I am a runner striving, as the apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:17, to (joyfully) do everything, whether by words or actions, "in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
The best life insurance
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Spring into training
Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series
Now let's get started by talking about something that should motivate you to lace up those shoes... Spring!!!! Yes, finally right???? Well if you're one of those runners that went MIA this winter or seriously dialed down your mileage and/or your effort either due to injury or your serious dislike of running in darkness and freezing temps, let's talk about some things to get you back out there. And if you need extra incentive to get back to it right now (as if the warmer weather and the longer daylight hours weren't enough to do it), consider this.... the Bass Pro Marathon and Half is only seven months away!!! And let's not forget about the Dogwood Canyon trail runs. Those are coming up too! So what are you waiting for??? Get started today with these 5 running tips that are sure to have you "springing" into your training.
Set a goal
First things first right? This goes without saying. If you do NOT have a goal to shoot for, you will most likely NOT have a plan to get you there. And not having a plan many times turns into not having the motivation to log a few miles. Do you see where I'm going with this? Working towards a goal allows you to feel like you are accomplishing something and gives you a purpose for getting in those steps. Whatever your goal is, it should be challenging, yet achievable. If you are brand new to running, maybe make finishing a 5K your goal, or running for 20 minutes without stopping? Whatever your goal, set a realistic timeline to meet it and celebrate in a healthy way when you accomplish it. And remember this... if you have a big goal in mind (like a marathon or half), set small attainable goals (like a 5k or 10k) and use them as stepping stones along the way. Completing these will be the motivation you'll need to get you to that bigger goal.
It can be frustrating to think about your past running accomplishments and it may even feel like they’re out of reach at this point. But don't beat yourself up! Simply focus on the positive steps you're taking and build momentum from there. And every time a negative thought comes into your mind, I want you to say this, "I may NOT be where I want to be but I AM taking the steps to get there. And I WILL get there!" Say this as often as necessary and as loud as necessary. And if you do find yourself getting frustrated about your progress, don't keep it to yourself! That's a great way to head down the "I'm just gonna give up" path of running and life (they're connected). Instead, talk to some of your running friends who have most likely had a similar experience. And here's the best way to stay positive.... continually remind yourself that, no matter how slow or fast your progress might be, you are still moving forward! Be grateful for every inch of progress you make by remembering that it's a blessing to be running at all. It's a blessing to have the health to move for that matter.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Allow Him to be your Guide
"Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'" John 20:29 NKJV
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Sing those praises
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11 NIV
Stepping up to the start line of the Prairie Spirit Trail 100 mile race early Saturday morning, I closed my eyes and silently mouthed the words I had prayed every day since my training began, "Lord, please grant me the strength to finish the race... but mostly Father, let me bring You glory through my pursuit of the finish line." And while I would love to say that I crossed that finish line in record time, I didn't. In fact, I didn’t even cross the finish line at all. But you know what I did do? I did sing His praises out loud for the 50 miles the Lord granted me the strength to finish because, get this... the Lord has always been faithful to me and He has never, even in the midst of my sin, withheld His love from me. In fact, He has personally walked with me through every trial, through every struggle and through every disappointment I have ever experienced in this life. And if you're wondering, "If God is so faithful and loves you so much, why wouldn't He just keep you experiencing trouble?" let me tell you this... God uses hardships to discipline those He loves which gives you and me every reason to praise Him when we are experiencing difficulty or conditions that are hard to endure.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
We have a Helper who is always with us
"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever;" John 14:26 NASB
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Rejoice in small beginnings
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the LORD that search all around the world.)" Zechariah 4:10 NLT
As I opened up my Facebook memories yesterday, I was moved to tears by the picture (me, my son and his friend after a race) and the words I posted nine years ago on March 24, 2012, "Woot! Woot! And give God the glory glory!!!! We just finished ... together. They ran it right under 30 minutes. I'm so proud of them!!" And while I'll admit that many of those tears were because I truly miss my son, Luke, who is now grown and out of the house, the majority of them were shed at the realization that God is so very good and so very, very faithful. You see, that was the day I first acted on the vision that God had placed on my heart to start a Christian running group; a group that would not only exist to glorify God and to spread the gospel but to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. And now, because of that "small beginning" on March 24, 2012, the Frog Fitness Group (FFG), whose members are bound by their love for Christ and the shared mission to serve Him by serving others, is the Christian running group I had dreamed about all those years ago. And while passing out flyers on that day inviting strangers to join this group that had only one member (me) might have seemed like a very small thing at the time, I realize now that it set the wheels in motion for the FFG ministry to be formed. Is that amazing or what?
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series
53.8 Miles
As I get older, I’ve figured out this is a lifetime sport and if I wanna do it for life I’ve gotta be smart. Friday I was having a little plantar pain out of nowhere. It stayed at bay for most of the race but twisted my ankle a bit. Live to fight another day. Happy with getting in the miles and staying awake past my bedtime.
A year ago this month was my first time ever running more than a half marathon. 26+ miles. A year from then, I have doubled! Woot. Happy with what I did, gonna do more.
I’m always telling the kids I coach that there’s no point in doing this if you don’t enjoy it and still have fun. There’s no point if you’re not having fun. I’m having fun...
Do you just love this story or what? First of all, let's look at the most important thing Keaton learned from his experience... there's no point in running if you're not having fun--a lesson he was blessed to learn at such a young age.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Finish the course
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;" 2 Timothy 4:7 NASB
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Our afflictions are only momentary
"For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison," 2 Corinthians 4:17 ESV
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Be willing to go
“As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.’” Luke 9:57-58 NIV
So if you’ve vowed to follow Jesus wherever He goes, let me ask you this my friend... would you still go if it meant giving up your “worldly luxuries” to do it? I sure hope so because I can assure you of this... being in God’s will wherever that might take you is always better than being outside of His will no matter how comfortable that might make you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we must be willing to give up everything if we want to follow You. Help us to be willing to do more than to simply vow to follow you Jesus. Cause our hearts to be ready and willing at a moments notice to leave everything behind to go where You say go.... knowing that You will take good care of us along the way. It’s in Your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen.
Happy Running!!!
Sparrows - Cory Asbury
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
God causes everything to work together
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28 NLT
Upon hearing the news of legendary runner Dick Hoyt's passing yesterday, I was quite saddened. Having shared the Boston Marathon racecourse with him in 2014 for his very last Boston Marathon and my second (he completed 32), I was quite familiar with the story of Team Hoyt which began in 1962 when Dick's son, Rick, was born and immediately diagnosed as a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy as a result of oxygen deprivation to his brain. Dick and his wife, Judy, were advised to institutionalize Rick because they said he had no hope of living a "normal" life; something Dick and Judy refused to believe. Instead, they fought to integrate Rick into the public school system which he entered in 1975 at the age of 13. A few years later, in 1977, Rick wanted to enter a 5-mile race and his father agreed to push him in a wheelchair. That night, Rick told his father, “Dad, when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped.” And just like that, the duo began running together as Team Hoyt inspiring the formation of The Hoyt Foundation in 1989 that serves to promote the inclusion of the disabled into all facets of daily life. How's that for good coming out of what the Hoyts were told was a "hopeless" situation?
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION-Fall in love with running
Even though I was unable to run this year, I sure enjoyed this event immensely. So many people I see at races that I never have a chance to actually talk to I was able to spend a few moments with and listen to and share stories with. To me that is something special. I want to thank Laura Shoephorster and Stephanie Sinden not only on their accomplishments but for putting up with me in the kitchen. I was so happy to hear people telling me about setting first and goals at the race, so many firsts for people. I was happy that Channa Ringo and her running buddy let me take their 50k accomplishment photo. And talking for extended periods with Jody Rhoads and Jenny with the very bright lights. I especially liked her story about the leaping tarantulas at a trail race. And I cannot forget to mention my Joplin friends. Henri Rik Coëme, I was both surprised and thrilled to see you and Miles show up!! Craig Smith, you are still the best crew chief in the business. Sheree Lundien Wilson, I have always been in awe of your accomplishments. I did not know that this was your first 40 miler!! Great job. It is hard for me to believe that I actually achieved that goal before you. Debbie Yerington-Smith, I am so glad that you were healed up before this race. I know how hard you and Sheree worked for this 40+ miles two years in a row!!! I was so happy to get to walk a mile or so with you and Melissa at the end of the night and listen to you both. Melissa, I know how proud you are of everyone's accomplishments and glory be to God that we were able to even have this event this year. I am so proud and honored to have been able to be a small part of it!!!! - Jim Burns
Sometimes in life we think we can’t do something just because of different circumstances . Then we are able to see others of all walks of life by volunteering. I find that if you put your heart into it and have the faith then anything is possible. Don’t let others tell you that you can’t do something - Stephanie Sinden
Laura at a 10k race in 2020 |
I was bored and figured I might as well walk/run, lol. Also hearing the miles everyone else ran, I thought to myself, if they can do it, so can I. Then my husband texted me after he saw my blisters and told me I needed to quit. That was what pushed me back out. You did read my shirt, right? "Quitting is not an option"? We bought it at the Navy Seal museum last week. - Laura Schoephorster
And last but not least, Jenni Sherman gives her take on the benefits of of volunteering...
This year I’ve been feeling like something is missing, I love running and competing and have done racing since I was 14. But lately that little hole has not been filling up. So after doing my longest run last year, I felt so much love from the volunteers that I wanted to give back but didn’t know how to start. So I figured I would just ask to do it at Racing for Daylight. And after coming home, I felt very happy and found myself wishing I could do more volunteering. I loved seeing everyone running and motivating one another. I was very happy to not be in race mode so I was able to enjoy everyone and hear about them and their running stories and goals. - Jenni Sherman
Monday, March 15, 2021
Hang around the right people
"Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had explored the land, tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly, “The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good." Joshua 14:6-7 NIV
For me, one of the best things about being a race director is hearing all the stories from the races I'm blessed to coordinate--something that I really enjoyed over the course of the 12-hour Racing for Daylight Ultra event held last weekend. And not only during the race but for days afterward. The reports of people surpassing their goals really had me smiling. And I must tell you that as I read the numerous posts of the people who had put forth extraordinary effort, I noticed something that every runner who had surpassed their goal had in common.... they had been hanging around someone (or a group of someones) who routinely dares to dream big and acts on those dreams. They "hung out" with runners who focused on what could be done rather than what could not be done and who, either by their actions or words, inspired them to adopt the same focus and to dream big and go after it.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Don't back down
“They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, "Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed." But I prayed, "Now strengthen my hands.’” Nehemiah 6:9 NIV
"Good morning Dave," I said to my friend upon answering the phone early Saturday morning. "What's happening?" I then asked, anxious to hear the status of the flooding on the trail we were scheduled to be hosting a run on later that evening. Dave, my friend who is also our race timer, then said, "The trails are flooded in and out. We either have to reschedule, cancel or find a different location. There's no way we're getting in there. It’s still raining and the river hasn't even crested." "Hmmmm...." came my reply knowing in my heart that canceling or rescheduling was not an option. "Give me a few minutes to make some calls." And you know, by God's grace, within 30 minutes we had gotten the approval of the City Administrator to use the meeting room at the city’s aquatic center as an aid station that just so happened to be near a paved road that served as our new 3.4 mile route. And guess what? The rain stopped before the event began and we were blessed with nearly perfect running weather. Amazing, right?
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Withdraw often
“So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” Luke 5:16 NASB
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
A healthy diet is important
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10 ESV
As most runners know, eating a diet high in protein is essential for our bodies to function properly. However, most runners concentrate solely on their carbohydrate intake (think gels, gummie bears, M&M's, oranges, potatoes and bananas) when running or racing long distances. But now, new research suggests that protein intake before and during a marathon is just as important, if not more important, than our obsessive carbohydrate ingestion. Higher protein consumption, they went on to say, is related to better performance times and lower reduction of lean body mass after the marathon. That's good news right? And while the recommended dietary allowance for is protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight daily, athletes, they say, should generally consume more—up to 2.4 grams per kilogram of bodyweight, depending on their goals.
And you know, while improved performance and faster recovery times are a great reason to be sure our diets contain the right nutrients and macronutrients, there's a reason far greater for us to seek to take in proper nutrition... so that we can perform the "good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." You see, you and I are God's workmanship, specifically and uniquely created by Him to serve Him. And we can only do that as we should when our bodies are functioning as they should. Which means you and I have a responsibility as believers to consume only pure and whole (spiritual and physical) foods that will properly fuel our bodies and our minds.
So when making choices on what foods to eat, let us remember that food is fuel—nothing more, nothing less. What we put in is what we get out. And if we want to be all that God designed us to be, we must make our physical and spiritual nutrition a priority.
Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that what we eat, what we listen to and what we watch will affect the way we "walk" and perform the "good works" you created in advance for us to do. Help us to be conscience and careful to only consume those things that are pure, wholesome and good Lord that we might serve You to the best of our ability. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.
Happy Running!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Positive Reinforcement - I love this one. This is something long distance runners have learned to embrace but would serve all runners well. Why? Because running for extended periods of time can not only be boring but tiring; two things that will cause a runner to entertain thoughts of giving up. Continuous rewards provide positive reinforcement which will help runners avoid these thoughts and feelings. How does this work? Well.... running intervals (running for a set period, followed by walking for a set period from start to finish) is the way the majority of ultra runners complete long distances and a technique that is soaring in popularity for distances from the 5k to the marathon. And the reason it works is because a runner gets a rest reward for every run segment. To see how that looks in real time, consider what my friend, Jody Rhoads, and I did over the weekend to complete a 50k training run. We ran for 45 seconds and then walked for 30 seconds. We did this from start to finish which means we received hundreds of rewards in the form of walk breaks over the period of 31 miles. We didn't mind putting in the work because we knew that a reward would follow our effort. See how the rewards worked as positive reinforcement?
Something that is given for some attainment. Alright. So while this might look different for everyone, my version is coffee! There is no better reward that I can think of for finishing up a long run, hard run or any run for that matter. The thought of giving myself a hot cup of java after putting forth some determined effort can literally keep me motivated for tens of miles and get me out the door in the morning. And while I don't know what type of reward will motivate you, check out the rewards a few of my friends said inspire them to press on.
And Jill Brockman had this to say... When I complete my weekend long run training... of course it’s pizza on Sunday nights;) I also motivate myself with new shoes! Anytime I’m completing a big race such as a marathon or 50k... new shoes or running attire are always the reward! I use this for both of my teenage daughters if they do a half marathon! When I complete my upcoming 100 miler I’m treating myself with a trip to the beach! Can’t wait!!
And you'll love how Alicia Adamson motivates herself to keep on going... How I reward myself. I had to really think about this. Do I even reward myself for accomplishing goals? When I really sat down to think about it, I reward myself daily. Sometimes it is allowing that sweet treat in the evening after a long hard workout. Sometimes, it is popcorn and movie night just because I made it through my stressful work day. It really just depends on what I accomplished that day that I feel like I need to reward myself. Life is too short not to allow grace and rewards. Eat the cake.
A reward process is important because it gives short-term incentives for the bigger goal. If that makes sense. And it gives you a tangible reward. it has shown in some people that shopping or giving you something, releases dopamine and a sense of euphoria. I have a list of things that I would like for myself, and if I reach a goal and I'm able to buy something off that list. - Rachel Bowers who is also training for an upcoming ultra
For the goal I just reached, I am buying new jeans that fit. They will reaffirm my sense of accomplishment every time I put them on AND keep me accountable so I do not go back. - Rebecca Ito on reaching a milestone she has been working very hard to attain