Thursday, January 16, 2025

Husbands Love Your Wives

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her” Ephesians 5:25 BSB

In a heartwarming story titled "This Bride Challenged Her Guests to a Wedding Day 5K—and Ran 18:34" published by Runner's World on Wednesday, it was reported that Liv Paxton-Sprankle hosted a (completely optional) Beat the Bride 5K the morning of her wedding on January 3rd. Surprisingly, 26 of her friends (including her mother and the groom who is not a runner but trained for the event because of his love for his bride) took part in the challenge with a few of the guests even claiming PR's. The groom trained for the occasion, and had trouble sleeping the night before because he was nervous about the race. He finished in 30:57, just missing his competition, mother-in-law Wendy Paxton, who’d gone into the 5K with a goal of beating the groom, since the bride was in a league of her own. Paxton-Sprankle waited at the finish line to congratulate Jacob, as he ran into her arms, wearing a tuxedo t-shirt... “It was a wonderful start to the wedding day,” she said in a post-wedding TikTok. “It was literally the best day ever.” Now that's my kind of wedding! 

And, you know, the same sacrificial love Jacob showed for Liv that compelled him to train for ‘the occasion’ is the same sacrificial agape love that Paul was referring to when he wrote, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” This type of love that a husband is to have for his beloved is the same atoning love that compelled Jesus to die for the unworthy and those who didn’t love Him back. You see, while eros love is an important part of a healthy, God-honoring marriage, a divine, giving, absorbing, love that displays itself in self-denial for the sake of another is equally important. It’s a love that never changes and is given without demanding or expecting re-payment. It’s a love so great that it can be given to the unlovable or unappealing, and it’s a love that loves even when it is rejected. It gives because it loves, it does not love in order to receive. Is that an amazing description of Gods great love for us or what? 

So, husbands love your wives “just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” It may not be easy at all times, but it will be well worth it in the end. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that, although eros love is an important part of a healthy marriage, agape love is even more important. Help us to love and respect our spouses as You have called us to do Lord, and help us to be spouses who are easy to love and are willing to put the needs of our spouses above our own. It’s in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tough Christians Trust God

“I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8 NKJV

In a story of dogged determination titled “Four months after injuring legs in crash, runner gears for Mumbai Marathon,” published yesterday, runner Subhash Motwani detailed what happened on the day of the crash and the injuries he suffered that led him to give up running for several months. At the end of what has been a very rough three months, the doughty, determined Motwani summed up, "I believe in the adage: Tough times don't last but tough people do'. In just over three months after the accident, I was back on my feet, training for the Mumbai Half Marathon. I am at my 90 per cent fitness level, as my wrist is on its way to recovery. I am also a bit heavier physically, as I can do limited exercises and had limited training too." Sunday will be a showpiece for an inspiring comeback, proving that the enduring allure of distance races - like a marathon, goes much beyond timings, the finish line or a race. They are a window to the human spirit that shines as bright as the Mumbai sun which will climb high into the sky as dawn breaks on Sunday.

And, you know, when it comes to becoming tough people who can overcome tough times each and every time, you and I would do well to follow the example of David who was able to endure tests and trials that would overwhelm the majority of people, especially nonbelievers. Why? Because David kept his eyes on the Lord ALWAYS and trusted Him with his whole heart. Doing this is what gave David the complete confidence that he could and would overcome any problem, hardship and difficulty in his way and spurred him to say, “With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” David knew that he could do nothing without God. But, with God, he could do anything because he was relying on God’s strength (rather than his own) and following God’s will (rather than his own). 

So, if you want to be one of those tough people who can repeatedly get knocked down and get back up again, give your life fully to the Lord my friend. Allow Him to guide you, to counsel you, and to strengthen you so that you, like David, will never be shaken. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that when we are weak, You are strong. Help us to fully surrender our lives to you Lord so that we would not try to get through this world on our own but would allow You to direct our steps, renew our minds, strengthen our resolve to press on, and give us peace in the midst of peril. Father, please fill our hearts with the knowledge that we are nothing without You and can do nothing apart from You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Benefits of Winter Running

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about the latest running conditions. With the recent ice storm followed by the snowpocalypse that left the roads and trails very slippery, many runners (like the ones above including Bass Pro AmBASSador Jimmy Brooks) who wanted to avoid the treadmill did what they could to get their workouts done outside. Yesterday morning, this is what Jimmy posted "Found enough clear road to get 7.99 miles in. Yes, I did that on purpose." He's a runner who knows that winter running has many benefits and, when asked about the biggest benefit he could name, said "I think a combination of the fresh air and sunshine just makes me feel better. Plus I hate the treadmill." I couldn't agree more with him on both of those comments. And the thing he did on purpose besides getting in a morning run with friends? He stopped before completing a nice round number like those weird runners (and all runners are weird in one way or another right?) who will run around the parking lot until their Garmin registers 8.00 do. I'll admit that 95% of the time, I'm that runner. 

So, in an effort to motivate those runners who are hibernating indoors and waiting it out till sunny and longer days return, I've listed some more winter running benefits below to entice them to brave the cold and leave the electric blanket behind.

But without further ado, here are just a few of the 
benefits of running outside in the winter:

Boost your immune system

As winter’s grip tightens on all of us, bugs and viruses become commonplace and do the rounds, only a few escape without being hit hard by the common cold or flu.

Exercising outside will not only help you fight off any symptoms of a cold or flu but reduce the likelihood of you even being affected. Your immune system works harder and is more prepared to fight off foreign invaders and their nasty symptoms. And the extra Vitamin D you’ll get from the sunshine works wonders the immune system!

Great cardiovascular workout

Cold weather forces your body to work harder during training, and this also applies to your cardiovascular system. As the heart works harder to pump blood around the body during cold weather exercise, this invigorating workout helps to keep your heart health in tip-top shape. With cardiovascular disease being a major health threat in this country, anything that strengthens your heart is a smart move.

Improves your mood

The winter blues, or better known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is when you feel down and your mood is off despite all the holiday cheer. This happens, in part, due to the shorter days and your body/mind not getting enough light and endorphins.

Exercise can boost your mood at any time of year, but it has a particularly profound effect during winter, sending those all-important feel-good chemicals soaring, and keeping the winter blues at bay. In fact, research has shown that a good workout can be up to four times more effective than taking antidepressants, for improving symptoms of depression. As well as being an effective mood booster and pick-me-up, getting outdoors in the fresh air in cold weather can help replenish vitamin D levels in the skin.

Burn more calories

Think of a wintertime workout as a supercharged version of your normal sweat session. Why? Because whatever workout you do, the cold weather will max out your caloric burn. This is due to the body working much harder to keep its core temperature regulated. As the body works to stay warm, the metabolism is kicked into overdrive and your body burns through more calories and fat.

Presents new training opportunities to grow your grit

Since winter running many times renders the streets and trails impossible to run on, this is your time to get creative. Donning ice cleats is a great idea and you can make your workout about time rather than distance, which will allow you to slow down and work some different muscles. With a slower pace, a runner has to work extra hard on keeping themselves mentally motivated, thereby growing their mental fortitude and endurance, aka grit. 

On more than one occasion, I've run in my front yard on the snow in small circles. It's not pretty but it gets the job done. And a person who embarks on such a nonsensical run will finish with a sense of accomplishment mentally and physically. 

So there you have it friends. There are so many benefits to running outside in the winter with one of the best of them being that you can spend time with your friends. There's just something about being out in the great outdoors together that makes for greater conversation than being side by side on a treadmill. So grab a few of your buddies and get out there, remembering that it's never too cold to run when you have the proper gear and take the proper precautions. 
Happy Running!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Believers Will Face Tough Obstacles

“For our light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory that is far beyond comparison.” 2 Corinthians 4:17 BSB

In an impressive story titled “This ultra runner finished one marathon every day for an entire year” published yesterday, it was reported that on the last day of 2024, Belgian ultra runner and bioengineer, Hilde Dosogne, crossed the finish line cheered on by a sea of spectators. Hilde Dosogne set out to smash the Guinness World Record as the first woman to run a marathon every single day of the year. She was able to run most marathons on a flat loop around a stretch of water outside the university town of Ghent, with a strong headwind as one of her toughest obstacles. Onlookers expected Hilde to appear exhausted and struggling to put one foot in front of the other, but she emerged weary with a big smile and her arms up in the air. Hilde exclaimed that she was glad it was over as she completed her final marathon of the year after fighting off blisters, bursitis, the flu, and more.... It goes to show the true power, agility, and endurance of a persistent athlete. Running one marathon isn’t just a physical feat, it also displays mental fortitude.

And, you know, when it comes to running our spiritual race (if we're running to win as we are called to do that is), you and I would do well to remember that it's not a matter of if we will face tough obstacles but when we will face them. And when we face them, we must, like Paul (who was a great example of what it means to be a persistent athlete) display mental fortitude or an ability to stay strong and persevere when faced with challenges, such as adversity or illness--something we do by viewing our troubles and trials as "light and momentary affliction” that “is producing for us an eternal weight of glory that is far beyond comparison." You see, as Paul who had suffered greatly knew, our troubles might seem huge and like they will never end but in light of eternity, they really don’t last for very long nor does the pain they bring. Which is the very reason, we can and must press on to the finish line despite the tough obstacles we will face along the way. 

So, no matter what you’re facing today, remember this my friend... in light of the time you will spend in eternity, the trials and troubles of this world are impermanent and insubstantial no matter how long-lasting they might seem or how heavy they might feel. Considerate it joy then, as you encounter them, knowing that your example (like Paul's) will inspire others to do the same.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the suffering and the sorrows we experience in this world will not last long. Help us to feel your presence Lord as we go through these difficulties knowing that one day we will be with You and our sorrows and suffering will be no more. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Run for the Rewards

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’“  Matthew 25:21 ESV

In an article titled “10 Ways to Make Running in the Cold More Enjoyable,” the writer said “Running in the cold and winter conditions might not rank as your first choice for clocking miles, but it can offer some unique benefits. For example, while you may not get to bask in the sun, you can soak in the beautiful landscape of your neighborhood—because not much beats a winter wonderland view. Plus, with the right gear and mindset, you can not only continue training as usual, but you can even crush harder workouts. So, instead of skipping your outdoor run and heading inside to the cozy comforts of your home, use these tips for cold-weather running to make the best of each mile and enjoy outdoor running even in winter.” And the first and best tip? Run for a reward which “works well to get you motivated to move.” 

And, you know, when it comes to rewards that motivate us to move when we’d be more comfortable staying put, the parable of the bags of gold tells us that God rewards those who use what He gives them to increase what is His, rather than hoard those things or bury them out of fear —as He did the first servant who used his master's five talents to earn another five talents, and the second servant who turned the master's two bags of gold into four. Because of their diligence and faithfulness (notice they were commended for their faithfulness rather than their brilliance) in furthering or growing the Kingdom, the loyal and devoted workers who were moved to action had the priceless reward of hearing God say,  “Well done, good and faithful servant." They were further rewarded with greater opportunity and shared joy and communion with the Master upon his return. 

So, be sure to faithfully use the resources God has supplied you with to build up the Kingdom my friend—remembering that faithfulness means being reliable, steadfast, and unwavering in your commitment to God, demonstrating loyalty and trust through actions that align with God's word, even in challenging situations. In other words, faithfulness means living to please God above all else and chasing that reward until the final finish line is reached.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that every resource we have (our time, talents, treasures, skills, abilities) is given to us BY You to be used FOR You. Knowing that, help us to be found busy, hard-working, and faithful upon your return so that we too might be rewarded for our service by hearing those words, "Well done, good and faithful servant' and then share in the joy of our Master. It’s in your precious and we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Death is Not the End of Life

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;” John 11:25 NIV

In a bittersweet story titled “Wendy Martinez Legacy Project inspires movement for runner safety,” CBS12 News reported that a community
 of runners gathered in downtown West Palm Beach on Wednesday to honor Wendy Martinez, whose life was tragically cut short in 2018. Wendy, who was engaged and just 35 years old, was fatally stabbed while jogging in Washington D.C. Her murder shocked the nation. 
Since Wendy's death, her brother, Juan Martinez, has become a vocal advocate for runner safety. His advocacy has gained momentum as more women across the country express fears of similar tragedies. Juan shared his sister’s story with the group of runners, highlighting the importance of making public spaces safer for everyone. “I 
miss her every day. I love her to death, but being able to talk about her in front of people just brings her back to life,” Juan Martinez said.

And, you know, when it comes to talking about lost loved ones with others, you and I would do well to remember that, rather than adding to a survivor’s pain, sharing memories of those who have gone to be with the Lord can actually bring those left behind great joy. Yet most people shy away from doing so, 
thinking it will only cause further hurt. But, truth be told, as Spurgeon explains, 
Those that believe in Jesus Christ appear to die, but yet they live. They are not in the grave, they are forever with the Lord. They are not unconscious they are with their Lord in Paradise. Death cannot kill a believer, it can only usher him into a freer form of life.” Which means, for Christians, death is only a temporary separation. 

So, don’t be afraid to talk about the deceased spouses, parents, friends, and children of those left to mourn their passing with them my friend. Celebrate their lives and their salvation knowing that when they breathed their last breath here, they breathed their first breath in heaven. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for making it abundantly clear throughout the Bible that Jesus’ death on the cross conquered death once and for all, and that because of his sacrifice, all those who place their trust in You will spend eternity in heaven. Help us to truly understand this Lord so that we would find joy in the mist of our sadness and celebrate the days we had with our loved ones rather than the days we lost. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Boast in Your Weaknesses

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

In a heartwarming story titled “Jellybean the marathon-running dog aims to break new barrier,” it was reported that A Davis man and his Chihuahua are going the distance and even trying to make it in the record books for long-distance running in 2025. Jellybean, six years old and weighing nine pounds, was adopted by Andrew Owens in 2020 from the Bradshaw Animal Shelter. Owens said Jellybean stood up on her back legs when she saw him and the duo have been inseparable ever since. Owens had run with his other dogs in the past and one day he tried to see if Jellybean was interested. At first, she wasn’t, but as soon as Owens started to run away she reacted. And the rest, as they say, is history. The writer went on to say that because of jellybean’s short legs “Each finish line crossed is a testament to their strength, endurance, and hard work, something more and more people in Davis and across the community have started to notice.” Owens followed up saying, “I’ll have people come up to me and say, ‘you know, we never plan on doing a marathon but she inspires us, she inspires us to meet our own goals.’” Do you just love that or what? 

And, you know, when it comes to testaments of strength that inspire others, Paul came to understand the reason God chose to refrain from answering his prayer to be delivered from the “thorn in the flesh” that tormented him, saying “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” What might have seemed cruel was actually a blessing because it was the very thing that would keep Paul from becoming conceited—something that would undoubtedly cause Paul to depend on his own abilities and strength rather than the Lord’s and tempt him to take credit for the things God did through him. Paul was so thankful for this, in fact, that he declared, “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” In this way, Paul knew God would get the glory rather than him and people would be inspired to seek the Lord because of it. 

So, be thankful for your weaknesses my friend, whatever they might be. And then boast in them! Your lack of personal strength will only serve as evidence of God’s strength and the power of Him working through you. After all, apart from Christ we can do nothing. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a good Father who doesn’t give his children all they ask for but all they need instead. Thank You that we can trust You to know what that is Lord. Help us to see our weaknesses as opportunities to let your strength be shown. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!