God and just enjoying His presence. How funny that someone thought I was on the phone. I had headphones on so he must have thought I had a bluetooth! Oh well.... no one said I was "right in the head."
Went on to meet some most amazing people at the finish line. We had to wait for the awards and the shuttle back to the start line so I spent about 90 minutes there. As faithful as God is, He set up the encounters of who we were to speak to. I'll just say that the friends I made will be friends for life and they were exactly the reason team413 was there. Praise God, Laura had the same experience. And that is what it's all about. God gives us the ability, we give Him the glory. What a blessed day indeed!
Saturday, February 15, 2014
You might be a Christian runner
You might be a Christian runner....
"He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way." Psalm 25:9
Yesterday, I shared some ways you know you might be a runner. It's only fitting to show a list of ways you know you're a Christian runner. I hope you enjoy them. Below is a story about Ryan Hall, If you are unfamiliar with him, he's one of the top American runners and has been for some time. His ability is God given and his humility only helps to bring praise to the Creator. Very interesting......
Olympic runner Ryan Hall holds the record for the fastest half-marathon and the fastest marathon ever recorded by an American, and now his only running coach is God. After finishing as the runner-up at the 2011 United States half-marathon championships, Hall declared "God" to be his coach when filling out a standard drug testing form. Today, Hall finds the inspiration for his training tactics from the Bible and from listening to God. He doesn't hear God audibly, he says, but as he thinks and plans out his training sessions he senses which course of action God would have him take.
In June, the Halls were interviewed by Bethel Church's senior leaders, Eric and Candace Johnson, about issues of running and faith during one of the church's services. With marathon training, Hall told the congregation, as with many things in life, the first steps toward the goal are always the most difficult. "One step by itself doesn't mean anything, but you put all those steps together and it's absolutely miraculous what your body can do," he said. "So sometimes I don't even like to think about how fast I run ... because it just seems totally impossible, but it's just a testimony to the amazing bodies that God has given us." July 27, 2012 The Christian Post.
You might be a Christian runner if:1. You are late for work or school, but don't even have to set your alarm for a race or church.
2. You give thanks before consuming your gels.
3. You immediately bow to pray before every race no matter where you are.
4. The last .2 miles of a marathon are spent with your hands raised in praise.
5. You don't plan a race stategy, you ask God to guide your steps.
6. You have Lecrae and Toby Mac on your 5k speed playlist.
7. You thank the volunteers for handing you water... and you mean it.
8. You pray for everyone you pass.
9. You have ever stopped to help someone.. forgoing a PR.
10. You know that your best PR is not a number, its a Personal Relationship.
11. You carry your bible in your run bag instead of Runner's World.
12. You have scripture verses memorized for every pace, race, or situation.
13. You wear clothing sharing your faith.
14. You silently pray for everyone in your corral before the race.
15. You not only ice your injuries, you ask your friends to "lay hands on them."
16. You can witness and keep a sub 8 minute pace at the same time.
17. You don't brag about your accomplishments along with other runners, you boast about God's.
18. You will run anywhere/anytime if you have the opportunity to be a witness.
19. Your medals serve as testimonies.
20. You sign up for races people think are impossible knowing God will get you through.
21. You question your motives before signing up for races, praying it's God's will, not yours.
22. Your kids know Phillipians 4:13 backwards and forwards.
23. Jesus is your idol and your favorite running partner.
24. You've yelled the name "Jesus" out loud when you need some more energy.
25. You've ever looked like you're having a seizure while listening to praise and worship as you run.
26. Your daily runs double as your prayer and devotion time.
27. You've had actual out loud conversations with Jesus lasting more than a mile.
28. You laugh spontaneously.
29. Your prayers don't cease even when your legs do.
30. You have 26 people to pray for on a 26.2 mile run.
31. You smile and keep running through pain because, "The joy of the Lord is your strength."
32. When you miss church, your pastor calls to ask how your race went.
33. You know the PRs of your Christian running friends and their favorite scriptures.
34. You affectionately refer to the Trinity as your "running posse."
35. You read your daily verse before you check the forecast.
36. You glow at the end of a race (time spent with God-think Moses).
37. You've brought a nonbeliever to Christ on a 5 mile run.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings. We know we are not worthy of your favour but ask, humbly, for your grace and mercy that we may live to run another day. May everything we do and say today bring you praise. In your precious name, Amen.
Friday, February 14, 2014
You might be a runner
You might be a runner if.....
"Where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20
You've all heard Jeff Foxworthy and his parody of "You might be a redneck if..." and there's a hundred and one ways to end that phrase. Here's a share of some of the best ones I've seen regarding runners.You might be a runner if...
- you have a drawer full of medals and other race souvenirs that you’re not sure what to do with.
- you have stress fractures.
- your coworkers refer to you as “the masochist”.
- You know you’re a runner when watching the New York Marathon on T.V. made you get up and go for a run.
- losing a toe nail isn’t so bad.
- you can pronounce those funny Kenyan names.
- you can hallucinate and get high at the same time without taking anything.
- you know the amount of time needed to digest before you run.
- You know you’re a runner when you know what a PR is.
- you enjoy running in the rain.
- your treadmill has more miles on it than your car.
- you get an invitation to a wedding and you automatically think about what race the date will conflict with.
- you’re not embarrassed to wear spandex.
- you’re always hungry.
- at least one of your web site usernames or email addresses has the word “run” or “runner” in it.
- you know your resting heart rate, maximum heart rate, and exactly what your heart rate is at all parts of your run.
- you pack more running clothes than bathing suits when going on a beach vacation.
- You know you’re a runner when you have running clothes and an extra pair of running shoes in your car, “just in case.”
- your holiday wish list can be fulfilled at any running or sporting goods store.
- one of the first things people ask you when they haven’t seen you in a while is, “What race are you training for now?”
- you have at least one drawer dedicated to just running clothes.
- you wear your running shorts underneath your work clothes so that you can quickly get running after work.
- you know where your illiotibial band is located.
- you no longer hate port-a-johns. In fact, there have been times when you’ve been very happy to see one.
- you’ve had your running shoes for three months and you know it’s already time to replace them.
- you spend more time researching running routes than local restaurants when traveling to a new city.
- You know you’re a runner when you can remember a time from a race 4 years ago, but you can’t remember your friend’s birthdays.
- you know splits are something that not only cheerleaders care about.
- your physical therapist’s receptionist knows you by the sound of your voice on the phone.
- you know how to correctly spell and pronounce plantar fasciitis.
- your Facebook or Twitter updates frequently involve running.
- You know you’re a runner when your only recent photos of you alone are race photos.
- you have a line in your budget for “race entry fees/race travel”.
- you get excited when the new Runner’s World comes in the mail.
- you spent more timing researching a running watch than you did your car.
- you want to either cry or punch your doctor in the face when he tells you that you can’t run for two weeks.
- You know you’re a runner when you’re excited for your next birthday because it means you’ll be in a new age group at races.
- You know the location of every convenience store, public restroom, and water fountain in running distance from your home.
- your friends know to never call you after 9 pm.
- you get up earlier to run on the weekends than you do for school/work.
- you know that cotton is not the best fabric for running.
- You know you’re a runner when you think of distances in terms of mile repeats.
- when someone asks you what you did today, you respond with a number.
- you wear running T-shirts with funny slogans.
- when you hear the word “bib”, you think about a race number, not a baby.
- you spend more money on running clothes than work or casual clothes.
- You know you’re a runner when the only time major household projects get done is during tapering or race recovery.
- you frequently get asked, “When’s your next race?”
- you have chafing in strange places.
- people say, “You run 5 miles…at once?”
- you use the words “10 miles” and “Easy” in the same sentence.
- You know you’re a runner when you check your calendar for races before making plans.
- you spend more in training clothes than work clothes.
- you have running withdrawal if you don’t run everyday.
- you wake up every morning in pain.
- your runs are sometimes longer than your commute to work or school.
- You know you’re a runner when your running partners know more about your bodily functions than your significant other.
- you get jealous when you’re driving in your car and pass runners.
- you have more fun shopping for running clothes than you do non-running clothes.
- you don’t blink an eye at $100 for running shoes, but you have to think about $100 for any other shoes.
- You know you’re a runner when you save bib numbers in a scrap book.
- you know every runner in you’re community.
- your first thought when you look at the weekly weather forecast is, “When can I fit in my runs?”
- You know you’re a runner when you have more running clothes than regular clothes in your laundry pile.
- you smirk when non-runners ask you, “So how long is this marathon?”
- you consider work as recovery time between runs.
- you own spandex in more than 1 color.
- your watch is more expensive and complicated than your car.
- You know you’re a runner when you secretly critique other runners’ form when you’re driving in your car.
I hope that all made you laugh as much as it did me. It's true that runners can go a "little" overboard in their pursuit of their next run. We put a lot of time into training and even more into thinking about training, but how much time are we making for God?
1 Corinthians 9:25 tells us that, "Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." And 1 Timothy 4:8 says "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." Running is great and it is a blessing but remember the One who gave you that gift. And it is a gift, I assure you (there are so many people suffering with ailments unable to walk or even get out of bed that would trade places with you in a heartbeat). Don't take God's blessing on your life for granted. Invite Him to join you on your next run. I'm certain He would love to hear your personal thank you. Oh... and I promise He can keep your pace!!
Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of humor. Thank you for the ability to run Lord. May we forever praise you in gratitude for the air in our lungs. Be with us today as we run, guiding our steps and allowing us to feel your presence. In your name we pray Jesus, Amen.
2nd Annual Prairie Spirit Trail Ultra Race Saturday, 29 March 2014 Ottawa, Kansas Melissa and her teammates will endeavor to complete the 100-mile Ultra Race along the Prairie Spirit Trail. Please support them. Sponsor Team 413 at gracerunner413.blogspot.com or call 573-433-6684 or 573-774-4992 Missouri Team 413 Ambassador Melissa Martinez Members of TEAM 413 – GRACERUNNER MINISTRIES, INC. are raising funds to provide free Ultrasounds to women experiencing un-planned or crisis pregnancies in Pulaski County. All money raised will go towards training volunteer technicians and ultrasound maintenance at the Free Women’s Center. The Free Women’s Center empowers as many individuals as possible to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of human life. The Center offers free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal education, and financial & material assistance. Learn more at www.supportmyfwc.com.
Here's this link also for donations. https://www.egsnetwork.com/gift/gift.php?giftid=173BB95D-9D6E-4547-B8B6-0E9CE19D56F8.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Run Forrest Run
Run Forrest Run
"She caught him by his cloak and said, "Come to bed with me!" But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house." Genesis 39:12
Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob and highly favored by his father. Because of this, his brothers resented him to the point of hatred. And when he began relating his dreams (prophetic visions showing Joseph one day ruling over his family), their jealousy became too much. They sold Joseph into slavery and told Jacob that he had been killed by wild animals.
Joseph was sold to a high-ranking Egyptian named Potiphar and eventually became the supervisor of Potiphar's household. It was obvious to Potiphar and his wife that God looked favorably on Joseph. Here's where it starts to read like a steamy novel though. Genesis 39 tells us that Joseph was well-built and handsome and Potiphar's wife took notice (talk about a desperate housewife!). She attempted to seduce Joseph over and over and he rebuffed her time and again saying, "How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God? And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her." Genesis 39:9-10. Notice here that he didn't say a sin against Potiphar? He knew it was ultimately against His creator and that's what mattered.
Joseph avoided Potiphar's wife as much as possible. He refused her advances day after day, again and again but, boy, was she persistent!! Sin is like this, left in your life, the temptations become greater and greater. Finally came the day when she grabbed him and he had to make a choice. And, this is the best part! Joseph ran! He didn't even bother to take his coat. Scripture says he "ran out of the house."
Unfortunately, the wife then falsely accused him of rape and Joseph was thrown in jail where he interpreted the dreams of two fellow prisoners and... it's a great story. I'll let you read the rest.
The point is this, when Joseph knew that he could not resist this sin any longer, he ran away from it. He didn't hesitate, he didn't make excuses. He acknowledged that it (along with all other sins) is a sin against God and he ran. Sometimes, we have to go to this extreme to avoid falling into temptation. We all like to run anyway, right?
In the words of Jenny Curran (think Forrest Gump) "<hearing that Forrest is going to Vietman> Listen, you promise me something, OK? Just if you're ever in trouble, don't be brave. You just run OK?" Wise words, I'd say.
Heavenly Father, thank you for being the Father we can run to in times of trouble. Please help us to remember that we are helpless to overcome sin without your help and guidance. May we run away from any sin that has taken a hold in our lives. In your name, Amen.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The Golden Rule
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31
I, along with an assistant, coach the 1st grade Upward cheerleaders at my church. Throughout the season, we will teach these girls things about the bible and it's Creator. Last night, we introduced the newest virtue we were to study: KINDNESS. And, of course, when you speak of kindness, the "golden rule", as Luke 6:31 is often referred as, is usually mentioned.We discussed different scenarios of how we would want someone to be "kind" to us and the things we would like them to do for us in certain difficult, harmful or lonely situations we might find ourselves in. The questions were posed as "How would you want to be treated if you were the one____________?. I'll let you fill in the blank. The bottom line is this, sometimes we are that person in need of help and sometimes we are blessed to be the ones to "do unto others".
If you've ever been an athlete, you know about playing by the "rules." The apostle Paul once said, "if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules" 2 Timothy 2:5. In one respect, this fits the idea of "the golden rule" very well. The rule is called "golden" I'm sure because it is understood to be above all others in greatness and purity (I kinda like this rule!). It's an authoritative standard, given to us by God. If you asked a group of people to hold their hands up showing the measurement of 12 inches, they would all be different! But, if I then held up a ruler to their hands, it would show everyone how far off they are. Jesus does that for us!
To put it on a personal level, I pose this question to you-if you or I were "running" the in wrong direction and in need of Christ, what would we want someone to "do unto us"? Of course! Tell us about Jesus. Sadly, this is the way most people in the world are. They are lost and in need of a saviour and some don't even know it. And no one is telling them!!!
Being a member of TEAM413 allows me and other runners to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" on a different type of missions field... the race course. It's a place where people are running to something, for something or from something. A place where, in an attempt to rid oneself of past hurts, demons and regrets, a runner will run until there's nothing left and nowhere for the pain to hide. A place just right to "do unto others".
But, it doesn't stop or begin there. We are to serve Him wherever we are and at all times. Whether it be the marathon course or the grocery store, the rule still applies. Where is your missions field? It's right where you are today... right now. So what's stopping you? Lace up your shoes and get going!!
Heavenly Father, thank you for providing us with the wisdom of your Word. We pray that you provide us opportunities to help and bless others, "doing unto them what we would have done unto us." Be with us and guide us as we do this Lord. In your name Jesus, Amen.
2nd Annual Prairie Spirit Trail Ultra Race Saturday, 29 March 2014 Ottawa, Kansas Melissa and her teammates will endeavor to complete the 100-mile Ultra Race along the Prairie Spirit Trail. Please support them. Sponsor Team 413 at gracerunner413.blogspot.com or call 573-433-6684 or 573-774-4992 Missouri Team 413 Ambassador Melissa Martinez Members of TEAM 413 – GRACERUNNER MINISTRIES, INC. are raising funds to provide free Ultrasounds to women experiencing un-planned or crisis pregnancies in Pulaski County. All money raised will go towards training volunteer technicians and ultrasound maintenance at the Free Women’s Center. The Free Women’s Center empowers as many individuals as possible to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of human life. The Center offers free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal education, and financial & material assistance. Learn more at www.supportmyfwc.com.
Here's this link also for donations. https://www.egsnetwork.com/gift/gift.php?giftid=173BB95D-9D6E-4547-B8B6-0E9CE19D56F8.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Running the race of life
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary [c]and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3
A share from Dr. Charles Stanley who said it so well (*with a few additions).
The Christian life is often described as a race-—one designed by God. In it, we are called to fulfill His purposes for us. That is, we are to be conformed to Christ’s likeness and bring God glory.
To run the race, we need to know the route. The Bible serves as our map, compass, and guidebook. It is an infallible manual for godly living, which is needed in our culture of contradictory voices, all claiming to be the truth.
To complete the race, we need inspiration and correction.Scripture provides both through the true accounts of biblical personalities. Some of us are like King Saul, who answered God’s call and began the race in strong fashion (1 Sam. 10:9-11)(* but remember he didn't end the race so well); correction is likely if we lose our focus on God’s agenda and become immersed in worldly ways. Others of us are like the apostle Paul, who lived an ungodly life for years before salvation (*he finished the race strong and worthy of the reward). His life inspires us to persevere and to embrace the Lord’s plan with growing passion.
During a race, we will encounter obstacles against which we must persevere. Some of these hindrances might include: criticism from believers and/or unbelievers; opposition to our stand for Jesus; and periods of loneliness and uncertainty when the way isn’t clear. *It will also include pain, injury, hunger, thirst, pain and exhaustion. *And especially doubt, which will turn into "the wall". The race will not be easy!! But the Holy Spirit strengthens us as we study God’s unchanging character and timeless promises.
Are you running the race well? How are you responding to pressures along the way? Remember that Christ, who is our very life, always runs with us. And be encouraged through the Scriptures.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us everything we need to complete the race before us. When we are tempted to give up, please give us strength through your Holy Spirit and remind us that we are not alone. Thank you for running this race with us. In your precious name Jesus, Amen.
*On a side note, the "great crowd of witnesses" is composed of people described in Hebrews, Chapter 11 (I urge you to read it). Their faithfulness is a constant encouragement to us. We do not struggle alone, and we are not the first to struggle with the problems we face. Others have run the race and won, and their witness should stir us to run and win also. And, our witness should do the same to help others in their race!!! Have you told someone today Jesus? Get running and get to sharing!!
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