Prerace photo with Hopee |
Saturday, September was the Crocker run with registration starting at 7am and the race at 8am. We set up a team413 table to offer TEAM413 merchandise. This also gives us a way to interact with the runners and share what we're about. I always count on God to steer me to that one person that He wants me to talk to. Sometimes it's obvious but other times I don't "see" it. We are told in Isaiah 55:10-11 that God's Word does not return void. So, I just share what I know and believe and rest in His power knowing that someone will be reached through His words.
Lara and Zac Kubinski with Abigail Helton |
Hope got up with me at 5:45 am to be at the race by 6:30 am. We were ready by 7:00 a.m. Spent the morning welcoming and talking to runners. After the race is when the booth got busy. Here's some prerace pictures. A pretty chilly morning in the low 50s.
This little girl asked her mother for a shirt and she went inside and changed into it.
A group of kids with their marine recruiter ran with us. They will be starting basic training in a week. Loved talking to them. This young kid immediately changed into his shirt. I gave my card and talked to their recruiter who expressed interest in training for a spring half marathon. Love how God brings people together. I pray these kids were all blessed Saturday.
Hopee won a pizza at the awards ceremony and had to fight off Luke and his friends to keep it. Luke ran a 22 minute 5k giving him a 3rd place win. Hopee walked/ran it and was happy with the way the race went. I did the 11k challenge and was blessed with a fast and injury free run. The hills were many and steep, just the way I like them:).
Be a witness wherever you are. Be open to what the Spirit wants you to do and don't worry about what to say. Matthew 10:19 tells us "do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say." Even Moses had obstacles but he didn't let it stop him. What's stopping you?
Exodus 4:10 But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.”