Sunday, May 31, 2020

God gives us perfect peace

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

Soaring Up In Sunshine: April 2016
With a heavy heart, I set out at sunrise yesterday morning intent on logging some much-needed miles before church. But once again I began considering all the chaos going on in the world and I was tempted to check the news for updates as I made my way along the trail. "Don't do it Melissa," I felt the Spirit say. "Don't waste this precious time alone with Me concentrating on the negative things happening around you, pray about those things instead. Don't give worry a foothold." And you know what? I'm so glad I listened to His voice. Spending that time in prayer, filled me with "God's peace” rather than the anxiety that always accompanies worry and is harmful to our physical, spiritual and mental health. 

In fact, worrying is so bad for you and me that Paul urged us not to "worry about anything" but to "pray about everything." Why? Does prayer always change our circumstances? No. But it always changes the way we look at them. You see, when you and I choose to pray, we choose to trust God. We choose to give Him those burdens we weren't meant to carry. We choose to say, "Lord, my heart is troubled from the numerous reports of disease, death, dissension and destruction that are in our world today but I know You are greater than all those things. Thank you for taking my anxious thoughts and replacing them with your perfect peace." 

So if you find yourself worrying today, you're not alone my friend. It's reported that suicide hotlines have seen an increase of 800 percent in calls. But guess what? If you've placed your trust in Jesus Christ, you have no need to worry about anything - something the Lord will assure you of when you reach out to Him in prayer. Won't you do that today? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that prayer brings us perspective by bringing us into your presence where You make Yourself known and remind us that You are bigger than any giant we might be looking at. You remind us that You are sovereign and that nothing is out of your control. And You give us the peace we so desperately need that guards our hearts and minds. And for that Lord, we thank You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

When our plans change

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps." Proverbs 16:9 NLT

The 2020 Boston Marathon has been canceled.

Thousands of runners around the world were disappointed yesterday when Boston Mayor Marty Walsh made the announcement that the 2020 Boston Marathon had been canceled. "There's no way to hold this usual race format without bringing large numbers of people into close proximity," he said. "This kind of event would not be responsible or realistic on September 14th or anytime this year." All registered participants will be offered a full refund for their entry fee, and the race will be replaced by a virtual event in which participants can earn their finisher's medal by verifying that they ran 26.2 miles on their own within a six-hour time period. Walsh called this a "difficult adjustment," but said that "meeting tough challenges is what the Boston Marathon is all about."

And you know, when it comes to adjusting to difficult changes in life - changes that sometimes come out of nowhere and come with challenges - you and I would do well to remember that "we can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." That means, no matter how in control of our lives we feel we are, we ultimately aren't in control of anything. And can you think of any better way the Lord could remind us of this than by changing our plans? I don't know about you my friend but I sure need this reminder from time to time. I’d venture to say that we all do. 

So knowing that God is good and His plans are always better than ours, let our response to any "difficult adjustment" period in our life be to humble ourselves before Him and say, "Lord, what would You have me do instead? What do You want me to learn from this? I acknowledge that You are in total control of my life and I commit my plans to You." 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God who is always faithful. Cause us to remember all the ways You have been faithful in the past that we would trust You in the present and for our the future. Cause us to also remember the many times Lord that You caused a change in our plans that worked out better than anything we could have ever imagined. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Faithful now - Vertical Worship

    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Enjoy the good times

    "When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future." Ecclesiastes 7:14 NIV

    Image may contain: one or more people, crowd, sky and outdoor

    One of the features I like most about Facebook is the Memories link. I really enjoy looking back to see what I was doing 'on this day' a year ago, two years ago or even ten years ago. And on the morning of May 27, 2019, Memories reminded me that I was participating in the Wear Blue Run to Remember with a huge crowd of friends and fellow runners. There were pictures showing people hugging, laughing and gathering for the Circle of Remembrance that is held before the start of the run every Memorial Day. "Oh my," I thought to myself as I compared that day to Monday's 2020 Run to Remember where there were still plenty of laughs but no hugs, no Circle of Remembrance and certainly no large gathering. "Who could have known that a virus would change the world as we know it?" 

    And you know, as the COVID-19 pandemic clearly showed us, no one can predict "their future." Life can change in an instant and there's absolutely nothing any one of us can do about it. In fact, Solomon was so aware of the uncertainty of life that he urged us to "be happy... when times are good." And we do this by treasuring those 'times' and the people we share them with. "But when times are bad," Solomon urged us to remember that God has made them both - something that should bring us great comfort when we remember that God uses the "one as well as the other" for our good and for His glory. 

    So let us smile when times are good knowing it could all change tomorrow. And let us smile even bigger when times are bad knowing that the Lord will use those times to draw us closer to Him. But no matter what, let us always remember that God is good. And although our future might be unknown to us, it's not unknown to Him. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that You are sovereign over all and that you are working all things for our good. Cause us to remember how fleeting life is that we would make the most of the time we have. Lord we love You and we thank You that we can trust You enough to say, “I know that You are good." It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Tuesday, May 26, 2020


    Hello runner friends! 
    Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
    MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how setting BIG goals with a defined and lofty purpose can help you get motivated and help you stay motivated! 

    Get Ready, Get Set, Goal! Achieving Success Through Goal Setting ...

    So after many months of avoiding group runs and races because of the COVID-19 stay at home order, it was wonderful to join my running friends for a Memorial Day event Monday. And after talking to many of them, I realized they fell into two categories. Those that had goals and had kept them despite the obstacles and those that had goals and had fallen off the fitness wagon because of the obstacles. The difference between the two that I noticed? The purpose behind reaching their goals and the size of their goals. So I decided to ask three of my friends (the three who showed up at the race dramatically changed since the last time I had seen them) what had motivated them to stay on track. And here's what they had to say in their own words.... 

    Image may contain: 1 person, selfie
    Sean Wilson Before
    Sean Wilson After

    I began my journey in late December 2019 with my change of priority and lifestyle. The first thing that had to change was really my mind. Once I made a decision to own my health there was no looking back from there. The benefits and gain outweighed anything that I could think of losing with respect to food selection. As a Pastor I always made time to help others, change my plans to accommodate and put my wellness/self-care at times on the back burner. Although it may have seemed as though it was God’s will for me, I soon realized it wasn’t. I became a vegetarian in January 2020 and focused on my diet for two weeks. I dropped 10 pounds within two weeks with that alone. I then began exercising and doing low impact cardiovascular work on the treadmill, elliptical and stationary bike for two months before running on any pavement. I was 338 lbs and I didn’t want to risk injury or create any initial setbacks. I would do 20 minutes on each machine and progress over time to 90 minutes total (30 min per). I again saw the weight fall off and my blood sugar and blood pressure drop. The doctors were prescribing me multiple medications for diabetes and high blood pressure of which I have no need for now. It took me about three weeks to see the results of my blood health without the aid of pharmaceuticals. My change has not only been a motivating factor for me, but for my family. The dynamics have changed in my household, as they have seen my persistence in dealing with something that has had a perceived stronghold over me. As a family we are more active, eat better and enjoy one another on a different level. The benefit of inspiring my family far outweighs cravings and temptations of any kind. Am I perfect? No. I do not beat myself up about it either. What do I do to keep moving forward? I remain consistent and keep my goals in mind. It’s not all about the weight lost but the life I gained. I realized that life itself is a journey with ups and downs, storms and sunshine and good and bad days. My hope is of course in the Lord Jesus and knowing that I have the power to do anything I put my mind to. I will win my personal fight for my liberty of life with respect to my health because I have been built for it. Whatever gets in your way, knock it down and keep moving. This has been a season where I have realized that all I ever needed I already had, I neglected to use it; I’m a better steward of my empowerment. One last thing, a great motivator for me is not the scale it is the inches lost. When you see a nice pair of pants or a shirt, get them in a smaller size and challenge yourself to fit them. Or find that pair of clothes in your closet you use to wear and us it as motivation. Your progress is in the loss of inches not the weight alone. Stay encouraged.

    Jay Tiegs Before and After

    What has motivated me to make changes... After a divorce, a stressful duty assignment, and with military retirement looming I was looking to change my mindset. I believe I was clinically depressed and just struggled to make it through the day. I had been given medication and it made me feel worse and knew there had to be a better way to fight though this rather than going the easy way out. The one thing I learned about depression medication is that it keeps you from going off the deep end, but it also keeps you from finding true happiness. It traps you in a certain range on the scale of happiness. A friend challenged me to a 75 Hard which is an exercise in mental fortitude and discipline. 5 daily tasks, done with consistency. If you have a bad day and miss one task you start over. The 5 tasks: -Take a daily progress photo -Drink 1 gallon of water -Choose a diet, not cheat meals or alcohol -Read 10 pages of a personal development book -x2 workouts of your choosing. One workout must be outdoors despite the weather conditions. The physical change is noticeable in my photos but that is just the by product of the changes in my mental health. I have more clarity on what is important. I've cut out the non essential things and I've learned to say NO more often. I am ruthlessly committed to being a better version of myself so I can be a better father and show people that you can live a better life. I was already doing this challenge when COVID slowed the world and this exercise has grounded me during this chaotic time. We now have a group of about 30 people doing it. Also, I had been struggling with running injuries and by starting to do yoga regularly I was able to increase my distance significantly. I ran over 300 miles in February due to yoga. 

    Rose Chapman Before and After

    I have worked in the fitness industry for almost 10 years, and I know that health and fitness come in many shapes and sizes. When I decided earlier this year to work on my health, it was from a desire for a complete mindset shift, rather than a goal of weight loss. Last year I decided to tackle my mental health and quit drinking alcohol. This has been the single-most impactful change of my life, and I urge everyone to try spending some time alcohol free, even if you aren't a problematic drinker. After quitting alcohol and getting Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from a tick bite, I gained a considerable amount of weight. I got into bad habits of emotional eating, using food to soothe myself. Teaching my group fitness classes was difficult, and I had no energy to do workouts for myself. I had achy joints, hip and low back pain, digestion issues, and wasn't sleeping well. I decided enough was enough and went to my doctor, who put me on a low-calorie diet and had me track all my food. Around that same time, I got my Personal Trainer certification, and took myself on as my first client. I programmed workouts for myself, cut out fast food, caffeine and soda, and have since gone almost completely plant based. Inspired by my friend Jay, I started a program (75 Hard) in which you complete tasks that build grit and mental toughness. One of these tasks is two 45-minute workouts per day, which I thought was crazy! This task has actually led me to a better understanding of my body, and knowing when to back off and when to go hard. Most days, one of my workouts is a walk with my husband. The other workout ranges from HIIT to yoga to resistance training to CrossFit WODs, whatever my body and mind can handle that day. During the pandemic, I've been unemployed and had all the time in the world to work on myself, so I took advantage. The challenge will be continuing to put my health and wellness first, as I transition back into working. To me, the most important thing for someone wanting to make big changes is getting your head in the game. You get one life. Decide how you want to live it, and make sure every thought and action is getting you closer to that ideal.

    So as you can see, each one of these athletes had a firmness of purpose and a steadfast resolution for achieving their BIG goals! And sometimes having a BIG goal is what can inspire you to stay motivated each and every day. It's like looking ahead to the finish line of a marathon. You know you have to complete each mile to get to 26.2 so you chip away at it... one by one... step by step... obstacle after obstacle... anxious and determined to receive the reward for all your hard work. And guess what? If you're shooting for something BIG, you're less likely to drop out midway. 

    Big Goals require the accomplishment of many little goals. - Quotes

    So make your goals BIG! Find a purpose that is worthy of your time and effort and go for it! And remember, you're worth it! 

    And on a final note, remember this... it's never too late to set a BIG goal. It doesn't matter how old you are, how out of shape you may be, or how many times you may have set a goal in the past and failed. Today is a new day and a new beginning! Use your obstacles as fuel for the fire and your failures as stepping stones. Refuse to look back as you set your sights on the finish line, determined to do whatever it takes this time to achieve the victory. I am personally cheering you on!!😊

    Happy Running!!!

    Philippians 3:13-14

    Monday, May 25, 2020

    The most faithful Friend

    "I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me." Psalm 16:8 NLT

    Walking in the Footprints of Jesus : Week Three
    If there's one thing runners love it's running. I know that. All runners know that. So when my dear friend, Rachel, asked me to join her on an upcoming Memorial Day run, I told her that I would be there but I would be walking the course because of a hamstring injury that wasn't fully healed. "I'll walk it with you," she said. "Really? Wow!" was my response knowing that the majority of runners would not have sacrificed their time to do this. And not only did Rachel walk it with me, we walked an extra mile because we were enjoying it so much. I surely couldn't have thanked Rachel enough for her kindness. It really is great to have a friend like that. 

    And you know, while it's great to have a faithful friend, it's even better to have the faithful Friend. The One who, the Bible tells us, is “always” with us. Did you get that always part? That means the Lord walks by our side at all times, on all occasions and in all places. And for that very reason, you and "I will not be shaken." You see, when we truly know and understand that the Lord is always with us, as David did, we will have no fear in the face of trials, troubles or temptations because we know that we are not alone. I don't know about you my friend but that makes me smile. 

    So if you find yourself struggling with worry, anxiety, fear, loneliness or depression today, won't you ask the Lord to come alongside you and to walk with you now and all the days of your life? I can assure you that it will be the best decision you will ever make.

    Heavenly Father, thank You for being faithful to us even when aren’t faithful to You. Please cause us to continually  remember that You never leave our side Lord so we can have total peace in the midst of anything we are going through. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    So thankful for friends like Rachel:). God was so good to give us friends like this. 

    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    The true meaning of Memorial Day

    "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 NLT

    Happy Memorial Day – In honor of our vets who all gave some, and ...
    With the COVID-19 Pandemic still forcing the shutdown of many businesses, churches and events across the United States, I counted myself blessed yesterday to have been able to attend church and I will count myself blessed again today when I join a group of fellow runners and friends (staying 6ft apart of course) for a Memorial Day run later to honor those fallen service members who gave us the freedom to worship and to assemble. Do you realize that's what this day is all about? Honoring those people who willingly gave their lives that we might live in freedom? People who left family behind to forever mourn their passing so that we could be free? Sadly, many people don't. In fact, according to a new study by the University of Phoenix, only around 4 in 10 Americans know the true meaning of Memorial Day.

    Even sadder, though, is that a growing number of Americans don't know that Jesus, like the American soldier, willingly died to give us freedom. You see, by shedding His blood, Jesus took the punishment of death that we deserved and gave us eternal life in its' place. And the best part? This "free gift" of God comes through accepting Jesus Christ's death on the Cross as payment for our transgressions. That means when we submit to Christ and give Him our lives, we have freedom from the power and penalty of sin.

    So if you haven't made the decision to follow Christ, won't you do so today that you might have the true freedom that comes only through Him? And if Jesus Christ is already Lord of your life, won't you tell somebody about it? After all, honoring Him with our lips and with our lives is the greatest thing you and I could ever do to show our gratefulness. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the American soldier who died to give us the freedoms we enjoy in our country today. Help us not to take those soldiers or our freedom for granted. We pray a blessing over their families today as we pay them honor for their actions and their sacrifice. Mostly Lord, thank You for your son Jesus Christ who willingly died to save us from our sins to give us the true freedom found only in You. May we live our lives in honor of that sacrifice each and every day. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    Look for opportunities to be an encourager

    "When he arrived and saw this evidence of God’s blessing, he was filled with joy, and he encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord. Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith. And many people were brought to the Lord." Acts 11:23-24 NLT

    Kids Get Moving Thanks To Kids Run RVA Coaches - Sports Backers
    "Excuse me," someone said from behind as I turned around in the checkout line at Walmart yesterday. "Oh it is you!" the two women said excitedly. "Trinity saw you and said 'Mom that's Coach Mimi! That was my Upward cheerleading coach.'" "Oh my goodness," I replied, holding back tears at the sight of this beautiful young lady standing in front of me. "You're all grown up Trinity... and you're so beautiful! The last time I saw you, you were in kindergarten. Oh how I wish I could hug you!!" And as we stood there catching up, I silently thanked the Lord for having allowed me to be a part of this child's life for a season - and to have been able to encourage her in such a way that she would remember me nearly 13 years later. 

    And you know, as a coach who has had the blessing of working with children and adults for many years, I can tell you that encouraging words can absolutely make or break a person. They have the power to inspire someone to attempt the impossible and they have the power to cause a person to rise up after failure. But guess what? Encouraging others is not just a coach's job. It's the job of every believer. In fact, because Barnabas "encouraged the believers" in the early church "to stay true to the Lord... many people were brought to the Lord." And no matter what job or position any one of us might be in, we all have opportunities to encourage fellow believers to stay true - to stimulate them to stay in the fight when the Christian walk gets hard and to hold fast to their faith when they feel like giving up. 

    So don't wait for opportunities to lift someone up today my friend. Look for them. Pray for them. And when God puts a person in your path or on your heart that needs encouragement, remind that person to dig deep and press on for the prize that awaits every believer who remains faithful to the end. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we, like Barnabas, are to be encouragers. We are to uplift, motivate, and inspire our brothers and sisters in Christ to keep pressing on when they feel like giving up. Give us the words Lord to say what they need to hear and the boldness to speak. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Wednesday, May 20, 2020

    Enjoy every day

    "Sunshine is sweet; it is good to see the light of day. People ought to enjoy every day of their lives, no matter how long they live. But they should also remember this: You will be dead a long time. Everything that happens then is useless." Ecclesiastes 11:7-8 NCV

    What are the health benefits of vitamin D? - Saga

    Now there's yet another reason to get outside for some fresh air and exercise. A recent study published in the journal Aging Clinical and Experimental Research suggests that people with high levels of vitamin D who contract COVID-19 have less severe symptoms than those people with low levels of the vitamin scientists refer to as a powerhouse when it comes to protective effects. And while you and I can get the recommended 1,500 to 2,000 IU (International Units) by consuming foods that are rich in vitamin D like salmon, eggs and tuna, researchers said "you could rely on the old standby: sunshine" of which 10-20 minutes would provide the daily dose needed to boost a person's vitamin D levels. I don't know about you but I'm opting to get my vitamin D from the sun. 

    And you know, I'm not the only one who loves being out in the sunshine. Solomon, himself, said, "sunshine is sweet" and that it was good for us to spend time in it. He went on to say that you and I ought to enjoy every day of our lives because, in comparison to the infinite time we will spend in eternity, our lives are incalculably short - something that we would do well to remember because it will affect the way we spend our days and the decisions that we make. You see, when you and I make the conscious choice to regularly reflect on how brief and fleeting our lives are, we will treasure each day for the gift that it is and not fill it with "useless" things, thoughts, or habits that have no eternal impact.

    So let us indeed enjoy the sunshine and the day the Lord has given us. It is a blessing indeed! But more importantly, let us use this day and every day hereafter to make an impact in this world - to be a light in the darkness that leads others to the foot of the Cross before it's too late.  

    Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing the sun to rise each day and for the millions of other things You have blessed us with. And while it's good for us to enjoy these things, help us to not get wrapped up in them but to focus on doing things that will have an eternal impact. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Be the best you can be

    Hello runner friends! Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
    MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Let's get started by talking about what it means to be the best runner you can be and a few ways you can get there. 
    The Anual Bass Pro Marathon (With images) | Outdoor lover, Bass ...

    So first, let's talk about what "best" really means. Does it mean that you're better than everyone else? That you win every race? Not always. Most times being the "best" means simply maximizing your individual potential and putting forth your utmost effort. And you do this by making the decision today to be better than you were yesterday - remembering that the pursuit of being the "best" you can be is a lifetime process and not an overnight transformation. Now that doesn't always mean running farther, faster or harder than you did the day before but simply finding at least one small way to better yourself each and every day. Think of it as a marathon... the first step is just the beginning. Repeated efforts, steps and determination is what will get you to the finish line.

    So what are four things you can do today to be a better runner tomorrow?

    5 Exercises to Sneak in at Work!

    VOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF EACH MOMENT YOU HAVE. This is so important! Have you ever met those people who just seem to get a lot done? People that leave you scratching your head over how they do it all? These people don't have more time than anyone else, believe me. They just make the best use of the time they have by not wasting it. Case in point... one of my friends recently completed the internship he needed to obtain his Master's degree at the health department where I work. He had only been volunteering there about two weeks when he said, "Melissa, I've been watching you. You never waste a moment. You do your stretches during meetings. You lift weights at your desk, stand on one leg often and get up to personally deliver messages and then take an extra lap around the building before going back to your desk." And you know what? These small things add up! And they inspire others to be their best too. So be mindful and make the most of the time you have. 

    Standing On One Leg pictures | Curated Photography on EyeEm

    PRACTICE PROPRIOCEPTIVE EXERCISE. Proprioception is the awareness of the position and movement of the body. It's what allows us, for example, to walk in the dark without losing our balance or to distinguish between the brake and the accelerator without looking at our feet. Proprioceptive exercises then are exercises aimed at training (or retraining) the body's sense of its position in space, specifically it's sensation of limb and joint movement. One form of these proprioceptive exercises is balance training which has also been shown to prevent ankle re-injury and reduce the risk of ligament problems in athletes as well as improve mobility and prevent falls and injury. And it's easier than you think to work it into your every day life by being conscious of your time and multitasking. Here are some things to try:
    • Stand on one leg whenever you're waiting in line at the grocery store, bank, or even at the copier.
    • Stand on one leg while brushing your teeth; one minute on one leg while brushing the top teeth and one minute on the other leg while brushing the bottom teeth. 
    • Practice sitting down and getting up from a chair without using your hands.
    • Take a Tai Chi class.
    • Keep a wobble board in your office. stand on it during a break or whenever you're on the phone.
    • Get a stand up desk and take time throughout the day to stand on one leg. If your office won’t provide you with a stand up desk, consider buying your own. I bought one that sits on top of my desk and it was worth every penny. That's another change you can make today.... your mindset. Remember that you're worth investing in!!
    Optimal Performance: The 9 Best Foods for Runners

    GET YOUR EATING HABITS IN CHECK. Remember what I said about investing in yourself? This is one of the best ways you can invest in your health and something you can change today. Practice these six healthy eating habits and you'll notice a change in your mood, in your performance, in your waistline and in your sleep. Yes! What you eat can affect all that because, plain and simple, what you put in is what you get out. 
    • Eat your fruits and vegetables. Shoot for at least four to five cups of vegetables each day and two fruits. 
    • Hydrate properly. As a general guideline, drink about half of your body weight in ounces each day, more if you're active. 
    • Eat your breakfast. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast boosts your energy. And don't worry, if you're an early morning runner, you can eat your breakfast after your workout. 
    • Don't skip the post-run snack. To ensure proper recovery - especially after a hard workout or a long session - make sure to eat a 200-300 calorie snack within 30-45 minutes of finishing. Shoot for foods high in protein and carbohydrates and try to add in anti-inflammatory foods, such as walnuts and avocados. 
    • Eat slowly. We all know what it's like to feel "rungry" but to avoid eating more calories than you burn off, take your time. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal of "fullness" from your stomach. 
    • Avoid processed food. Seriously, this is really important. Processed foods are full of sugars, preservatives and trans-fats and are usually stripped of any nutritional value. Treat your body good and it will thank you. 
    Books | The Manual

    STRENGTH TRAIN THE MIND AND THE BODY. Want to be the "best"? Then use your time to the best of your ability. Keep resistance bands at your desk and use them to strengthen your hips and legs. Keep free weights there too. Do bicep curls or tricep extensions when you're waiting for a page to load or are reading an article or work report. And speaking of reading, use your free time to learn! And make the most of that free time by asking yourself, "Is what I'm reading or listening to helping to make me better than I was yesterday? Is it serving to help me the best me that I can be?" If the answer is no, then find something that will. Making the most of each moment you have requires constant thought and effort but it's so worth it! You are worth it!

    And on a final note, I do hope you'll remember that you are a work in progress. You will never be perfect and that's okay! What you can be, though, from this moment forward no matter your age, health, or fitness level is a person committed to being better than you were yesterday. No excuses! Make today the day that you say, "I'm going to take that first step because I'm worth it. God said it and I believe it. So I will no longer settle for being merely good anymore. I want to be the best that I can be and I will put in the work to make it happen."  ðŸ˜Š

    Happy Running!!!

    Monday, May 18, 2020

    God attends to our prayers

    "But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer." Psalm 66:19 ESV

    prayer-person-praying-hands - Diocese of Bridgeport

    Several weeks ago, a friend of mine and I were talking about some of the strangest things we had ever seen while out running or walking. "I found a golf ball the other day," my friend, Patty, said. "Which is weird because there isn't a golf course within 25 miles of my house and none of my neighbors golf." "Hmmmm... that is weird," I replied laughing. What was even weirder though was finding a golf ball, myself, while out running on a rural farm road the very next morning. Knowing this discovery just couldn't be random, I asked the Lord, "What are you trying to tell me?" And just the other day, after waiting weeks for a response and at a time when I really needed reassurance, I heard Him say, "You know how you were talking about that golf ball? I heard you talking. And I heard your prayer. I hear everything you say and I know everything you need and when you need it. Trust me." Oh my! Who would have guessed that God would have used a neon golf ball to remind me to trust Him?

    And you know, there will be times in every believers' life when they will pray over something and have to simply wait... and wait... and then wait some more. And it's in those waiting periods that they might begin to wonder, "Does God hear my prayers? Does He even care?" And the answer to that is yes and yes. In fact, the psalmist said that God not only listens to our prayers but personally attends to the voice of those prayers. That means the Lord literally sits in on our prayer sessions and deals with our prayers in the way and the time that is best for us. How's that for caring about us?

    So if you find yourself in a waiting period today, take heart my friend. God knows what you need and when you need it. More importantly though, He knows what's best and will answer your prayers accordingly. Trust Him. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the many ways You remind us that You can be trusted. You truly are worthy of all of our praise and devotion. Help us to be patient in the waiting Lord, knowing that your timing is always perfect. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

    Happy Running!!!

    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    Do not take Him for granted

    "I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds." Psalm 9:1 ESV

    Thank God! – WELS
    After getting in an early morning pool workout yesterday, I excitedly headed to church, grateful to be worshiping with my church family once again after services were canceled more than two months ago due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Walking into the doors, I smiled and waved at these people whom I dearly love and had missed so much and desperately longed to touch. Then, sitting down in the sanctuary I had sat in countless times before, I looked around at my ‘family’ now sitting 6ft apart from one another and was immediately overcome with the realization that I had taken handshakes, hugging and even this Sunday morning ritual for granted. And as I sat considering the countless other things I had taken for granted, I fought back tears as I silently confessed to the Lord, "I have taken You for granted too Father. Please forgive me." 

    And you know, if taking something for granted means failing to properly appreciate a person or a thing, especially as a result of over-familiarity, the majority of us would admit to not properly appreciating the things God has blessed us with. Think about it. God gives us all good things that we take for granted - and when we take them for granted, we take Him for granted. For instance, how many times have you and I said thank you Lord when we turned on the tap and clean water flowed out? How many times have we said thank you Father when we put our key in the ignition and the car started? How many times have we said thank you God when we woke up to a new day with air in our lungs? How many times have we thanked Him for the stars in the sky? And the answer to those questions quite simply is... not enough.

    So let us, like the psalmist, take the time to "give thanks to the Lord" and to "recount" His "wonderful deeds" each and every day that we might not ever take Him for granted again. After all, everything we are and everything we have comes from the Lord and He is so very, very, very good to us.

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us so many good things that we do not deserve. Forgive us for not thanking You as we should and help us to never take You for granted again. You are worthy of all our praise Lord for You alone are the Giver of all good things. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    Remember what God has done

    "I will remember your great deeds, LORD; I will recall the wonders you did in the past." Psalm 77:11 NLT

    Does God Care if I'd Rather Sing Worship in My Car Than at Church?

    Like many runners who had all their races cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I'm enjoying the memories of past events that pop up on Facebook. For me, remembering what fun each race was and how the Lord gave me the strength to complete them brings a smile to my face. I've seen pictures of former ultra runs, trail runs, and even group runs with friends. Just yesterday, in fact, the finish line photo from the 2012 St. Louis Marathon popped up along with my post, "Finally got pics back from the St. Louis Marathon. 3rd times the charm. Best run in St. Louis ever, praise God." I'd say it was a good run. I not only qualified for the Boston Marathon that day but had my kids and mother there to greet me at the finish line. Oh how good memories can raise a person's spirit. 

    And you know, good memories do more than just raise a person's spirit. They remind us that God can be trusted. You see, remembering the many ways God has been faithful to us in the past inspires us to trust Him with our future which gives us hope for today. And hope, or the confident expectation of what God has promised will come to pass, is the very thing that will strengthen our faith and sustain us through any trial or difficulty we are facing now or will ever face hereafter. 

    So no matter what trouble you might be experiencing today my friend, choose to remember the "good deeds" the Lord has done in your life and then choose to recall the "wonders" He has performed in the past. By doing so, you’ll find that God is more than able to carry you through any storm and more than capable of being faithful to the end. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God who can be trusted always. Not one of your promises has ever failed and none of them ever will. Help us to recall all that You have done when we are anxious about the day or about the future so that we would trust You in all circumstances. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Wednesday, May 13, 2020

    There is a time for everything

    "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:... a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing," Ecclesiastes 3:1,5 NIV

    Image may contain: 3 people, including John Hamrick and Beth Salinger, sky, shoes and outdoor

    "Today I should be packing my gear, getting ready for my 17th Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon." Those were the words the Race Director of the Cleveland Marathon and my dear friend, Beth Salinger, posted Monday morning. She went on to describe all the other things that, as the race’s Director, she "should be" doing right now instead of being home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Things like, "sending out final move in details to all the vendors for the health and fitness expo, most of who will never read them and call me wanting to know what time they can get into the expo hall for set up. It’s the same vendors every year and as crazy as they make me, I can’t wait to see them!" And while I have no doubt that Beth will miss the excitement that goes along with putting on a race of this size, I know she will miss the people she has worked alongside with every year the most - people that she has grown to love. "I wish I knew last year that I would have to wait 2 years to see them again." Beth said, "I would have given them an extra hug."

    And you know, when it comes to taking full advantage of the time God has given us, we would all do well to remember that, as Solomon wrote, " there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity." There is even, Solomon ironically wrote, “a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.” You see, he wanted us to understand that all of our experiences in life, both good or bad, have a set time and season that will eventually pass and never return. Can you just imagine how many people long to go back to a season to do something they should have done when the moment was theirs' to grasp? Never understanding the brevity of life? And while none of us can go back in time, we can certainly learn from the past and take full advantage of the time we have left. 

    So before another moment passes you by, do something you've been putting off. Call a friend to tell them how much you appreciate them. Embrace your spouse. Hug your kids! Go visit your mom and let her know she is loved. Send a gift to someone you know who needs to be encouraged. Be mindful of each moment you are given and make the most of it so you won't ever have to look back and say, "I wish I knew... I would have..." 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that there is a time for everything under the sun and that our seasons will pass before our eyes, many times much sooner than we can imagine. Teach us the value of our days Lord that we would spend them wisely and make the most of every opportunity. Help us to live in the moment. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Have a little fun

    Hello runner friends! Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
    MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about ways to make running more fun! And how it can make you a better runner.

    So raise your hand if you’re training for an important goal right now! Okay, now raise your hand if you’re so caught up in that goal that running feels like a chore. 

    If you're relatively new to running then you probably don't remember a time before GPS watches tracked your miles, your heart rate and a host of other things and could instantly download that data to Strava or another running app. Now this is great if you're into tracking things like this or want to compete with your friends but it also has a downside... it can make you obsessive about your performance or lack of it. Which is exactly why it's so necessary to take a break from time to time and run for the fun of it!

    Would you believe that there was a time not very long ago when runners had no way to track their mileage unless they drove the route in their car? It's true! And because of this, I used to train for marathons by time - clueless as to what mileage I was actually running. And guess what? I enjoyed it so much more! I even passed that advice on to my sister who was growing increasingly frustrated with her training plan. "I'm never going to qualify for Boston!" she cried out to me one day nearly in tears. After calming her down, I suggested she train for a set amount of time rather than a set distance. And guess what? She qualified and had fun doing it. 

    Now I'm not saying that every person should train this way. But every person should lower their expectations from time to time and have a little fun with running. And remember, consistency over time is what makes a runner successful, not one workout or long run -  which means having an occasional fun day or week won't impact your fitness negatively or your ability to achieve your goal. And remember this too, if running isn't paying your bills, don't take it so seriously. 

    So let's look at some ways to have fun....

    Your Three-Step Guide To Joining A Running Group - Women's Running
    Join a running group
    Running with a group is not only a great way to pass the time on a long run but can be so fun on any run. I have several running groups that I'm a part of and I will tell you that we have had some very strange conversations that have made me laugh hysterically! If you're training for a specific goal, you might not want to join your running posse every day but once a week would definitely have you smiling and more motivated to stick to your training on the other days. 

    Explore a new trail
    Drive somewhere random to run (taking safety precautions of course). Ask your friends what their favorite routes are and check them out for yourself. Sometimes a change of scenery is just what you need to put the fun back in running. 

    The most impressive Strava GPS drawings we've seen so far
    Download a new app
    If you haven't made art out of your running route yet, you're definitely missing out on the opportunity to make running fun. I have a friend who one day spent a whole afternoon running the word FROGHILL on a football field to promote a race we put on. He had a blast and got in a great workout! Get creative. The possibilities are endless!

    When to Challenge Someone to Duel - ReCraigslist
    Challenge someone
    Are you a competitive person? Challenge a friend or friends to join you for an impromptu race or to see who can do 10 hill repeats first. Get creative in your challenges and, for extra motivation, put a friendly wager like a pizza or beverage on the line. A couple of years ago, a friend challenged me to a "taco challenge" in which she and I would eat tacos at the three hour mark of a six hour race and attempt to keep them down. I accepted the challenge and it made the race so much more fun! I ate more than my friend and so she had to declare me the winner! But we both won because we both had fun.

    Running Forrest Gump Costume | Carbon Costume | DIY Dress-Up ...
    Go for a run without a pace, distance or route in mind
    In other words, channel your inner Forrest Gump and leave the GPS watch at home. After all, they weren't around at the time Forrest made his famous journey across the United States and he was just fine. And for some added fun, you can even dress like him!

    And on a final note, I hope you'll remember that life is a journey and each day you are blessed with along that journey is a gift. So take time to breathe in the beauty of each moment. Stop to smell the flowers. Stand in awe at the beauty of each sunrise. Listen to nature all around you and express gratefulness to the One who created it. Take the time to have a little fun! This one life is all you have so make the most of it. ðŸ˜Š

    Happy Running!!!

    Monday, May 11, 2020

    Be dressed and ready

    “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.” Luke 12:35-36 NIV

    Dressed for success: Ex-Tucson runner sets record in suit ...

    As I opened the closet door to take out my running shoes early Sunday morning before church, I smiled at the sound of my four-legged companion’s snoring at the end of the bed, oblivious that I had gotten up. But at the sound of my voice saying, "Are you ready? Do you want to go for a walk?" she sprung off the mattress with her tail wagging feverishly. As Scarlet then jumped up and down and began to whimper at the sight of the leash in my hand, I had to calm her down just to be able to hook it to her collar. "Oh my," I thought to myself with a grin, "this is the way I want to react when the Lord comes back to get me. Lord help me to be this ready and excited." 

    And you know, when it comes to being ready for Jesus' return, the Bible warns us to "be dressed ready for service... like servants waiting for their master to return... so that when he comes and knocks" we "can immediately open the door for him." Did you get that immediately part? When Jesus returns, there will be no time to get ready. We have to be ready. And how do we do that? By living each day as if He could return at any moment, always on duty and working tirelessly to fulfill the Great Commission and complete the calling He has placed on our lives - all the while in eager and joyful anticipation of the day we will see our Savior. 

    So I ask you this my friend. If Jesus were to come back at this very moment, would you be ready? Would He find you going about His work with your mind focused on Him, using your time and talents to the absolute fullest? Or would He find you complacent and focused on enjoying the things of this world instead?  

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that when You return, there will be no warning. Help us to fully grasp this that we might resist the urge to be lackadaisical in our work. May we live each day with intention that we would have no regrets when our time ends and we would be found ready to open the door at the first knock. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    Go outside the walls

    "On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." Matthew 9:12

    Back on his feet after being homeless and suicidal, he's helping ...
    With eyes closed, I smiled upon feeling the sun's warm rays gently touch my face as I was singing along with the praise team at 'church' yesterday - church that was held on the freshly cut lawn outside the building. "Amazing grace. How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see..." Oh how those words resonated with me as I looked around at the gathering of people there, people of various ages and backgrounds. There were families huddled together on blankets, couples sitting in lawn chairs and people in their cars - all with one thing in common... they, like me, were once wretched sinners who were saved by the unmerited favor of God and were now compelled to sing praises to the Savior because of it. 

    And you know, when you and I say the word 'church', most people will visualize a building. But if there's one thing we have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's this... the church is not a building. To understand what the church really is then, consider the words of Jesus who, when asked why He would eat with sinners, said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." He was reminding us that the church is not a place but a group of imperfect people who recognize their desperate need for a Savior, who seek to glorify the Father above all else, who share a vision and work together as a team, and who go outside the walls to help the "sick" and those in need. 
    So as the church buildings begin to open back up and we slowly resume worshiping within the walls of them, let us remember that we have work to do and people to reach. People in need of a helping hand that can only be extended when we go outside the walls of the building and into the streets of our towns and cities to meet them where they are. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing grace You bestow on penitent sinners. You are so faithful and so worthy of our undivided love, devotion and praise. Ignite a fire within us Lord that compels us to leave the safety and comfort of our homes and church buildings to lead the lost to You and bring back those who have strayed. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

    Happy Running!!!

    Look at that sky! The Lord gave us a beautiful afternoon to worship. He is so very very good. 

    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    The indescribable Gift

    "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV

    Gift Guides for Your Run Buds

    Just in time for Mother's Day, Runner's World Magazine published an article titled, "Best Mother's Day Gifts for Runners" urging its readers to "Get the mother runner in your life something she really wants this year." And to find the gift that "she really wants," the editors polled the dedicated mother runners in their own lives for their favorite tech and apparel to find out what was on their wish lists for Mother’s Day. The final list included twenty gifts to choose from for every type of mother runner out there including rookies, race addicts and longtime runners who like to hit the trails to unwind. 

    And while any one of those gifts would surely put a smile on a mother runner's face, their value is nothing in comparison to the "indescribable gift" God gave the world over 2,000 years ago. Think about it. We give gifts to people because we love them, honor them or want to thank them for something right? That is why this "indescribable gift" and the giving of it are unable to be adequately described with any amount of words! You see, when we were lost in our sin and undeserving of any good thing, God gave us his one and only son Jesus Christ who brought salvation to the world. Do you get that?? We received a gift of immeasurable, incalculable and unfathomable value simply because God loves us. I don't know about you my friend but the thought of that fills my heart so full with gratitude that I can't help but smile. 

    So on this Mother's Day, be sure to thank your Mother for all the good things she has done. She is surely deserving of it. But more importantly, take the time to thank God for the "indescribable gift" He gave to all of us. Not just on this day but every day. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us when we didn't love You back. Thank You for not giving up on us Lord when anyone else would have turned and walked away. You are surely a God worthy of all our praise, honor and worship. So today and every day we thank You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

    Happy Running!!!

    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    God gives new beginnings

    "'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV

    Nike Fit Digital Foot Measurement Tool - Nike News

    If you're like me and thousands of other runners around the world, you purchased your running gear online during the COVID stay-at-home order. And while that was great for us, it wasn't great for running stores who saw a huge drop in revenue and were left scrambling to find ways to make up for the lost foot traffic. Pacers Running stores in Washington, D.C. was one of those stores. When their shops closed on March 16, Kathy Dalby knew they had to so something fast to keep sales going. So they did something new. They added virtual fittings, where customers could schedule online shoe-fitting appointments from home and get a similar shop feel via a video call. She said this allowed her to keep her employees working. How's that for being innovative?

    And you know, when it comes to being innovative, God is always doing new things and working to bring about new beginnings. In fact, when the Israelites were once again living in captivity, He told them to "forget the former things" so they wouldn't dwell on their past sins and failures - something that would keep them from moving forward to the "new thing" God had in store, their release from exile. And thankfully, the Lord is still doing new things today. He is still releasing people from the bonds of sin and still giving them new beginnings, new hope and new lives. Isn't that a reason to smile?

    So if you think it's too late to change your life or that you've done things that the Lord couldn't possibly forgive, think again my friend. "Do you not perceive" or understand what our mighty God can do and how much He loves you?  He can even make a "way in the wilderness" to lead you to the "new thing" He has in store for you. It's not too late if you will simply forget the past, move forward and follow His lead. 

    Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God who can and will forgive all our sins no matter how unworthy we might feel of that forgiveness. Help us to understand that You can and will make all things and all people new, even the sinner who thinks he or she could never change, if they would simply make the the choice to follow You. And we pray that they would make that choice today. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Cultivating Resilience

    Hello runner friends! Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
    MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about resilience and how cultivating it can make you a better runner.

    First of all, what is resilience anyway? Resilience is the capacity to recover and adapt quickly to difficulties, misfortunes or change. It's also described as toughness and being able to withstand or even thrive on stressors or anxiety. And why is this important? Because as every runner knows, running isn't always easy or predictable. Neither is life! The COVID pandemic clearly demonstrated that. 
    Boston Marathon champ Desiree Linden's daily routine - Business ...

    But guess what?  A person doesn't gain resilience overnight. It's one of those crucial traits a person needs but can only acquire over time and through trials of various kinds. Think of it this way. A person gets stronger only through repeated battles in which they choose NOT to give up. Every small victory won builds and reinforces a person's resolve to press on.  

    Remember when Desiree Linden crossed the finish line of the Boston Marathon to win the women's division in 2018 to become the first American woman to win the race since 1985? She did it because she was ready to battle the adverse conditions on that day when her closest competitors were not! And you can bet she didn't get that resilient overnight. In fact, she said this about itWhen I was training for the Boston Marathon in 2011, I ran 115 miles a week. I almost won the 2011 race. Almost. I lost by just two seconds. I was crushed. It’s risky business putting your heart into your dreams. Coming so close that year — but failing — could have taught me to be less vulnerable, to risk less, to believe less. But it didn’t. There’s value in behaving like a champion every single day for years — in making it a habit. As time went on, I realized that my daily habit made me a better version of myself. In 2018, the year I finally won Boston, we were pelted by rain and pounded by wind from the first step in Hopkinton. I felt lousy in the early miles, even apart from the brutal weather. Running rewards consistency and resilience. So does life.

    So now that we know how important resilience can be in keeping us motivated and mentally prepared to press on, let's look at three ways runners can build this much-needed trait.
    How To Master Running And Jogging In The Rain

    Run when it's raining. Run when it's cold. Run when you're hungry. Run early in the morning. Run late at night. Run when it's dark. Run trails. Run roads. Run hills. Run when you feel slow and run when you feel tired. Run in every condition so you'll be ready for every condition. And I'm not saying to up your mileage from 20 miles a week to 115 either!!! That wouldn't make you resilient but reckless! Run the miles you normally run, just don't always wait for the perfect time or conditions to do it. Each time you conquer one of these elements, you will not only be more physically resilient but mentally resilient. And every runner knows, the battle to the finish line is won in the mind.

    in your running and in your thinking. Being consistent means being unchanging over time. Which means constantly and continuously training yourself to be the best you can be by always making your thoughts positive and running regularly. And like Des said, "There’s value in behaving like a champion every single day for years." That means making the determination that you will not give up on achieving any goal, big or small EVER. Because let's face it...  you are your biggest rival and you must think like a champion to overcome and surpass that rival.

    Man Climbing Run On Mountain Stock Footage Video (100 ...

    I didn't say you had to like the disruptions or hardships that you will experience in running and in life, only that you should look at them for what they are... opportunities to get better, stronger and more flexible. These are opportunities to learn and grow as you find ways to adapt to changing conditions. Think about it. Every time you make the intentional decision to work through a problem or prevail over a trial, you win a small battle. And each small battle you win makes you equipped to fight a bigger battle, and a bigger one and a bigger one. And remember, keep a smile on your face! Joy won't move the mountain in your way, but it will help you to be happy and sing as you're climbing it.

    And on a final note, keep the joy in every one of your battles by knowing this... after a heavy rainfall, water saturates the ground to a deeper depth. This causes the mighty oak tree’s moisture-seeking roots to follow the water and plant itself down deeper into the earth. It’s believed that the stress of storm wind also causes the outer layers of the tree’s trunk to grow faster, helping it to thicken up in a shorter amount of time. It’s not just one storm, though, that helps a tree grow deeper and stronger where it stands. It’s several storms over time, a series of torrents and gusts. All of this rooting and growing in the face of heavy weather protects a tree from simply blowing over. And, it prepares a tree for the storms yet to come... just as your battles prepare you.😊 Be blessed. 

    Happy Running!!!

    Warrior - Hannah Kerr
    James 1:2-4